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Managing Stress During Pregnancy

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Understanding and Positively Managing Stress during Pregnancy
Jonathan C. Rogers
University of Mary Hardin-Baylor
Maternal and Neonatal Nursing
NURS 3612
Christi Emmerson RN, MSN
September 12, 2014 Understanding and Positively Managing Stress During Pregnancy

A woman that becomes pregnant must be cognizant of the physiological and stressful turbulence that her body will endure over the course of the fetal development within the uterus as well as paying attention to fostering an environment that is conducive to the overall health of both the mother and the baby. One aspect that plays a crucial indirect and direct role in the health of the two individuals is the woman’s resilient ability to adapt appropriately to stressors that will …show more content…
Survival stress seems to encapsulate the innate and animalistic aspects that people can have. This incorporates the way in which the fight or flight concept in intertwined into the inner workings of the way in which people and animals have used to survive since the beginning of time. The other two types of stress pertain to environmental stress that relate to noises or pressures from work as well as internal stress one may become burdened with such as worrying. There are hormones that are central to the stress response involving adrenaline and glucocorticoids that are released that recognize there is an immediate crisis going on that is much like the way a hypothetical zebra may experience on a regular, in Africa, being chased by a hungry lion. The zebra understands that either it’s going to eat someone or someone is going to eat it, therefore, begins running for its life. In conjunction with running the body begins pumping more oxygen to the lungs the heart pumping faster to send more blood to the muscles. In the meantime, the body turns off anything not essential to survival such as growth, reproduction, and tissue repair. The zebra, in this scenario, escapes from being eaten and turns the stress response off. Alternatively, some people, as well as women that are pregnant can’t find the off switch pertaining to …show more content…
If it’s the right type then people love it and pay good money for it such as roller coaster rides or parachuting out of an airplane. It’s a moderate stressor and is short in duration so people have a little bit of control in a setting where they feel relatively safe. While positive stress is beneficial if used in moderation, negative stress can lead to health problems. This can affect an individual by succumbing to an illness, feeling tired, and unable to concentrate or think clearly, as well as a possible mental breakdown. The normal emotional reactions to stress are irritability, worrying, unhappiness, anxiety while the normal physical stress sections centering on muscle tension, rapid heartbeat, rapid or shallow breathing, headaches, sweaty palms, and fatigue, etc. The abnormal behavioral signs of stress pertain to possible deliberate isolation, poor hygiene, sudden changes in routines, or changes in eating habits, etc. Relaxation therapy creates an avenue for women to engage in various relaxation exercises to reduce stress during pregnancy (Talley, 2013, p.1). All in all, there are countless ways to relax such as writing in a journal to express one’s thoughts and feelings, listening to soothing music, or taking the extra time to bond with loved

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