GCSE Citizenship Studies (4105)
Unit 2 Advocacy and Representation (41052)
Centre number | | Centre name | | | Strood Academy | | | |
Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | Ryan Quinn | | | | | |
Assessment criteria | Maximum mark | Mark awarded | Stage 1 - Inform yourself (AO1) | 10 | | Stage 2 - Justify choices and prepare the case (AO2) | 10 | | Stage 3 - Advocacy and taking action (AO1 and AO2) | 20 | | Stage 4 - Assess the impact (AO2) | 10 | | Stage 5 - Reflect and evaluate (AO2) | 10 | | Total | 60 | |
Candidate declaration I confirm that I participated in the Controlled Assessment activity recorded in this profile and that it represents a true record of the activity and my contributions.
Candidate signature | Date | | | | |
Teacher declaration I confirm that the candidate participated in the Controlled Assessment activity recorded in this profile and that it represents a fair record of the activity and contributions of the candidate. The profile is the sole work of the candidate, apart from any details given on the Candidate Record Form, and the final marks reflect that.
Teacher signature | Date | | | | |
Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | |
Stage 1 Inform yourself
In this section, you have to work with others to select a citizenship issue, identify roles and agree responsibilities within your group. You should collect information from a variety of sources: eg from people in school, in the community, in authority, from organisations. You may write letters, make phone calls, use the internet, books, newspapers, leaflets, etc. 1 What is the citizenship issue you have chosen? Why have you chosen it and why do you think it is important? The citizenship issue I have chosen is Recycling and the environment. I have chosen this specific subject because our world is running out of places to put our waste. So we have to recycle to help our planet and keep our selves alive and healthy. Not just for us, but for the next following generations to come. | 2 What are your aims?The Aims for this citizenship project is/was to get members of the public to realize the importance of the issue me and my class are raising. How it is affecting us now, what affects that can/ could happen and how not doing this could lead to devastating consequences. Basically, if we act now we will know what has to be done to achieve our aims and targets. | 3 Identify the research that you need to do and how you will carry it out. The citizenship issue I/we have chosen is Recycling, and the environment. I have chosen this subject as it is important to get the message around of how recycling will help us in years to come. This is basically the healthy alternative way of getting rid of such objects as rubbish. With this, i/ we will be providing information, facts and statistics of the subject and also adding our predictions of what the future holds. | 4 Identify how you will explore a range of views about the issue within your group and the opinions of others. Explain some different opinions about your issue (eg what others think about it - historical and contemporary views). We will be exploring a range of views given to us by members of our school, and others around us. They think to have a serious affect, i/ we should be providing different techniques of teaching and learning about the subject. For example with the younger audience, provide colorful, animated pictures and slide shows to show the importance of the topic and for the older audience, provide factual slideshows, images, and information to show and explain the importance of recycling. |
Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | | 5 Who else is in your group? How did you decide who to work with? The group I have chosen, I have for good reasons. I/ we need different purposeful skills to be able to make this presentation a success. The reason why is every specific job requires a certain skill, and everyone in my group obtains that specific skill for that specific role. There were 4 different roles but my role was to handle the techniqual side of things. This included obtaining facts and information and creating the slideshow to our presentation. | 6 Describe the roles and responsibilities that you each have and how you made these decisions:(i) my roles and responsibilities;(ii) roles and responsibilities of others in my group.My role in the group is the computers/ technical side of things. In my opinion, this was one of the most important roles of the group. Yes we all had an important role, but I feel it was me holding us together. The jobs required from me include researching and providing that actual information and alongside that facts and opinions, the PowerPoint presentation I had the responsibility of making retained all of this information making it easier to read and to understand. | Stage 1 Teacher’s comments |
Level | | Mark | 0 | No work worthy of a mark. Presentation, spelling, punctuation and grammar seriously obstruct understanding. | 0 | 1 | The aim is briefly stated or is implicit. Limited attempt to gather information/data. Limited identification of roles and responsibilities of self and/or others. Identifies a different view with support. The text is usually legible. Some relevant information is presented in a simple form. Spelling, punctuation and grammar allow meaning to be derived, although errors are sometimes obstructive. | 1 2 3 | 2 | The aim and citizenship concept are stated. Identifies some strategies and gathers information/data from different sources. Partially identifies roles and responsibilities of self and others. Explores some alternative views. The text is legible. Relevant information is presented in a way which assists with the communication of meaning. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sufficiently accurate not to obscure the meaning. | 4 5 6 7 | 3 | Clear aims set and citizenship concepts explained. Identifies and carries out clear strategies for gathering information/data from different sources. Fully identifies the roles and responsibilities of self and others. Explores a wide range of views and opinions regarding the issue. The text is legible. Relevant information is presented coherently, employing structure and style. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sufficiently accurate to render the meaning clear. | 8 9 10 |
Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | |
Stage 2 Justify choices/prepare the case
In this section, you need to give reasons for choosing your issue and describe how you intend to prepare your case.
1 Who will be the audience? Are there any important people/decision-makers? The audience for this citizenship project will be age rounded. I say this because I feel everyone has the right to learn about recycling and saving the environment. Depending what age, there are different learning and teaching techniques that can be used to succeed at this. Being able to do this, this might be the start of actually creating a successful campaign. | 2 What is your message? What change do you want to achieve (eg awareness, attitudes, policy, behaviour)? I feel the message to this project is to get the younger generation of the public involved in helping the issue of recycling and the environment. By teaching them this now, they can teach the younger audience in the future. And I feel if we can succeed at this, then our planets health will improve and be around even longer. | 3 What are the key points to put across?The key points that are put across in this presentation are basically to save the environment, decrease co2 emissions, and get everyone to actually start recycling. They will be the 3 main points/ factors in this to try and successfully achieve. If we reach this target, i/ we will feel that this presentation was a success. | 4 What type(s) of media will you use to get the message across? The types of media that will be used in this citizenship presentation will be: PowerPoint, Fact files, Models, Leaflets and posters. These are a few types of media that will be used to present this topic in the presentation. They all play a part in teaching this to all audiences. PowerPoint: To basically give a brief on the topic, giving images, facts and information. Fact Files: To give the brief important interesting parts, figures and statistics of the topic. Leaflets: This is basically a more explained fact file, giving quite a lot of information about that specific topic. Posters: This appeals more to the younger audience giving colorful interesting images and small facts. | 5 Why have you chosen this/these type(s) of media? I have chosen these types of media because they apply and appeal to all audiences. Providing pictures, colors, fun facts for the younger audience, and facts, information, leaflets and images for the older more mature audience. These are some examples of media that we will be using for the citizenship presentation. |
Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | | 6 Describe how you intend to discover what impact your advocacy has had. We intend to create surveys and questionnaires to find out different opinions from different people to find if they recycle or not?. And if they do, how much they recycle and how often? This will be a typical question asked in our survey/ questionnaire, we are using these techniques to get the fairest answer we possibly can. By asking this question to a vast variety of members of the public. | 7 How long is this going to take? Estimate the time you will need to find information, prepare and carry out the advocacy, assess the impact and review the task. In this presentation, me and my group feel to get a good result, it should take as long as it needs( in reason), to get all the information, facts, posters, leaflets and the PowerPoint. After all of this, we hope to get a good result out of it showing that we have helped someone actually learn something. If we succeed at that, we have succeeded at the task given to us. | Stage 2 Teacher’s comments | Level | | Mark | 0 | No work worthy of a mark. Presentation, spelling, punctuation and grammar seriously obstruct understanding. | 0 | 1 | With support, some choices made with little or no justification. Relevant media chosen and limited points identified. The text is usually legible. Some relevant information is presented in a simple form. Spelling, punctuation and grammar allow meaning to be derived, although errors are sometimes obstructive. | 1 2 3 | 2 | Partially justified, relevant choices stated. Appropriate media chosen to present the case in relation to size and type of audience. Demonstrates some recognition of the key points and views to be included; some choices are justified. The text is legible. Relevant information is presented in a way which assists with the communication of meaning. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sufficiently accurate not to obscure the meaning. | 4 5 6 7 | 3 | Appropriate, relevant choices made with good justification. Appropriate forms of media chosen to present the case in relation to the size and type of audience. Demonstrates clear recognition of the key points and views to be put forward; choices are thoroughly justified. The text is legible. Relevant information is presented coherently, employing structure and style. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sufficiently accurate to render the meaning clear. | 8 9 10 |
Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | |
Stage 3 Advocacy and taking action
In this section, you must carry out your plans and present a well-argued case, to try to raise awareness of your issue, to change attitudes or opinions, and/or to gain support for your cause.
The evidence you list in Box 2could include charts, photographs, notes for a speech, letters, copies of emails, witness statements (eg provided by your teacher), newspaper cuttings, transcript of important phone calls, etc. 1 How did you carry out your advocacy/action? In this Project based Learning day (PBL DAY) we have been asked to create a presentation based on recycling and saving the environment, and with this, get different audiences thinking and it is mine and my group’s job to persuade them to start caring and to start taking action. We are hopefully going to be appealing to a huge range of members from our school and the public. Such as the younger audience and the older more mature audience. We are going to appeal to these two specific types of audience(s) by using different types of media such as images, posters, fact files etc. On the day of the presentation, me and my group will be using these different types of media techniques to give a clear image to everyone of what we keep doing, and what will happen if we did something to help the environment. We provided models, fact sheets, information, word searches, cross words and even more! We will know if this presentation has made an affect when it is finished, gathering different people’s opinions and actions. The Strood Academy leadership team will be judging us on whether they feel we have done enough to be successful in this challenge, changing others personal views and opinions on the topic. | 2 What evidence did you gather and how? Evidence that is going to be gathered from this presentation is going to be collected by different types of tables, questions etc. Some examples of this include: Letters, Statements, images and charts. By using all these, we will be able to get a clear set of results on the environment and recycling. If we collect these and are able to add them to our presentation, this will give me, my group and others a clear view on what actually has to be done whether it be to think about the co2 emissions were using or to make a start on recycling. They are 2 examples of improvements that can actually be made. | Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | |
Stage 3 Teacher’s comments | Level | | Mark | 0 | No work worthy of a mark. Presentation, spelling, punctuation and grammar seriously obstruct understanding. | 0 | 1 | Some irrelevant evidence produced. The candidate: * was disorganised and participated in a limited way * was involved in some of the actions taken * carried out some of their own roles and responsibilities in a very limited way.The text is usually legible. Some relevant information is presented in a simple form. Spelling, punctuation and grammar allow meaning to be derived, although errors are sometimes obstructive. | 1234 | 2 | Little relevant evidence produced and used.The action taken was partially informed about the issue. The candidate: * became disorganised at times but participated in some of the activity * at times worked within the group, and carried out some of own roles and responsibilities * carried out changes to plans made by others.The text is legible. Relevant information is presented in a way which assists with the communication of meaning. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sufficiently accurate not to obscure the meaning. | 5678 | 3 | Some relevant evidence produced and used well.The action taken was reasonably informed and relevant to the issue. The candidate: * was organised and participated in most of the activity * generally worked within the group and carried out own roles and responsibilities reasonably well * was able to identify and effect some changes to the plans.The text is legible. Relevant information is presented coherently, employing structure and style. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sufficiently accurate to render the meaning clear. | 9101112 | 4 | A range of relevant evidence was produced and used convincingly.The action taken was well informed, appropriate and generally focussed on the issue. The candidate: * was well organised (most of the time) and participated in most of the activity * generally worked collaboratively and carried out own roles and responsibilities well * was able to identify and effect necessary changes to the plans.The text is legible. Relevant information is presented coherently, employing a clear structure and style. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are accurate and the meaning is clear. | 13141516 | 5 | A wide range of relevant evidence was produced and used persuasively.The action taken was extremely well informed, appropriate and clearly focussed on the issue.The candidate: * was well organised throughout and participated fully * worked collaboratively, carrying out own roles and responsibilities with enthusiasm * was able to identify problems and put into effect necessary changes to the plans.The text is legible and well presented. Relevant information is presented coherently, employing a clear structure, conclusion and style. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are very accurate and the meaning is clear. | 17181920 | Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | |
Stage 4 Assess the impact
In this section, you are asked to assess the impact your advocacy and action have had. This could be done by asking your audience for their opinions in the form of a questionnaire, for instance.
You then need to decide what further action you could take.
1 How did your task affect others in your community? So far in this citizenship task, we have made a presentation on the environment and recycling. So far in this, I hope this has made an affect to others in the community but I still don’t think enough has actually been done to secure a Permanente place of which to keep our request. Maybe more presentations, information and activities similar to this maybe are required to keep a strong thought on the topic. | 2 How effective was your advocacy? Draw conclusions from the evidence you have gathered. Me and my group used a vast variety of ways to show our interest towards the topic of recycling and the environment. We had done this by providing different activities and information to anyone open to taking part. We feel with the purposes of doing this, we, made an effective action towards the right way of making our planet a healthier place to live. We have started getting the word out at the school (Strood Academy) and after hopefully will spread into our community and then possibly further. | 3 Did you persuade people to think again/change their view/support your cause? In what way(s)? In my opinion it doesn’t matter. The reason why I say this is because it is there opinion of which they choose to take this topic seriously, but on the whole I would think the people around us, we successfully persuaded them to have a second thought about recycling. I/ we persuaded them by making the presentation what it actually was, adding all the different teaching techniques, adding facts, information, activities, leaflets and models on what not changing could affect. |
4 Did your advocacy/action have any impact on the wider world as a result of people’s changed attitudes? In what way(s)? Our presentation I feel has given other members of the public an idea, a different chance to think about the topic. By providing them everything we could to make them have a second thought. But on the whole, I do not think we have made a bigger enough impact to make a drastic change on the topic, maybe more wok, activities are needed over a certain period of time could make a big difference to leading us to a better earth. | | | | 5 Describe what further action you could take to pursue your issue. Further actions I would actually take to make this campaign a success would be too broaden our presentation from the school into the community involved around the school. Starting off small building will get more and more members of the public interested in the topic, showing them what could be done on the way. |
Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | |
Stage 4 Teacher’s comments | Level | | Mark | 0 | No work worthy of a mark. Presentation, spelling, punctuation and grammar seriously obstruct understanding. | 0 | 1 | Gathered limited evidence to discover the opinions of others on the advocacy. Limited conclusions drawn from the evidence presented. A brief statement of opinion on the effectiveness of the action may be given. The aim or change made may be mentioned. Limited suggestions made for further action that could be taken. The text is usually legible. Some relevant information is presented in a simple form. Spelling, punctuation and grammar allow meaning to be derived, although errors are sometimes obstructive. | 123 | 2 | Gathered some evidence to discover the opinions of others on the advocacy. Accurate conclusions drawn from the evidence presented. A statement of opinion is given on the effectiveness of the action in relation to the aim/change made. Relevant suggestions made for further action that could be taken. The text is legible. Relevant information is presented in a way which assists with the communication of meaning. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sufficiently accurate not to obscure the meaning. | 4567 | 3 | Gathered appropriate evidence to discover the opinions of others on the advocacy/action. Logical and accurate conclusions drawn from the evidence presented. A clear statement of opinion given on the effectiveness of the action in relation to the aim/change made. Relevant range of suggestions made for further action that could be taken. The text is legible. Relevant information is presented coherently, employing structure and style. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sufficiently accurate to render the meaning clear. | 8910 | Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | |
Stage 5 Reflect and evaluate
In this section, you are expected to review your actions and evaluate how well the activity went, what changes were made or what changes could have been made to improve your advocacy/action. You are asked to evaluate your own contribution and that of others. You need to think of ways in which you could continue to take further responsible action. 1 What were the different views and opinions about your issue? The views taken at the end of the citizenship project were basically the same views as me and my group. We basically all agree that our actions should help play a start in the issue. The issue is/ was to kick start recycling, cut co2 emissions and by doing these 2 main things will help restore wildlife and the environment. | 2 What citizenship skills did you learn and use in the activity? In this time of doing this project, there have been certain skills that me and my group have learnt. Not just to each other, but to any other member of the public. 3 skills that I learnt include: Confidence, presentational skills and communication skills. I feel these 3 things will help make any presentation stand out and become successful. | 3 How has this task helped you to understand more about citizenship issues and concepts? The presentation me and my group contributed in was to basically bring up the awareness of recycling and the environment but alongside doing this task, I feel everyone has learnt at least one thing about citizenship. This could be a presentational skill or a communicational skill. This will also help us in later stages in life giving us confidence and being more communicational. | 4 How did your own contribution make the task successful? My contribution to this task I feel was actually quite important. The others in my group contributed hugely but I feel without anyone of us not being there, it wouldn’t of gone as successfully as it actually did. But without me, there wouldn’t of been a powerpoint, holding the information, obtaining the images and creating all the activities that was shown of the day of the presentation. | 5 What did others do to make the task successful (people working in your group/any others who helped)? The others in my group all had the different important roles to deal with in this process. In this, there had to be an artistic person to provide the models and add the colour, there had to be the researcher, without them there wouldn’t of been no information to present on the presentation which obtains the pictures, activities and the facts etc. These are 2 examples of roles specific members of the group had a responsibility of fulfilling. | Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | |
6 To what extent did you achieve your aims? The extent we went to, to achieve our targets was to create various items to go along side our presentational board. The items we added to our actual presentational board were Information, fact files, images, cross words, word searches and models. Adding these I feel will make the actual outcome a lot more eye catching, more fun and easier to learn and understand. |
7 Did your advocacy/activity have any unintended/unexpected consequences or results? Our advocacy of the project, our specific activity that we contributed in did not have any unexpected results. It all went well as I expressed to my group. I feel we did a successful job in total and I’m proud of what me and my group achieved, all the hard work paid off in a good way. There is more to still be improved upon on but there is still time to come. |
8 What changes did you make to your plans? What could you have done to improve your advocacy? There were some changes that came out in the end of the actual presentation. The timing schedule got slightly changed, but on the whole went well, most things went to plan so it basically went successfully, providing a good layout expressing everything anyone wanted to know. | Stage 5 Teacher’s comments | Candidate’s full name | | Candidate number | | | | | | | Level | | Mark | 0 | No work worthy of a mark. Presentation, spelling, punctuation and grammar seriously obstruct understanding. | 0 | 1 | Demonstrated limited understanding of different opinions. May have given short explanation of the citizenship skills used during the activity or a limited explanation of how the activity has increased their own understanding of the citizenship issue(s) involved. May have commented on their own contribution. The text is usually legible. Some relevant information is presented in a simple form. Spelling, punctuation and grammar allow meaning to be derived, although errors are sometimes obstructive. | 123 | 2 | Demonstrated some understanding of different opinions and viewpoints on the issue. Given some explanation of the citizenship skills used during the activity. Explained briefly how the activity has increased their own understanding of the citizenship issue(s) involved. Evaluated their own contribution and that of others. Commented on how well the plans were carried out and offer some suggestion for improvements. The text is legible. Relevant information is presented in a way which assists with the communication of meaning. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sufficiently accurate not to obscure the meaning. | 4567 | 3 | Demonstrated a good understanding of a range of different opinions and viewpoints on the issue. Given an explanation of the citizenship skills used during the activity. Explained how the activity has increased their own understanding of the citizenship issue(s) involved. Evaluated in some detail their own contribution and that of others. Evaluated how well the plans were carried out and offered suggestions for improvements. The text is legible. Relevant information is presented coherently, employing structure and style. Spelling, punctuation and grammar are sufficiently accurate to render the meaning clear. | 8910 |
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