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New Trade Theory


Submitted By gpnails
Words 1464
Pages 6
New Trade Theory

1. (a) Explain the new trade theory. What is the role of economies of scale in this theory?

The new trade theory focusses on productivity rather than the types of resources that are available in a nation. This justifies government intervention in support of the development of certain industries involved in exports. First mover advantage indicates that as production of a specialized product increases, it also becomes more efficient, increasing input. Therefore, as output and specialization increase, economies of scale can be realized. Companies that are the first to enter a specific industry can dominate that industry and create barriers to entry, as they benefit from increasing returns.

It has been stated by economists that reaching economies of scale has implications on international trade. Economies of scale are a major source of cost reductions in many industries. By using assembly line production with specialized equipment, and/or employees with specialized tasks, fixed unit costs are dispersed over large scale outputs, with increased productivity. By trading products between nations, more choices become available to consumers at lower costs. As well, in specific industries where the output totals a significant portion of the total world demand, the global market may only be able to support a limited number of companies.

(b) Discuss the implications of the new trade theory.

Nations benefit from trade as it allows nations to specialize in certain products enabling economies of scale to be reached. The ability for companies to attain economies of scale can have implications for international trade by increasing the variety of goods to consumers, and lowering the average costs of production.

First mover advantage enables companies to reach economies of scale and makes it difficult for

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