Premium Essay

New Zealand


Submitted By shellyphan
Words 1274
Pages 6
Discussion Questions
1. In your opinion, has the New Zealand Heritage Park Selected the right market targets?
I believe that the international tourist market is the most important for the New Zealand Heritage Park to target. International tourists are those who are visiting New Zealand on holidays, their primary objective is that of enjoyment, relaxation and experiencing something different to that which they are used to. The New Zealand Heritage Park is a place which allows them to do just that, experiencing both the natural, cultural and agricultural delights of New Zealand. These three aspects of New Zealand are rarely found in the same areas and are widely spread making it a costly and time consuming exercise for visitors to see all three. Although currently overseas visitors only contribute 35% to the total visitor numbers of the park I believe that as the promotional material that has already been produced fully filters out and with the addition of further promotion this number will increase significantly and make international visitors the largest visitor group to the park.
Although initially the domestic market is making up 55% of the visitors to the park I believe that these numbers will drop back significantly after the initial opening hype of the park. Domestic visitors are those which live in New Zealand, therefore the majority are already familiar with the natural environment, agriculture and farming works as well as Maori culture of New Zealand. Therefore the majority of the population will not want to visit the park, and those that do will do so only once. As the domestic market is not expanding or changing significantly once these visitors have visited the park once and had the experience, they will most likely not return unless they are with international visitors wanting to visit the park and learn about New Zealand.
As the New Zealand Heritage

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