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Neolithic Revolution Research Paper

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The Neolithic revolution started the practice of agriculture. Before the Neolithic revolution tribes could not stay in one place. To survive they had to move around for food and often follow their food. That lifestyle made it hard to settle and build civilizations. After the Neolithic revolution when agriculture was introduced, tribes could begin to settle on certain land. People started to grow their own food, which meant they had to adapt their lifestyle around the land on which the food was grown. Houses were built around farms and schools to educate children.
After The Neolithic revolution the first forms of government were established. The Neolithic revolution set the stage for the beginning of civilizations.
2. The Egyptian history was …show more content…
Athens had a democratic government with many people deciding on the rules. Sparta had an oligarchy, which means very few rulers. The frequent fighting with each other and the Peloponnesian war, which
Sparta won, weakened both of the states with led for them to fall to Alexander the Great.
6. King Cyrus, Hammurabi, and Asoka were one leaders of the ancient world. King Cyrus unified the Iranian people and became the first king of the Persian Empire. Cyrus created a military and went out to conquer more land. Cyrus went on to create one of the largest empires in the ancient world. As a king Cyrus had a reputation as a kind and merciful leader. However,
Cyrus later found himself in the midst of conflict especially with the Greeks, as soon as he died the Persian empire weakened. Hammurabi the king of Babylon was another great leader.
Hammurabi was the greatest ruler of the first Babylonian dynasty and vastly expanded its land.
Hammurabi established the first law and order. The laws that Hammurabi created, known as the
Hammurabi code, set a model for modern day laws. Hammurabi got sick and weakened which made Babylon lose some of iras barriers and attract invaders. The empire was weakening …show more content…
However, he showed remorse several years later and devoted his life to reach Dharma.
7. The Greeks and Romans had such a strong society that they influenced modern American culture. Greek literature inspired lots of stories in modern western countries, the Odyssey and the
Trojan War were some of the most influential. Both Roman and Greek architecture influences us today. The greek columned temples and Roman hydraulic arches are used in modern times. The
Greeks introduced the world to democracy that the United States uses today. Greek and Roman sports evolved into the modern day sports. The art used today was also greatly inspired by the art of the ancient Romans and Greeks.
8. One of the biggest networks of trade of the ancient world was the Silk Road. The Silk Rode connected lands of China, India, Central Asia, Mesopotamia, and the Mediterranean. The Silk
Road was a system of trade that people from all these lands traveled on trading goods. The Silk
Road had made it possible to connect these different cultures together by carrying not only goods but information. Words, stories, and people all traveled the Silk Road. Cultures expanded by

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...HIST Y AN PHILO PHY TORY ND P OSOP Y OF S ENCE SCIE E COMM MON CO OURSE IN ENG E GLISH BBA (I Seme A ester) BA/BS (IV Se Sc emester)     2011 A dmission onwards o UNIV VERSI ITY OF CAL F LICUT SC CHOOL OF DI L ISTANC EDU CE UCATIO ON Calicut Universi P.O. M ity Malappur ram, Kera India 673 635 ala, a 106 School of Distance Education   UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT  SCHOOL OF DISTANCE EDUCATION  BBA (I Semester)  BA/BSc (IV Semester) Common Course in English 2011 Admission onwards HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE MODULE  I & II    Prepared by :  House No. 21   “Pranaam”  Keltron Nagar, Kolazhi,  Thrissur  Ms. GAYATHRI MENON .K  MODULE III  & IV Prepared  by: Ms. SWAPNA M.S.  Department of English  K. K. T. M. Govt. College  Pullut, Thrissur  Dr. Anitha Ramesh K  Associate Professor  Department of English  ZG College, Calicut  © Reserved  2  Scrutinised by :     Layout:   Computer Section, SDE  History and Philosophy of Science  School of Distance Education   Contents MODULE I ANCIENT HISTORY OF SCIENCE 1. Introduction 2. Origins of Scientific Enquiry 3. European Origins of Science 4. Contributions of Early India 5. Science in China 6. The role of Arabs in the History of Science MODULE 2 7. Science in the Middle Ages MODULE 3 MODERN SCIENCE 8. Newton and After 9. The Advancing Frontiers: Modern Medicine to Nanotechnology MODULE 4 PHILOSOPHY OF SCIENCE 10. Basic concepts in the Philosophy of Science 11. Some Issues in the Philosophy...

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