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Neglected Issues

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Zach Bellin
Neglected Issues Arise as Crises

The gradual heating of the earth, also known as global warming, strengthens the melting of the polar ice caps, and reduces air quality. Air pollution, just like global warming. Global warming is the change of the earth’s climate and melting of the polar ice caps. Air pollution is a threat to human’s health and the ecosystem as a whole. Deforestation, results in climate changing and decreasing in condition. It’s the eradication of the earth’s forests and trees on a massive scale; killing thousands of species with them. Global warming, deforestation, and air pollution are all large-scale problems that if aren’t fixed, or even acknowledged, will become colossal complications in the …show more content…
Air pollution is not a new problem. It has been a documented issue since the 16th century but over time it has gotten much worse. For a while it wasn’t considered a crisis but now it has become one and more people are aware of it. Air Pollution contributes to the likeliness of getting a stroke, heart disease, lung cancer and asthma. It has caused about 3.7 million premature deaths globally in 2012. Air Pollution affects, just like global warming, all living things. Even low levels of air pollution raise the chances of having an early death. The probability of death’s occurrence in the situation are strongly linked to the black smoke and sulphur dioxide. “About 40 percent of deaths worldwide are caused by water, air and soil pollution,” concludes a Cornell scientist. “Such environmental degradation, coupled with the growth in world population, are major causes behind the rapid increase in human diseases worldwide”, states the article in Sciencedaily entitled ‘Pollution causes 40 percent of deaths worldwide, study finds.’ Most air pollution comes from industrialization and the burning of coal. These are factors caused by mankind; meaning if we want to prevent the problem, we’re the one’s that have the power to stop it. Factories should try to develop environmental methods for using energy. A way to fix the damage, aside from actually ending the problem, is …show more content…
One solution to global warming is every person could choose renewable energies such as installing solar panels on your house or business. Another way to help is using more environmentally efficient vehicles such as electric cars and bikes. Taking public transportation, riding your bike, carpooling, and driving less in general will also have a positive impact. By weatherizing your home and buying energy efficient appliances, people will contribute to slowing global warming.
In order to begin to minimize air pollution you can conserve energy by turning your heat down (or regulate it more efficiently.) Another way to conserve energy is to use energy efficient lightbulbs. Since gas powered vehicles are one of the biggest contributors to air pollution, limiting driving and finding alternative modes of transportation are very helpful. Using electric or hand powered equipment and choosing environmentally friendly cleaning supplies are also easy ways to keep the earth

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