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Network Case Project 7-1


Submitted By luckybamboo11
Words 447
Pages 2
Wilke Environmental Group, a large organization that provides environmental services such as water quality monitoring and geological surveys to businesses and government agencies across the nation, seeks your help in designing its corporate WAN. It plans to completely replace its legacy hodgepodge of connections and services. Headquartered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, the firm also has large, regional offices in Seattle, Phoenix, and Boston. These offices need a way to exchange e-mail and large files. About half of the firm’s 300 engineers and technical specialists work from home at least part of the time and need fast and reliable connections to their regional offices. The IT manager makes it clear that the environmental services business is booming and so you should not necessarily seek economical solutions. Describe at least two suitable WAN technologies for each of Wilke’s two connectivity situations: office-to-office and home-to-office. Which options do you recommend above all and why?

The first thing I would do is to calculate the mileage between the headquarters and the regional offices. The distance from Baton Rouge to Seattle or Washington is approximate 2,600 miles. From Baton Rouge to Phoenix is approximate 1,400 miles. From Baton Rouge to Boston is approximate 1,500 miles.
I would recommend starting with tiered topology WAN (Wide Area Network). This will allow the sites to connect in a star or ring formations at different levels of interconnected along with interconnection points being organized into layers to form hierarchical groupings. The best placement of top-level routers, based on traffic patterns, can determine by a network architect. Furthermore, tiered systems provide easy expansion and inclusion of redundant links to support growth.
I would recommend T-Carrier as a WAN transmission. T-carrier uses time division multiplexing over two wire pairs to divide a single channel into multiple channels. Each channel carries voice, video signals or data. Copper wire, fiber-optic cable or wireless links are the medium used for T-carrier signaling. Furthermore, the central office with regional offices will be connecting through T1 and T3 transmissions.
I would recommend using digital subscriber line (DSL) to connect 150 home offices with the regional offices. DSL operates over the PSTN and competes directly with integrated service digital network and T1 services. Furthermore, I would recommend using the symmetric technology of digital subscriber line connection due to its fast and reliable connection between home offices and regional offices to exchange larges files and e-mails. Symmetrical technology allows capacity of data to travel both upstream and downstream. For this situation, I would recommend using High-bit rate digital subscriber line (HDSL) or Symmetrical high-speed digital subscriber line (SHDSL).

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