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New York City Research Paper

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Have you ever been to a big city where it is very crowded? Well I am going to talk about my 2 favorite that I have been to. These 2 cities include both New York city, and Los Angeles. These 2 cities have a lot of things in common, also they have a lot different. I will write about their similarities and differences.

NYC is a very crowded city. People there mostly travel by subway. There are many big buildings, and other major tourist attractions in NYC. Also people in NYC have a very cool accent. NYC is home of some very famous things. 1 thing that is located in NYC is the Empire State Building, which is one of the biggest buildings in the world. Also there is the statue of liberty which is another very famous attraction. Last there is the Madison …show more content…
Also NYC is very famous for their big pizzas. Almost every pizza you buy in NYC is huge, and eaten like a sub. I think NYC is a little dirty in some parts of it. For example, there is some abandoned buildings, and rats in the subway station. I think it is overall still a great city, that I recommend for people to bring their children to. The only thing I would not recommend for you about NYC is walking alone at night time, because there is a lot of creepy people at the subway stops, and corners.

Los Angeles, or known as to many L.A. is a very beautiful city. Every day the weather is warm in L.A whether it is raining, or sunny out. L.A is a very different place then NYC. In L.A it is not as dirty, and there is a bunch of hills. Also LA has beaches everywhere. There is like 10 different beaches in the general area of LA.

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