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Analyzing The Play 'The Storm'

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1. Assume that you are trying to describe “The Storm” to someone who has not read it. Briefly summarize the action. Then explain why you think “The Storm” is (or is not) worth reading.
A small boy, Bibi, and his father, Bobinôt, wait out a storm in a local store. They're worried about the third member of their family, Calixta, but can't do anything. At home, Calixta realizes there's a storm developing. An old boyfriend, Alcée, occurs to be passing by, and gets trapped in her house when the storm breaks. Calixta gets more and more worried about her family, but before she knows it, she and Alcée are making out then having sex. This completely distracts them from the storm. When the storm passes, Alcée leaves. Bibi and Bobinôt came home, and never

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