...sees people get beat, put in the crematorium, separated from their families, and plentiful other he begins to question Gods purposes. He comes back to partaking belief in God after the concentration camps had ended and he could take a reflection of all of the atrocious events that he went through. Elies Wiesel’s faith in God fluctuates in the memoir Night. Initially, he has complete faith while studying Kabbalah, but as he sees horrendous events taking place Auschwitz he struggles to maintain belief in God and finally regains faith after a time of reflection. Previous to the concentration camps, when Jews belonged in their own community, Elie enjoyed to study Kabbalah. Elie had no doubts in God, studying the Jewish texts of Kabbalah interested him. “He wanted to drive the idea of studying Kabbalah from my mind. In vain, I succeeded on...
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...Forgetting the dead and forgetting the tragic events that occurred during the Holocaust would be like killing them a second time. Elie Wiesel’s memoir Night and Delbos poem “Roll Call” both document and serve as a remembrance of the lives lost and the horrific events that occurred inside the concentration camps during the Holocaust. Wiesel and Delbo were both survivors of the Holocaust who documented their individual experiences and their time at Auschwitz. While both texts discuss their times as prisoners, they differ in their experiences and writing styles. Despite these differences, both texts serve as important evidence to the heinous and unforgiving crimes committed by the German Nazis. There are lots of different writing techniques authors...
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...historic event like the Holocaust? Elie Wiesel’s book, Night, will answer this question. Throughout history humanity has faced numerous tragic event caused either by nature or human beings, both of God’s creations. The Holocaust, which means “sacrifice by fire”, began in 1933 when Adolf Hitler came to power in Germany. During the Holocaust the Jews were the most affected. The Nazis killed eleven million Jews, almost two-thirds of all the Jewish population living in Europe. Jews were not the only ones the Holocaust targeted; Gypsies, homosexuals, and Jehovah’s Witnesses were also victims of Hitler’s plan. In recent years, events like The Twin Towers terrorist attack in 2001 and the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami have brought enormous suffering to the world, suffering that can somehow be compared to the one lived during the Holocaust. Continuing is the analysis of Elie Wiesel’s horrific experiences during the Holocaust. Did these experiences affect his faith? Was his perception of humanity ideas impacted? The book Night starts describing Elie’s faith as one indestructible. As young as he was he had deep knowledge of Jewish mysticism studies. Elie believed in God; a God of love and unlimited power. He was told that God is the master creator of all world’s wonders and that these wonders where the emanation of the divine world. Elie concluded that if God was the creator of everything in the physical world and God is a God of love then the world should be a reflection of him, a world of good...
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...Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel about the suffering of the Jews during the Holocaust. Night is also an autobiography account of a recollection of the Holocaust through the eyes of survivor, Elie Wiesel. He takes his readers with him from his home and beyond. After reading this book, readers will have a deeper understanding of the holocaust. “FEAR WAS GREATER THAN HUNGER” (59) Wiesel takes the reader through the events of the day. Half the group, his father among them, were at work. The group Eliezer was in stayed behind and was resting when the bombing started. All inmates were confined to their blocks. Almost in slow motion, Wiesel describes how one prisoner crawled on his belly through the deserted street to a cauldron of soup that stood unguarded in the roadway. The other prisoners look on with fear and envy, all of them consumed with hunger, at the man risking his life in quest of a little soup. When the famished man finally manages to pull himself to his feet and reaches into the cauldron, he is shot and falls dead beside it. Wiesel notes that, despite the danger to themselves from the bombing, the inmates were not afraid but glad to see the camp being bombed. “Fear was greater than hunger” this man showed mutiny and rebellion towards the SS officers just so he could survive , he put himself in danger in order to live this reason is why everyone-including the SS officers watches in disbelief as one man who dared committed suicide for a ration or two more of soup...
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...' Humanity? Humanity is not concerned with us, today anything is allowed. Anything is possible, even these crematories....' His voice was choking.” (Night 30) Elie saw after what cruel acts humans are capable of is completely and thoroughly shocked, his father standing beside him supports him through Elie's awakening by giving him bitter words of guidance. With this Elie's faith starts destructing, as he sees how such vile deeds took place with absolutely no repercussions, and in the same way, his father also loses begins to lose faith and is shown through his tone of intense bitter, incensed words. “ 'Where is God? Where is He?' someone behind me asked... For more than half an hour he stayed there, struggling between life and death, dying in slow agony under our eyes..... Behind me I heard the same man...'Where is God now…'..... And I heard a voice within me answer ... Here he is-He is hanging here...
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...How would you feel, if you got treated like an animal? In the book, Night by Elie Wiesel was a young Jewish boy name Elie Wiesel and his family who get forced into camps during the holocaust. Ellie explains the horror that him, his family and other jews went through during this time. The theme of Night is when people get treated like an animal, they lose their identity. How would you feel if you could feel any pain? When the kapos were beating Elias, he could feel the pain. “The kapos were beating us again, but I no longer felt the pain. A glacier wind was enveloping us. We were naked holding our shoes and belts¨ (Wiesel 36). This quote explains inhumanity because the kapos were beating people so much that they couldn’t feel the pain anymore and then after getting beaten they had to stand naked holding their stuff in the cool. How could someone hurt or kill one their family member for something so little: ¨Meir… my little Meir! Don't you recognize me… you're killing your father. I have bread for you too for you too. The old man mumbled something, groaned, and died. His son searches him, took the crust of bread, and began to devour...
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...Millions of Jews perished in the persecution by the Germans during the atrocity of the Holocaust, with only a fraction of the population fortunate enough to survive through the brutal concentration camps that the Nazi Regime forced them to undergo. In such a barbarous time in history, the preservation of strong faith is what people thought would help them to endure through the dark times and give them hope. However, it was nearly impossible to trust God and His plan when the ground around the prisoners assumed the role of a graveyard and the living struggled to survive through the night. Elie Wiesel, a survivor of the Holocaust and prisoner of multiple concentration camps in Europe, wrote the memoir Night about his unimaginable suffering during...
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...Alexia Gonzalez Political Science 4823: The Holocaust/ the Shoah Final Paper December 12, 2013 The Comparative Analysis of the Holocaust Ethnic cleansing and genocide are considered to coexist in a spectrum of assaults on nations or religio-ethnic groups. These threats were more prominent during the 20th century which caused massive violations of human rights and jeopardized the overall security of humans. Determinants of ethnic cleansing and genocide root from socio-political factors influenced by deeply embedded ideologies which are manifested by political leaders of specific regime types. During World War II, German authorities targeted Jews and other minority groups like the gypsies and Pols due to their perceived racial inferiority. The German ideology in attempt to eradicate these auxiliary groups led to the conflict known as the Shoah. The Shoah is the biblical word meaning destruction and it is the standard Hebrew term for the murder of European Jewry. The Shoah was the systematic, bureaucratic and state sponsored persecution of six million Jews. Comparable to other ethnic based genocides, Germans believed they were racially superior and that Jews were inferior; and deemed a threat to the “German racial community” resulting in their mass murder. Various interpretations of the Shoah has given rise to similar attitudes and opinions regarding its historical events. The Holocaust Survivors and Victims Database, is one of the largest resources of its kind which includes...
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...Srideep Chintagunta English 10 honors 11/12/24 Exploring Good and Bad: Elie Wiesel’s Night and The Bad Show. In life, we as people can't draw a defined line of what is “good” or “bad”, and it’s hard to clearly define whether a person is inherently good or bad. People are seen as “good” for various reasons such as their actions towards others, for example being kind and compassionate to others, while other people are considered “bad” based on their unacceptable actions toward others. But are these labels accurate? Or is the label ‘good or bad' shaped by choices, environment, and experiences? By exploring Elie Wiesel’s Night and The Bad Show, we can get a deeper understanding of how suffering, situations and decisions shape human morality....
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...Individual Night Project Reflection In “Night”, by Elie Wiesel, I constantly felt immense pity and pain for many characters. One of the characters that captured most of my attention was Moishe the Beadle. I believed that I was able to understand Moishe’s feelings better than other characters because I was much alike Moishe in the mental sense that he preferred being “insignificant, invisible” (Wiesel 3). Armed with knowledge of the Holocaust, I believed that Moishe was courageous and selfless rather than insane, as believed by many of his neighbors after hearing Moishe’s tales of the Germans. Instead of fleeing and seeking refuge in a safe haven after seeing atrocities such as “infants tossed into the air and used as targets for machine guns”...
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...• Some men did not want to appear cowardly to the other men • peer pressure of not stepping up against the idea • Testimony was consistent—gives it weight and truth • Career destruction – thought that if they refused to kill Jews that it would destroy there business/careers • Holocaust: The ignored Reality- Timothy Snyder • What is wrong with making (A) the iconic Holocaust experience? o It was the western most camp o Eastern killings are much unknown o Should view as one mass murder o Most Jews were polish Jews that were killed o Jews killed at (A) were not representative victims • Jews at (A) came mostly from western Europe • More educated/less religious than Polish Jews o (A) was not as bad other camps • Gets attention because there are a lot of survivors • Educated prisoners were able to write and share their story • Western released prisoners were able to spread their stories easier than eastern survivors who were under Soviet rule o 50% of the victims did not die by gas, they died by bullet • Focusing on camps leaves out a large portion of the killings most importantly the mass shootings • Shame- Primo Levi o What (widely-held) ideas about Holocaust survival is Primo Levi trying to dispel? • The people were experienced liberation as a joyous moment- the memories of survivors become colored by the Hollywood scripts. The...
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...Introduction Elie Wiesel’s existence begins in Hungary where he is born in a Jewish slum. Life takes a different lane when he lands in concentration camps under the Nazi regime. The period from when he becomes a teenager sees him face the harsh life where his father denies him the opportunity to pursue Cabbala. Elie gets his own master, Moishe the Beadle who significantly tells him to spend time pursuing God through questions and not trying to comprehend His answers. "I pray to the God within me for the strength to ask Him the real questions." (Wiesel 30). Moishe is among the first prisoners taken by Germans and when he manages to escape and tell people of what Germans were doing to prisoners, he is taken for insane. There then follows a trail of events where he undergoes a series of bizarre encounters including the loss of his sisters and mother. This was a very trying time for Elie in which life drives out the innocence from him completely. In the concentration camps, where they are taken to as Jews, they are subjected to incessant torture and Elie witnesses babies burning in furnaces. The aim of this essay is trying identifying various ideas in the book written by Wiesel, identifying their changes, and at last draft a conclusion from these ideas as well as marking a significant change in his life since it takes a toll on his personal relationship with God. Changes in ideas about God and Humanity by Elie Wiesel From an innocent religious boy, Wiesel...
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...Night is a memoir written by Elie Wiesel, a young Jewish boy, who tells of his experiences during the Holocaust. Elie is a deeply religious boy whose favorite activities are studying the Talmud and spending time at the Temple with his spiritual mentor, Moshe the Beadle. At an early age, Elie has a naive, yet strong faith in God. But this faith is tested when the Nazi’s moves him from his small town. Night begins in 1941, when Elie, is twelve years old. Having grown up in a little town called Sighet in Transylvania, Elie is a studious, deeply religious boy with a loving family consisting of his parents and three sisters. One day, Moshe the Beadle, a Jew from Sighet, deported in 1942, with whom Elie had once studied the cabbala, comes back and warns the town of the impending dangers of the German army. No one listens and years pass by. But by 1944, Germans are already in the town of Sighet and they set up ghettos for the Jews. After a while, the Germans begin the deportation of the Jews to the concentration camp in Auschwitz. After a brief stay at Auschwitz, they are moved to a new camp, Buna. At Buna, Elie goes through the dehumanizing process of the concentration camps. Both he and his father experience severe beatings at the hand of the kapos. All the prisoners are overworked and undernourished. Many lose faith in God, including Elie. He witnesses several hangings, one of a boy with an angelic face, and sees him struggle for over thirty minutes fighting for his life. To...
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...MAED Capstone EDU 695 Ethel Stanford Instructor Kathleen Lunsford December 6, 2014 MAED Capstone Title | Holocaust Web Quest: Evaluation and Citations | Grade | Level: 7 | Type of Lesson: | Flexible Collaboration Continuum | Area Topic | Moderate Content Area: Language Arts Content Topic: Diary of Anne Frank Unit | Standards for the 21st-Century Learner | | Skills Indicator(s): | 1.1.5 Evaluate information found in selected sources on the basis of accuracy, validity, and appropriateness for needs, importance, and social and cultural context. | Responsibilities Indicator(s): | 11.3.1 Respect copyright/intellectual property rights of creators and producers. | Dispositions Indicator(s): | 1.2.4 Maintain a critical stance by questioning the validity and accuracy of all information | Self-Assessment Strategies Indicator(s): | 1.4.1 Monitor own information-seeking processes for effectiveness and progress, and adapt as necessary. | Scenario: | In two sessions, this lesson is designed to teach students how to evaluate and cite information gathered from web sites related to the study of the Holocaust. The lesson reinforces the concept that not all resources are reliable and useful and that all sources must be cited to avoid plagiarism. The lesson is part of a language arts unit on The Diary of Anne Frank, and it teaches research standards as they are imbedded in the literature content. The teacher will be responsible...
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...MODULE C – History and Memory Sample 1 How has your understanding of events, personalities or situations been shaped by their representations in the texts you have studied. Refer to your prescribed text and at least TWO other related texts of your own choosing. History can be defined as “the methodical record of public events” where memory is defined as “the faculty by which events are recalled or kept in mind”. Thus history and memory interrelate as history can be seen as the contextual justification for memory. “The Fiftieth Gate” is a poignant interweaving of history and memory. The text follows protagonist, Mark Baker an historian, son of Holocaust survivors Genia and Yossl (Joe), on an historical journey through memory, to uncover the origins of his past and act as a catalyst for future generations to also connect with their history. Mark Baker’s journey through history and memory is also executed through his conventional ideas that memory is biased and less valid than history. There are numerous references to the discrepancies between the personal memories of his parents and the documented history Mark as an historian believes. In this way it is apparent that Mark is on a quest for verification, “my facts from the past are different”. This displays the flaw Mark traditionally notes in memory and his need for historical evidence. As responders accompany Mark on his journey, they also encounter the complexity of simultaneously being a son and an historian. This...
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