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RBUS2900 Business Research Method

Article Review: Trust and Team Performance

This paper will be analyzing and critiquing three main articles of trust and its direct and indirect effect on team performance. The selected articles are collected from the journal of occupational and organisational psychology, organization science and journal of business and industrial marketing, published no earlier than 2009

RBUS2900 Article Review: “Trust and Team Performance” 2
I. Introduction 2
II. Research Design Characteristics 3
III. Summaries of the Three Articles 3
3.1. Article1: “The differential effect of team members’ trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion” (Mach, Dolan & Tzafrir, 2010) 3
3.2. Article 2: “Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams” (Joshi, Lazarova & Liao, 2010) 5
3.3. Article 3: “Managerial trust and NPD performance: Team commitment and longevity as mediators” (Doyan, 2010) 6
IV. Critiques of the Three Articles 7
4.1. Article1: “The differential effect of team members’ trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion” (Mach, Dolan & Tzafrir, 2010) 7
4.2. Article 2: “Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams” (Joshi, Lazarova & Liao, 2010) 8
4.3. Article 3: “Managerial trust and NPD performance: Team commitment and longevity as mediators” (Doyan, 2010) 9
V. Reference 12
VI. Appendix 13

RBUS2900 Article Review: “Trust and Team Performance”
I. Introduction
Enhancing employees’ performance is one of the first priorities that organisations are trying to achieve, in order to stay competitive. To improve the overall performance of an organisation, it is important to focus on enhancing the team performance. According to Hackman (1987), he defined “Team performance” as “the extent to which the productive output of a team meets or exceeds the performance standards of those who review and/or receive the output” (De Jong & Elfring, 2010; p. 536). To allow teams to perform well, team members must engage interactively; in order to allow this interaction between teams and incorporate teamwork, trust is claimed to be the major variable impacting team interaction and therefore team performance. As Mach, Dolan and Tzafrir (2010) confirmed that trust within teams allows members to work cooperatively toward achieving the goals and add value to their organisation. Mayer (1995) defined “trust” as “the willingness of a party to be vulnerable to the actions of another party based on the expectation that the other will perform a particular action important to the trustor, irrespective of the ability to monitor or control that other party” (Tansly & Newell, 2007; p. 354). In other words, it is the willingness to take risk with the firm belief that other parties involved will not do any harm or damage to the action taken (Ding & Ng, 2007). This paper will be analysing and critiquing three main articles of trust and its direct and indirect effect on team performance. The selected articles are collected from the journal of occupational and organisational psychology, organization science and journal of business and industrial marketing, published no earlier than 2009. The paper will introduce the research designs and characteristics of selected articles. Then it will provide the brief summary of each article. And finally, at the critique part, the strengths, weaknesses and future direction of each article will be examined.
II. Research Design Characteristics

As the selected articles are claimed to be causal studies, the research design that will be analysed in this paper is causality. The paper will examine if the selected articles have met the three criteria of causality including temporal sequence, concomitant variation and non-spurious association (Zikmund et al., 2010). Temporal sequence refer to the order of occurrence as the cause must occur before the effect, the concomitant variation refers to a change in the cause is associated with a change in the effect and non-spurious association means the cause is true and not eliminated by the introduction of another potential cause (Zikmund et al., 2010, p. 71). According to Pappu (2011a, p. 27), a good hypothesis should be clear, logical, testable and related to the research objectives. This paper will later examine the mentioned characteristics. Because all of the selected articles are causal studies, therefore, all the hypotheses are relational. Relational hypothesis is a proposition which claimed that the change in one variable is affected by another variable (Kumar, 2008). Three types of variables observed in the selected articles include, independent variables, dependent variables and mediating variables. Dependent variables are the variables that are expected to be changed or affected by other variables which are called independent variables and therefore independent variables refer to the variable that is expected to influence the dependent variables in some way either positive or negative (Zikmund et a., 2010, p. 120). This paper will discuss the relationship between variables in each hypothesis of each article.
III. Summaries of the Three Articles
3.1. Article1: “The differential effect of team members’ trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion” (Mach, Dolan & Tzafrir, 2010)
The paper aims at examining the effect of trust in three levels, trust in team members, trust in coach and trust in the top management, on team performance, as well as studying the mediating effect of team cohesion on the relationship between team trust and team performance. The authors developed the hypotheses based on the social exchange theory from the view of Cropanzano, Prehar & Chen (2002) which stated that organisations consist of economic and social transections. They determined to examine the exchange of trust which translates into better performance through the process of team cohesion. The authors proposed three (3) relational hypotheses to be tested. For example H1 claimed that “Trust in the coach, teammates and top management is positively related to team cohesiveness”. This hypothesis is relational as it aims at testing if the positive relationship exists between the independent variables (trust in coach, trust in teammates and trust in top management) and the dependent variable (team cohesiveness). In order to investigate such relationship the authors managed to controlled some variables including: type of sports, previous match performance, permanence, seasons trained by coach, age, and diversity. The research design is causal in nature as it aims to investigate the casual relationship between trust and team performance. To achieve research objectives, the researchers employed the communication method for data collection. The questionnaires had been pre-tested by personal interview, focus group and academically reviewed before going out in the field. The sample was taken from 690 professional athletes from 59 sport clubs of variety types of sports such as football, handball, indoor football and roller hockey. These types of sports were used for the study because they are highly interactive and they present similar features in terms of rules and degree of professionalism. The research environment was partially controlled since participants were divided into two groups, and examine the different measures in each group. However, questionnaires are collected from the field study. Quasi-longitudinal time dimension is used in the study as it combined cross-sectional features for the independent variables with some longitudinal data for the dependent variable over the period of 3 months.
3.2. Article 2: “Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams” (Joshi, Lazarova & Liao, 2010)
Based on the assumption that leaders are able to influence followers based on close, sustained, and personalized contact, this study aimed at redirecting attention to roles of leadership on the geographically dispersed organisation and considering the role of inspirational leadership in developing attitudes that reflect identification with collective team identity. By following social identity theory, the authors suggested that “leaders who display inspirational behaviours can build enduring linkages between an individual’s self-concept and a social group, thereby enhancing identification with the social group” (Ellemers et al., 2004, Turner and Haslam, 2001). Therefore, they developed three relational hypotheses as shown on Table 2. (see Appendix). For instant, Hypothesis 1 stated that: Team geographic dispersion (MOD) will moderate the relationship between individual’s perceptions of inspirational leadership (IV) and commitment (DV) to the team; the positive relationship between inspirational leadership (IV) and commitment (DV) to the team will be weakened (-) in teams that are less dispersed (MOD-) and strengthened (+) in teams that are more dispersed (MOD+). To study the effects between variables more effectively, researchers needed to control some variables such as: individual tenure, tenure in team level, age, gender, team size, face-to-face team interaction. These variables are needed to be controlled since the researchers believed that they will affect attitude and perceptions toward team members and organisations. Since the paper aimed to study the relationship between variables, it used causality design. To achieve their goals, researchers employed communication methods for data collection by using web survey as a tool. Sample was taken from the US based company which has location in all over 40 countries around the world. 700 employees from customer service division were invited to join the study, those of which 247 responds were received. Although the study was conducted in a field study, the researchers managed to controlled sampling by clustering the sample into two groups, the group with less dispersed (based in the US) and the group with more dispersed (others out of the US). Since the researchers used web survey for data collection, cross-sectional time dimension was presented.
3.3. Article 3: “Managerial trust and NPD performance: Team commitment and longevity as mediators” (Doyan, 2010)
Doyan (2010) focused his research on examining the mediating effects of team commitment and longevity between managerial trust and team performance using environmental turbulence as a moderator. Although the research was not based on a particular theory or model, the author had used the managerial trust framework assessed by four factors including behavioural consistency, behaviour integrity, manner and quality of communicated information, and the demonstration of concerns (Hubbell and Chory-Assad, 2005). According to such framework, the author developed six (6) relational hypotheses shown in Table 3 (see Appendix). Hypothesis 1 claimed that managerial trust (IV) will be positively related to (a) team commitment (DV) and (b) team longevity (DV). Researcher believed team size influences the team performance; therefore team size is selected as a controlled variable. To study the relationship between variables, causal study was used for the research design. Communication was used as a method for data collection since the researcher set up individual data collection session which took about 40 minutes each. Individual respondent was given time to complete questionnaire during data collection sessions, the total of 335 sessions was completed. Since the data was collected through this appointed session and was collected once from each individual, the research was under stimulus environment and it is cross-sectional study.
IV. Critiques of the Three Articles
4.1. Article1: “The differential effect of team members’ trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion” (Mach, Dolan & Tzafrir, 2010)
The article has very clear objectives resulted in a very logical and practical hypothesis. The use of causal study is the main strength of the study since they set up clear cause-effect relationship between variables such as trust in teammates; trust in coach and trust in management are set as causes (IVs) which happened before the effect, performance (DV). That fits the criteria of temporal sequence according to Pappu (2011a). Apart from that, the questionnaires used in the study had been pre-tested and reviewed academically before going out to the field, which means that would increase reliability and validity of the questionnaire and therefore ensuring the effectiveness and accuracy of the result (Zikmund, 2010). Another positive side of the study is the used of the quasi-longitudinal time dimension is necessary and very logical. That is because, the data collection for the IVs (trust in teammates, trust in coach and trust in management) is the one-off self-administered questionnaire while the data collecting for the DV (team performance) is longitudinal time dimension, since they relied on the accumulated score from throughout the season as the measurement for performance (DV). Meanwhile, it is very impressive that while the study was conducted under the most uncontrollable environment, the researchers had managed to control some independent variables namely: type of sports, previous match performance, permanence, seasons trained by coach, age and diversity.
Besides those strengths, there are some evident of weaknesses in the research design and procedure. First of all, the use of the sample from sport teams only means there is no variation in sampling; this implies the lack of representativeness. Secondly, the management and working system within sport working environment teams are totally different from other places, therefore the result might not be applicable to other workplace environment, where the practice, value, culture and norm may varied largely. And finally, the questionnaire was given to participants to complete after the training session held at the beginning of the second half of the season. At this point in time of the competition, players are focused on their training and their goal (which is to get the cup for the season). At the same time, they might get extra support from their coach and their teammates; therefore the responds might be overly positive which may lead to some response bias such as social desirability bias (Pappu, 2011b). To overcome this weakness, the researcher should use longitudinal study by taking survey at different points in time and examine if there is any variation or differentiation of the responses. On the other hand, the future study may need to take into account the sample size and the representativeness of the samples. It is recommended that the researcher should get more samples from many different areas and professions, as to reduce some respondents’ errors as well as to increase representativeness of the result.
4.2. Article 2: “Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams” (Joshi, Lazarova & Liao, 2010)
The objective of the study was to examine to the roles of inspirational leadership on the geographically dispersed organisation, as well as to study their roles in developing attitudes that reflect identification with collective team identity. The authors had the very clear objectives of what they wanted to achieve and they used a solid theoretical framework to support their model and develop the hypotheses such as the social identity framework (Ellemers et al. 2004, Turner and Haslam 2001). The model used in the study was quite clear and straightforward and it shows the clear relationship between variables as shown in Figure 2 Theoretical Framework (Appendix). The researcher use communication method such as web survey for data collection, which is the only practical technique for the study involved respondents that are geographically distanced. Regardless of the nature of the field study survey which is uncontrolled environment, the researchers had controlled the samples by clustering them into two groups, the less dispersed group (within the US) and the more dispersed group (other than the US). This way, researchers could discriminate the effect of the team dispersion (MV) on the relationship between inspirational leadership (IV) and Team commitment (DV) and team trust (DV).
Despite some good points mentioned earlier, the research holds some weaknesses and limitation. First of all, employing Web-survey resulted in relying on self-report as a measurement of the variables, therefore, some bias in the responses may occur including social desirability bias and acquiescence bias. Since it used all responses from both team members and team leaders, the result may also be leaning toward the favour of the team leaders, especially when asked about the opinion toward the team leaders, the response from team leaders may contribute to the bias result. On the other hand, the use of the cross-sectional methods does not reveal the clear causality since it was only one-off study, and therefore longitudinal study is required to examine the effect of leadership throughout the various point in times. One way to overcome these weaknesses is, of course, to increase sample size. However that is not always the case since it is normally not practical nor neither doable. Therefore the better thing that could be done might be some follow-up interview and employing longitudinal method.
4.3. Article 3: “Managerial trust and NPD performance: Team commitment and longevity as mediators” (Doyan, 2010)
The author aimed at examining the mediating effects of team commitment (MV) and longevity (MV) between managerial trust (IV) and team performance (DV) (e.g. team learning and product success), using environmental turbulence (MOD) as a moderator. According to this objective, one of the strengths of the study is that the author developed the very logical and comprehensible as shown in Figure 3 Proposed Model (see Appendix). Another strong point of the study is the use of causality to study the effect between and among variables through the use of communication method for data collection. The most impressive fact of all is that the researcher managed to stimuli the research environment by setting up the individual data collection rather than just leave the questionnaire for the respondents to complete it in their own time. This way, when the respondents have any problem they can ask for clarification immediately. On the other hand, the respondents may be more focus, and may result in more honest answers, which would then eliminate some of the respondents’ errors namely the acquiescence bias, extremely bias and auspices bias (Pappu, 2011b). However, another bias may occur such as the interviewer bias and social desirability bias, as the present of the researcher may influence the response of the participant especially when the session was implemented individually, this may put more pressure on the respondents and the outcome might not be accurate.
While the author set the very clear objectives, the hypotheses seem to be very ambiguous and too ambitious, as they are trying to prove the relationship between many variables at a time. For example, H2 proposed that team longevity (MV) mediates the relationships between (a) managerial trust (IV) and team learning (DV), and (b) managerial trust (IV) and product success (DV). Furthermore, the use of sample from one particular country only may reduce the representativeness of the study since the sample from one culture may represent only the characteristics of the people within that culture but might not be representative for overall population. Another thing is, the use of retrospective reports may result in some recall issue in survey questions and therefore the research design may not provide true results about the flow of knowledge. Plus the result of cross-sectional study may not be accurate enough to justify the moderating effect of environment turbulent especially when the researcher did not control any other possible independent variables accept only team size (controlled variable). To address the issues, first, the hypothesis should be more précised and aim at studying one relationship at the time to make it less confusing and more practical. Second, as mentioned earlier, longitudinal design should be used to keep track of the flow of knowledge over period of time. Third, samples should include more variation in culture differences such as taking samples from many countries rather than just one particular country. And finally, further studies of other IVs such as types of task and perception of justice would be beneficial to learn what impact better team performance. V. Reference
De Jong, B. A. & Elfring, T. (2010), ‘How does trust affect the performance of ongoing teams? The mediating role of reflexivity, monitoring, and effort’, Academic Management Journal, 53(3), 535-549.
Ding, Z. & Ng, F. (2010), ‘Personal construct-based factors affecting interpersonal trust in a project design team’, Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, 136(2), 227-234.
Doyan, M., (2010), ‘Managerial trust and NPD performance: Team commitment and longevity as mediators’, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 25(2), 94-105.
Joshi, A., Lazarova, B. & Liao, H. (2009), ‘Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams’, Organisation Science, 20(1), 240-252.
Kumar, C. R. (2008), ‘Research Methodology’, APH Publishing Cooperation, p. 24-28
Mach, M., Dolan, S. & Tzafrir, S. (2010), ‘The differential effect of team members’ trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion’, Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, British Psychology Society, 83, 771-794.
Pappu, R. (2011a), Business Research Method, Lecture 2: Building block of research, The University of Queensland.
Pappu, R. (2011b), Business Research Method, Lecture 5: Survey Method, The University of Queensland.
Tansly, C & Newell, S. (2007), ‘Project social capital, leadership and trust: A study of human resource information system development’, Journal of Managerial Psychology, 22(4), 350-368.
Zikmund, W. G., Babin, B. J., Carr, J.C. & Griffin, M. (2010), ‘Business Research Method’, 8th Edition, South-Western Cengage Learning, ISBN 9781439080672.

VI. Appendix
RBUS2900_Journal Article Summary Table: Trust and Ongoing Team Performance
Article1. Mach, M., Dolan, S. & Tzafrir, S. (2010), ‘The differential effect of team members’ trust on team performance: The mediation role of team cohesion’, Journal of Occupational and Organisational Psychology, British Psychology Society, 83, 771-794.
Research Objectives Theory/Framework
Used to Develop the Hypotheses Hypotheses Tested Variables Included
(in each hypothesis) and the nature of the variables Researcher Control of Variables Type of Research Design

Examine team performance as affected by various trusting relationships: trust between team members and the team’s trust in their direct manager and in top management as well as the mediating role team cohesion plays in the relationship between team trust and team performance Social exchange theory by Cropanzano, Prehar, & Chen (2002)
- Team cohesion and team performance H1: Trust in the coach, teammates and top management is positively related to team cohesiveness (relational)
H2: Team cohesion is related to team performance (relational)
H3: Team cohesion mediates the relationship between multifaceted trust and team performance (relational) H1: Trust in the coach (IV1), teammates (IV2) and top management (IV3) is positively related to team cohesiveness (DV)
H2: Team cohesion (IV) is related to team performance (DV)
H3: Team cohesion (MV) mediates the relationship between multifaceted trust (IVs) and team performance (DV) Based on focus group discussion and literature review controlled variables include:
- Type of sports
- Previous match performance
- Permanence
- Seasons trained by coach
- Age
- Diversity Exploratory and causal study
Data Collection Method Research Environment Time
Findings Future Research
Limitations of the Study

- Communication
- Survey questionnaire
Pre-test by Interviews, Focus group discussion - Field study
Partially controlled environment: divide participants into two groups, and examine the different measures in each group. But with questionnaire is collected in the uncontrolled environment Quasi- longitudinal: combining cross-sectional features for the independent variables with some longitudinal data for the dependent variable over the period of 3 months * Team member trust with respect to the different foci has both a direct and indirect effect on team performance, and team player trust and cohesion play a mediating role.
* Dynamic relationship within teams, and, as such, trust among teammates mediates the relationship between trust in the coach as well as team cohesion in determining team performance - examine which comes first performance or trust
- more and larger scope of sample would be ideal for future work
- how the level of organisational trust impacts performance should be further studied Sample from sports teams might not be the same in other working environment therefore might not be applicable to all organisation environment, where the practice, value, culture and norm may varied largely.
RBUS2900_Journal Article Summary Table: Inspirational Leadership and Trust on Team Performance
Article2. Joshi, A., Lazarova, B. & Liao, H. (2009), ‘Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams’, Organisation Science, 20(1), 240-252.
Research Objectives Theory/Framework
Used to Develop the Hypotheses Hypotheses Tested Variables Included
(in each hypothesis) and the nature of the variables Researcher Control of Variables Type of Research Design

- Redirecting attention to roles of leadership on the geographically dispersed organisation
- Considering the role of inspirational leadership in developing attitudes that reflect identification with collective team identity Social identity and leadership research
- Researchers have suggested that leaders who display inspirational behaviours can build enduring linkages between an individual’s self-concept and a social group, thereby enhancing identification with the social group (Ellemers et al. 2004, Turner and Haslam 2001) H1. Team geographic dispersion will moderate the relationship between individual’s perceptions of inspirational leadership and commitment to the team; the positive relationship between inspirational leadership and commitment to the team will be weakened in teams that are less dispersed and strengthened in teams that are more dispersed (relational)
H2. Team dispersion will moderate the relationship between individual’s perceptions of inspirational leadership and cognitive trust in team members; a positive relationship between inspirational leadership and trust in team members will be weakened in teams that are less dispersed and strengthened in teams that are more dispersed.( relational)
H3. Team-level commitment and trust will positively predict team performance (relational) H1.
- Team geographic dispersion (GD)
- Individual perception (IP)
- Team commitment (TC)
+(-)GD => +(-)Rel:(IP&TC)
- Team geographic dispersion (GD)
- Individual perception (IP)
- Trust in team (TT)
+(-)GD => +(-)Rel:(IP&TT)
- Team Commitment (TC)
- Trust in team (TT)
- Trust Performance (TP)
H3: + TC & + TT => + TP - Individual tenure
- Tenure in team level
- Age
- Gender
- Team size
- Face-to-face team interaction
Because these variables might affect individuals’ attitude toward teams and organisation - Casual or explanatory study

RBUS2900_Journal Article Summary Table: Inspirational Leadership and Trust on Team Performance
Article2 (Cont.). Joshi, A., Lazarova, B. & Liao, H. (2009), ‘Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams’, Organisation Science, 20(1), 240-252.
Data Collection Method Research Environment Time
Findings Future Research
Limitations of the Study

- Communication
- Wed survey

- Field study
Controlled by Clustering sample into two groups, the less dispersed and more dispersed group. Cross-sectional - The inspirational leaders are important in all contexts but are more important in highly dispersed contexts
- In highly dispersed settings, due to the absence of physical proximity to other team members, leaders can be the critical “missing link” for facilitating commitment and trust in dispersed work setting
- In dispersed settings inspirational leaders may be viewed as a salient “third party” that can influence attitudes such as trust in other team members.
- Trust and commitment are the key mechanisms by which individuals can overcome physical distance and work toward accomplishing shared team goals and enhance team effectiveness - Consider objective measures of individual and team performance and examine the relationship between identification-based outcomes and performance measures such as customer satisfaction
- Additional aspects of leadership behaviours be examined in dispersed contexts.
- Incorporate these leadership behaviours in relation to relevant outcomes at the team and individual levels of analysis
- Incorporate and test the effects of dispersion along multiple dimensions on individual- and team-level outcomes and consider the distinct contingencies that various dimensions of dispersion may impose on leadership - Employing Web-survey resulted in relying on self-report as a measurement of the variables
- Bias in report may occur since it used all responses from both team members and team leaders
- Cross-sectional methods does not reveal the clear causality and therefore required longitudinal for the study of the leaders through the various point in times

RBUS2900_Journal Article Summary Table: Managerial Trust and NPD Team Performance
Article3. Doyan, M., (2010), ‘Managerial trust and NPD performance: Team commitment and longevity as mediators’, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 25(2), 94-105.
Research Objectives Theory/Framework
Used to Develop the Hypotheses Hypotheses Tested Variables Included
(in each hypothesis) and the nature of the variables Researcher Control of Variables Type of Research Design

- Examining the mediating effects of team commitment and longevity between managerial trust and team performance (e.g. team learning and product success), using environmental turbulence as a moderator.

No particular theory in used but the author used Managerial trust framework assessed by4 factors:
- Behavioural consistency
- Behavioural integrity
- Manner and quality of information communicated
- Demonstration of concerns H1. Managerial trust will be positively related to (a) team commitment and (b) team longevity (relational)
H2. Team longevity mediates the relationships between (a) managerial trust and team learning, and (b) managerial trust and product success (relational).
H3. Team commitment mediates the relationships between (a) managerial trust and (a) team learning, and (b) managerial trust and product success. (relational)
H4. The higher the environmental turbulence, the more of an impact that managerial trust will have on (a) team commitment and (b) team longevity. (relational)
H5. The higher the environmental turbulence, the more of an impact that team commitment will have on (a) team learning, and (b) product success. (relational)
H6. The higher the environmental turbulence, the less of an impact that team longevity will have on (a) team learning, and (b) product success. (relational) H1. - Managerial trust (IV)
- team commitment (DV)
- team longevity (DV).
H2. - Team longevity (Med), mediate relationship between
(a) managerial trust (IV) & team learning (DV)
(b) managerial trust (IV) & product success (DV).
H3. - Team commitment (Med) mediates the relationships between
(a) managerial trust (IV) & team learning (DV)
(b) managerial trust (IV) and product success (DV).
H4. Environmental turbulence (Med)
(a) managerial trust (IV) & team commitment (DV)
(b) team longevity (DV).
H5. Environmental turbulence (Med), team commitment (IV) will impact on (a) team learning (DV), and (b) product success (DV).
H6. The higher the environmental turbulence (Med), the less of an impact that team longevity (IV) will have on (a) team learning (DV), and (b) product success (DV). - Team size - Casual study
RBUS2900_Journal Article Summary Table: Managerial Trust and NPD Team Performance
Article3 (Cont.). Doyan, M. (2010), ‘Managerial trust and NPD performance: Team commitment and longevity as mediators’, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, 25(2), 94-105.
Data Collection Method Research Environment Time
Findings Future Research
Limitations of the Study

- Communication
- Individual data collection session which could take up to 40 minutes per session

- Stimulus environment since they use individual data collection session to get respondents to complete the questionnaires - Cross-sectional The findings support almost all hypotheses accept H5 & H6. - Sampling should include more variation in culture differences since the study took only sample from organisation in Turkey.
- Longitudinal design should be used to keep track of the flow of knowledge over times. - further studies of other IVs such as types of task and perception of justice should would be beneficial to learn what impact better team performance. The use of retrospective reports and cross-sectional data collection
- There might have been a recall issue in survey questions
- The research design may not provide true results about flow of knowledge
- Sample from only one country/culture

Figure 1. Tri-Foci Model Joshi, A., Lazarova, B. & Liao, H. (2009), ‘Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams’, Organisation Science, p. 777
Figure 2. Theoretical Framework Joshi, A., Lazarova, B. & Liao, H. (2009), ‘Getting everyone one board: The role of inspirational leadership in geographically dispersed teams’, Organisation Science, p. 242

Figure 3. Proposed Model

Doyan, M. (2010), ‘Managerial trust and NPD performance: Team commitment and longevity as mediators’, Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing, p. 95

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...GSM5200 MARKETING MANAGEMENT - GROUP STUDY Nestlé (Ghana) Ltd. “An Analysis on Situation and Marketing Strategy Proposal to Maintain Brand Equity and Expand Brand Penetration of Nestle Products in Ghana, West Africa” Submitted by: DESYTHA RAHMA DWI UTAMI (PBS1311069) NURUL SARAH BT MOHD OSSMAN (PBS1311119) SATKAR ULAMA (PBS1311152) SHAH ROL BIN HUSSAIN (PBS1311091) SHAMINI DEVI A/P BALASUBRAMANIAM (PBS1311050) SYED ZIKRIL HAKEEM (PBS1211065) Instructor: Dr. Noor Mohamed bin Mohamed Younus MASTER OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION TRIMESTER II (JANUARY – MAY 2014 / 2015) “How to effectively expand market in least developing countries” is the major issue found in the case. This consists of derived issues faced by the company which can be correlated with marketing studies. By The American Marketing Association, marketing is defined as the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners and society at large.1 This report conveys marketing problems evaluated as well as recommendations to answer. The first marketing issue in this case is determining the best strategies in penetrating market based on the situation in Ghana. Beside the unstable condition in the country, Nestle also faced immense competition with rival cocoa-drink manufactures such as Cadbury, Cocoa Processing Company and NABB Brothers. Therefore, to sustain and grow the business, the company needs to...

Words: 1090 - Pages: 5

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Bus 285 - Writing Assignment

...Connections 9.2, explain how Burt’s Bees’ CSR strategy has contributed to its success in the marketplace. How are its various stakeholder groups affected by its commitment to social responsibility? How would you evaluate its triple-bottom-line performance? Burt’s Bees’ CSR strategy has contributed to its success in the marketplace through the principal The Greater Good, Burt’s Bees’ business model: it states that all of their company practices will be socially responsible. Correspondingly, the company engaged customers and differentiated itself through three primary areas: natural well-being, humanitarian responsibility, and environmental sustainability. states: “on average, our products are 99% natural; over half are 100% natural” (web). This has been one of the unique features that have given Burt’s Bees the trust and respect from all stakeholders. Burt’s Bees various stakeholder groups are affected by its commitment to social responsibility through Burt’s Bees humanitarian focus, which involves its relationship with employees and suppliers. There is a mandatory employee training program which concentrates on outreach, wellness, leadership, and the environment. Furthermore, Burt’s Bees sourcing mission lays out a prescribed set of guidelines for sourcing responsible suppliers and managing supplier relationships. In summary, I would evaluate Burt’s Bees “triple-bottom-line” performance as essentially a non-market strategy. The key elements of the company’s culture...

Words: 633 - Pages: 3

Free Essay

Maggi Marketing Strategy

...MICROME RESEARCH NARSEE MONJEE INSTITUTE BOF MANAGEMENT STUDUES MAGGI CUPPA MANIA Sub: CUSTOMER ACQUISITION AND RETENTION FT MBA- B RESEARCHED BY: Prachi Chandgothia 16 Company profile: - Nestle Nestle was founded in 1867 in Geneva, Switzerland by Henri Nestle. Nestlé’s first product was "Farine Lactee Nestle", an infant cereal. In 1905, Nestle acquired the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company. Nestlé’s relationship with India started 1912, when it began trading as The Nestle Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Company (Export) Limited, importing and selling finished products in the Indian market. After independence, in response to the then economic policies, which emphasized local production, Nestle formed a company in India, namely Nestle India Ltd. Today, Nestle is the world's largest and most diversified food company. It has around 2,50,000 employees worldwide, operated 500 factories in approximately 100 countries and offers over 8,000 products to millions of consumers universally. NESTLE PRODUCTS: A) MILK Product and Nutrition -Nestle Milk -Nestle Milkmaid -Nestle Dahi -Nestle EVERYDAY dairy whitener -Nestle EVERYDAY Ghee B) Beverages -Nescafe Classic -Nescafe Milo C) Prepared Dishes & Cooking Aids -MAGGI 2-Minute Noodles -MAGGI vegetable Atta Noodles -MAGGI Dal Atta Noodles -MAGGI Rice Noodles Mania -MAGGI Cuppa Mania -MAGGI Sauces -MAGGI Pichkoo -MAGGI...

Words: 3274 - Pages: 14

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Gourmet Bakers Pakistan

...Business Strategy Gourmet Bakers Business Strategy (Business Strategy plan for Gourmet backers) PREPARED FOR: Sir Ghulam Ahmad Rana PREPARED BY: Mohammad Ali Khan 083805-209 Mohammad Mujtaba Shafi 083805-181 Ali Aslam 083805-182 Hamza Ejaz 000000000 Ali Raza Goraya 083805-168 Shoaib Malik 083805-099 May 21, 2012 Declaration This is to certify that Report entitled “Gourmet Bakers” which is submitted by us in practical fulfillment of the requirement for the award of degree BBA (H) to University of Management and Technology, Lahore comprises only our original work and due acknowledgement has been made in the text to all other material used.    Name of Students: Mohammad Ali Mohammad Mujtaba Ali Aslam Hamza Ejaz Ali Raza Shoaib Malik Date: May 21, 2012 Acknowledgement All praises are for Almighty Allah, which is the creator of this universe. We owe a great many thanks to a great many people who helped and supported us during the writing of this business plan. Our deepest thanks to Lecturer, Sir Ghulam Ahmad Rana the guide of the project for guiding and correcting various documents of ours with attention and care. He has taken pain to go through the...

Words: 11223 - Pages: 45

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Human Resource Management

...Human Resource Management Submitted by: Amandeep Kaur Contribution of Human Resource Management in achievement of organisational objectives Human Resource Management seeks to achieve - Individual, Social Organizational Goals: Organization is a social unit that is composed of number of people and function through people only. All the resources such as men, money, materials and machinery are collected, co-ordinate and fictionalized by the people. Without human efforts, no organization can achieve its goals. Therefore, this resource is called human resource, which is the most significant resource of any organization. We also consider that human resource become unending source of ability, power, skill, efficiency, knowledge, creativity for accomplishment of organizational objectives and also play crucial role in management process. These days, organizations have realized that the most valuable asset in the organization is its people. The growth of an organization depends on talent of its human assets as people act as change agents for the implementation of any initiatives in an organization.(Baptiste, 2004) Human resource management is a set of policies, practices and programs formulated to achieve both personal and organizational goals as it is the process of binding people and organizations together. According to Flippo, Human Resource Management “the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the various aspect of human resources...

Words: 3743 - Pages: 15

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...the Risk Management (FIN 610) subject. Thanks to his warm and cool personality, thanks for his unfailing guidance, valuable suggestions, advice and useful criticism for setting us on the path to being an effective students and for always saying yes-even when he was busy and tired. As a matter of fact, if it had not been for his help and understanding, this report would not have been possible. Our debt to his leadership, guidance, and support can never be adequately expressed with words. Suffice to say that we are regarding his as our role model of whom we will always be appreciating. Instead of that, our deepest thankfulness and gratitude to Mr Lim Soon Huat, the Manager of Merison (M) Sdn Bhd, the independent distributor of Nestle (Malaysia), for the territory of Melaka. He has given a very good cooperation and gave all information that we need during the interview for the purpose of our research. Our thanks go to our families, thank you for all their prayers and for their emotional support which gave us strength and determination to continue our report. A special word of appreciation goes to Universiti Teknologi Mara Kampus Bandaraya Melaka, for allowing us to pursue our Bachelor in Accountancy (Hons), and for the facilities offered here. Our thanks are also extended to all our friends, especially for all group members for the effort given during the process of doing this group project paper and also special gratitude particularly for our classmates...

Words: 6348 - Pages: 26

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Busines Comunication

...our fellow students who guided us in making this report, without whose considerate attention and interest, it would be difficult for us to complete this project on time. Whatever we have learnt from them and this project report has put indelible impression on our mind. It is our conviction that this learning experience will always be a source of help in our practical life and professional career. Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................1 INTRODUCTION OF NESTLE................................................................2 NESTLE VISION......................................................................................3 NESTLE MISSION...................................................................................4 NESTLE GOALS AND OBJECTIVES....................................................4 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE .......................................................5 NESTLE CURRENT STRATEGIES .......................................................6 SWOT ANALYSIS...................................................................................7 PEST ANALYSIS....................................................................................8 PORTFOLIO............................................................................................9 PORTER FIVE...

Words: 5154 - Pages: 21

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Ice Cream

...consumer disposable income, and consumer's awareness toward frozen dessert mainly drive the demand. The retail ice cream industry includes retail sales of classic ice creams and frozen novelties. Classic ice cream includes special ice cream such as low-fat and non-fat, take home, and bulk ice creams. Frozen novelties include flavored ice, sorbet, and frozen yogurt. The industry is moderately capital-intensive as large numbers of players are competing with each other to maintain their place in the market. The classic ice cream segment contributed approximately 80% in global retail ice cream industry in 2012, whereas Nestle and Unilever, the two largest players captured one-third of the total market. New product development and innovation plays an important role as a growth driver for industry. Maintaining price and quality, brand loyalty, and consumer group retention are the biggest challenges for industry due to the large number of competitors in the market. This research indicates that in the future, innovative flavors in ice cream products with focus on health improvement will increase the per-household consumption, thus reflecting an increase in demand. Frozen novelties are forecast to witness strong growth during the next five years. U.S. ice cream and frozen dessert sales topped $25.1 billion in 2011, up 2.4% over the previous year, representing a small upswing after two years of flat sales, according to a just-released market research report from Packaged Facts. Since...

Words: 552 - Pages: 3

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Mdi Branded Apparel Store

...treatment of staff, fairness and transparency * Help management to make decisions that are consistent, uniform and predictable * Protect individuals and the organization from the pressures of expediency A policy should include purpose, scope, responsibilities, definitions, questions, effective date, review date and approval. Organizations commonly have written policies in the following areas for code of conduct, confidentiality, conflict of interest, working conditions, attendance, hours of operations, termination, recruitment, compensation, performance management, learning and development, overtime, privacy, employee information, compassionate leave, vacation, sick Leave, unpaid leave, health and safety and workplace Violence Nestlé Nestlé is committed to the following Business Principles in all countries, taking into account local legislation, cultural and religious practices: EMPLOYMENT POLICIES The Corporate Business Principles outline the Company’s commitment to fully endorse and to respect a series of principles and international conventions concerning employee’s rights, the protection of children against child labour and other important issues. Even suppliers and providers of outsourced services are informed of the Corporate Business...

Words: 3546 - Pages: 15

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Human Resource Management

...effectiveness and efficiency of an organization (Naukrihub, 2007). 1.2 Importance of Training and Development: Training and Development is the structure which was made for helping workers to develop their personal and organizational skills, knowledge, and capabilities. So, HRM have to concentrate on developing most superior labour force so that individual and organizational goals would be aligned in providing good service to the customers. In today’s competitive world all employees want to be competitive in the labour market as well. But this can be achieved only through training and development of employees. So, good HRM department should provide proper training in order to develop employee’s skills, which will lead to employee motivation and retention. Organization can not exist by itself, therefore people are the main assets of any company that helps to achieve efficiency and compete in market. Trainings can be divided into two types: internal and external. Internal organizational training usually calls in-house trainings which should be organized by Human Resource Department. For in-house trainings HRM choose either senior staff from the particular department as a consultant or talented person. On the other hand external organizational training is normally organized outside the...

Words: 2183 - Pages: 9

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...Nestle Case Study 1. The company of Nestle had undergone both the first order change and second order change. In a first order change, the company underwent some changes in terms of transactional and organizational climate change. On the other hand, Nestle also underwent second order change wherein there are changes in terms of transformational change. This order second-order type of change is more evident. Below are the snippets organizational change that occurred at Nestle according to its order: First Order * Nestle began expanding globally and begun to purchase local subsidiaries in local markets. * Offshore transfer of Executive from Switzerland to United States * Strengthening/Centralization of its IT department Second Order * Diversification of market through entering in cosmetics and pharmaceutical market. * Complete overhaul of executive board with 10 executives replaced * Acquisition and Mergers Discussing more on the second-order change, a transformational change happened when the organization switched from entrepreneurial to become a wider and more professional management kind of structure when they begun to purchase local subsidiaries in foreign market in order for their sales agent (new position) to introduce their product outside of Switzerland. Another transformational change that happen involves the visionary changes that make the organization change in terms of involving in other fields of business through product d1versification...

Words: 2970 - Pages: 12

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...Assessment of Employee Engagement in Organizations Word Count: 3005 Contents 1.0 Introduction 4 2.0 Employee engagement 4 3.0 Significance of employee engagement 5 4.0 Steps taken to enhance employee engagement 8 5.0 Steps to enhance employee engagement 10 6.0 Conclusion 13 7.0 References 14 List of figures Figure 1: Employee Engagement Model 4 Figure 2: Composition of Employee Engagement 5 Figure 3: Organizational Results of employee engagement 6 Introduction This report has been undertaken in order to discuss and assess the significance of employee engagement through various employee engagement models and the steps that can be taken in order to improve the employee engagement process in an organization. Various recommendations have also been provided in order to enhance the employee engagement in organizations at the end of the report. Significant company examples following appropriate employee engagement policies and their impact on employee satisfaction in the organizations have also been mentioned in detail. Employee engagement According to Albrecht (2010), Employee engagement is defined as the level to which the employees are loyal and motivated towards their work within a particular organization they work for. The level of pride they show while being a part of that organization and the extent of efforts they are willing to exert to achieve the organizational goals. Saks (2006) adds that employee engagement...

Words: 3523 - Pages: 15

Premium Essay


...ort TABLE OF CONTENTS |SR.NO. | | TOPIC |PG. NO. | |1. | |Introduction to FMCG Industry |1 | |2. | |Introduction of Nestle Company |5 | |3. | |Introduction to Maggi Noodles |7 | |4. | |Product Mix, Brands and Product Offering |9 | | |4.1 |Product Mix of Nestle |9 | | |4.2 |Brands of Nestle |12 | | |4.3 |Product Offering by Maggi |14 | |5. | |Market Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning |16 | | |5.1 |Bases for Segmenting Consumer Markets |17 | | |5.2 |Target segment...

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