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New in America Paper Soc/262


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New In America Paper
Stephanie Turner-Smith
September 21, 2014
Sharon Chappelle

New In America Paper America is a nation of immigrants. From the early colonists to the current entrants, indigenous and cultural diversity is plentiful. When this nation was still undeveloped, the settling population was of the same background; they were white, Anglo-Saxon, and Protestant background. Over time, Northern Europeans wanted entry, and eventually, Eastern and Southern Europeans, Asians, South and Central Americans came to America by the thousands.
The American medley, what we call the melting pot was gradually emerging, but during progression, differences became noticeable. Such differences involved varied religions, races, and ethnic heritage.
Two groups that I have researched are Chinese and Armenian immigrants. Chinese immigrants came to America in the mid-19th century. Chinese came to settle in California to join the Gold Rush that originated at Sutter’s Mill in Sacramento, California. But once the gold lessened, they came to seek work. The Chinese immigrants were mostly farmers who left china due to the economy and governmental dilemmas in China. Most anticipated on working hard, earn a large portion of money, so they could return back to country with their families as well-off men. During this time, the Chinese was no different than any other immigrant who came to America. They lived in neighborhoods and communities yet the Chinese maintained their culture. But, while a lot of Americans looked down on every immigrant, the Chinese were measured ethnically as well as socially inferior. Many Americans alleged that the Chinese were too unlikely to ever assimilate effectively into American values.

Originally Chinese were welcomed, becoming an important part of the work force that placed the economic groundwork of the American West. Chinese could be

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