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New Hire Comunication


Submitted By johannazir
Words 449
Pages 2
New Hire Communication Classmate Review

Use the table below to review the New Hire Communication assignment for the team member assigned to you by your instructor. Indicate whether each item is met, partially met, or not met and include specific feedback in the Comments column.

|Content |Met |Partially Met |Not Met |Comments: |
|80 Percent | | | | |
|Paper defines the purpose of the communication. | | |x | |
|Paper defines the audience. | | |x | |
|Paper indicates the selected channel(s) for communication along | | |x | |
|with rationale for selecting the channel(s). | | | | |
|Writing Guidelines |Met |Partially Met |Not Met |Comments: |
|20 Percent | | | | |
|Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. Rules of grammar and | | |x | |
|usage are followed including spelling and punctuation. | | | | |
| |

Written by JA

Welcome to DHL we are pleased to have you as a new hire. I would like to take the time today to discuss our company culture, processes, procedures and general information. First and foremost, we are a logistic company with a global presence. DHL is one of the largest logistic company’s in the world with many different divisions that specialize in various services.
Culture of DHL
The company culture at DHL is very diverse which has its advantages in today’s market. Our customer base is international. We have offices that are located around the world. We cater to the needs of different companies to meet their logistic needs. Here at DHL we promote a culture filled with honesty and integrity placing value on our employees and customers. Our dress code is business casual. We encourage employee engagement by working collaboratively in teams.
Process and Procedures
Many of our DHL offices are International Organization of Standardization (ISO) certified. We believe in standardizing our services to ensure consistency in our business practices. The process of standardizing makes it easier for new hires to transition into their roles and to learn the business a lot faster. In addition to, standardized practices we have adopted Forward Thinking Practices. Through Forward Thinking we are constantly working to improve our existing plans by investing in the development of our employees by offering various types of trainings, certifications and special license to make sure that our employees are confident in their jobs and offering the best service to our customers.
In conclusion, DHL is a wonderful company to work for and we welcome you aboard. • The communication channel for this message would be face to face. I am choosing face to face since I will be meeting with the employees for the first time. I feel that it would be inappropriate to welcome new hires via email or any other way. When you meet someone face to face in a situation such as this you make the meeting more personable

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