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Personal Narrative: Getting My Dog

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Getting my Dog

At the beginning of Summer last year I had been wanting a puppy. A lot of my friends had been getting puppies or had been talking about getting a new puppy. I had asked my dad and he said he would think about it. Everyday I would tell myself that “I would be really good at owning and training a dog”. I had started viewing dog training videos everyday and look at all different kinds of dog breeds. Being a nuisance to my parents barraging them with constant questions about getting a puppy. Trying to persuade them became an everyday occurrence. Eventually my little sister joined in too help coerce our parents but it was in vain because the answer in the end was no.

A Little bit after the school year had started, …show more content…
I looked at the price of getting a dog from the Animal Rescue Center of Montgomery County. Two weeks before my birthday, we were supposed to go to the pound to pick out the puppy I had been looking at on the rescue center’s website. Unfortunately for my dad and I he had to pay a lot of money for me to play soccer at Northmont. That meant he did not have enough money for me to get a puppy. I was so frustrated at the fact that it cost so much to play soccer for Northmont I thought about in the heat of the moment. Eventually my anger subsided and I realized wanting to quit just because I could not get a puppy at that point in time was ridiculous.

After a while I felt like the universe just did not want me to get a puppy. Everytime my dad and I had planned to go to the rescue center something came up. Whether it was his work or my soccer there just wasn’t time. I was ridiculously frustrated, I pouted, complained, and was just impatient. My dad told me to be patient and everything will work itself out. He eventually got so annoyed at me that he threatened, we wouldn’t get the dog if I did not change my

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