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Nifedipine Research Paper

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Nifedipine was not always known by this name, but rather when scientist were running initial test this drug was called BAY a1040. In Germany, Professor Kronberg from Bayer Incorporation worked as a head pharmacologist. He presented the BAY a1040 to Albrecht Fleckenstein in the late 1960’s. Fleckenstein had been doing previous work establishing the importance of calcium blockers. He kept his work on BAY a1040 quiet until the beginning of the 1970’s. He then released his findings and the name was changed to Nifedipine. This became the first drug of dihydropyridines to be in clinical settings. According to the American Red Cross Association, in a clinical study in 1995 a shocking discovery was found. Patients who received a …show more content…
Nifedipine is made from the chemical formula C17H18N2O6 which lessens the exchange of Ca2+. As the vessels become wider the pressure decreases so the heart when it pumps has less Ca2+ come through the channels in the heart. It is not soluble in water. Nifedipine Er releases the medication over a day due to an outer layer on the tablet allowing for the follow of medication when the pressure becomes greater inside the tablet. This happens because the tablet has two parts with half being soluble to water creating the pressure difference. Medication will continued to be released so long as osmotic pressure is able to maintain. The medication should be kept away from water and light while maintain a temperature under 30oC for it to properly work to the full potential. If the tablet is exposed to moisture, the soluble half will start to dissolve and begin the creation of pressure. This could allow the tablet to start releasing the medication before the tablet is even out of the …show more content…
Some of the side effects may actually be life threatening for different patients. If a patient feels like there is something wrong they should immediately contact their doctor to be safe. For the extended release tablet there was not much mention on Lexi Comp of Toxicology, but it is mentioned that while on this medication patients are strongly advised to not intake anything that may contain grapefruit juice. The juice interacts with the drug and has been found to cause extreme drops in blood pressure or myocardial ischemia which can be life-threatening. The doubling up of doses is life threatening as well and emergency services such as poison control should be contacted immediately. For the regular tablet there have been cases of death or serious issues such as strokes when the medication was taken during an emergency for the patient’s

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