Free Essay

Niit Staffs


Submitted By Arathy
Words 1731
Pages 7

Question 1)
Which of the following lines will compile without warning or error.
1) float f=1.3;
2) char c="a";
3) byte b=257;
4) boolean b=null;
5) int i=10;

Question 2)
What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code public class MyClass { public static void main(String arguments[]) { amethod(arguments); } public void amethod(String[] arguments) { System.out.println(arguments); System.out.println(arguments[1]); }
1) error Can't make static reference to void amethod.
2) error method main not correct
3) error array must include parameter
4) amethod must be declared with String

Question 3)
Which of the following will compile without error
import java.awt.*; package Mypackage; class Myclass {}
package MyPackage; import java.awt.*; class MyClass{}
/*This is a comment */

package MyPackage; import java.awt.*; class MyClass{}

Question 4)
A byte can be of what size
1) -128 to 127
2) (-2 power 8 )-1 to 2 power 8
3) -255 to 256
4)depends on the particular implementation of the Java Virtual machine

Question 5)
What will be printed out if this code is run with the following command line? java myprog good morning public class myprog{ public static void main(String argv[]) { System.out.println(argv[2]); } }
1) myprog
2) good
3) morning
4) Exception raised: "java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 2"

Question 6)
Which of the following are keywords or reserved words in Java?
1) if
2) then
3) goto
4) while
5) case

Question 7)
Which of the following are legal identifiers
1) 2variable
2) variable2
3) _whatavariable
4) _3_
5) $anothervar
6) #myvar

Question 8)
What will happen when you compile and run the following code? public class MyClass{ static int i; public static void main(String argv[]){ System.out.println(i); }
1) Error Variable i may not have been initialized
2) null
3) 1
4) 0

Question 9)
What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code? public class Q { public static void main(String argv[]){ int anar[]=new int[]{1,2,3}; System.out.println(anar[1]); }
1) 1
2) Error anar is referenced before it is initialized
3) 2
4) Error: size of array must be defined

Question 10)

What will happen if you try to compile and run the following code? public class Q { public static void main(String argv[]){ int anar[]=new int[5]; System.out.println(anar[0]); }
1) Error: anar is referenced before it is initialized
2) null
3) 0
4) 5

Question 11)

What will be the result of attempting to compile and run the following code? abstract class MineBase { abstract void amethod(); static int i;
public class Mine extends MineBase { public static void main(String argv[]){ int[] ar=new int[5]; for(i=0;i < ar.length;i++) System.out.println(ar[i]); }
1) a sequence of 5 0's will be printed
2) Error: ar is used before it is initialized
3) Error Mine must be declared abstract
4) IndexOutOfBoundes Error

Question 12)
What will be printed out if you attempt to compile and run the following code ? int i=1; switch (i) { case 0: System.out.println("zero"); break; case 1: System.out.println("one"); case 2: System.out.println("two"); default: System.out.println("default"); }
1) one
2) one, default
3) one, two, default
4) default

Question 13)
What will be printed out if you attempt to compile and run the following code? int i=9; switch (i) { default: System.out.println("default"); case 0: System.out.println("zero"); break; case 1: System.out.println("one"); case 2: System.out.println("two");
1) default
2) default, zero
3) error default clause not defined
4) no output displayed

Question 14)
Which of the following lines of code will compile without error
int i=0; if(i) { System.out.println("Hello"); }
boolean b=true; boolean b2=true; if(b==b2) { System.out.println("So true"); }
int i=1; int j=2; if(i==1|| j==2) System.out.println("OK");
int i=1; int j=2; if(i==1 &| j==2)


Question 15)
What will be output if you try to compile and run the following code, but there is no file called Hello.txt in the current directory?. import*; public class Mine { public static void main(String argv[]){ Mine m=new Mine(); System.out.println(m.amethod()); } public int amethod() { try { FileInputStream dis=new FileInputStream("Hello.txt"); }catch (FileNotFoundException fne) { System.out.println("No such file found"); return -1; }catch(IOException ioe) { } finally{ System.out.println("Doing finally"); }

return 0; }

1) No such file found
2 No such file found ,-1
3) No such file found, Doing finally, -1
4) 0

Question 16)
Which of the following statements are true?
1) Methods cannot be overriden to be more private
2) static methods cannot be overloaded
3) private methods cannot be overloaded
4) An overloaded method cannot throw exceptions not checked in the base class

Question 17)
What will happen if you attempt to compile and run the following code? class Base {} class Sub extends Base {} class Sub2 extends Base {} public class CEx{ public static void main(String argv[]){ Base b=new Base(); Sub s=(Sub) b; }
1) Compile and run without error
2) Compile time Exception
3) Runtime Exception

Question 18)
Which of the following statements are true?
1) System.out.println( -1 >>> 2);will output a result larger than 10
2) System.out.println( -1 >>> 2); will output a positive number
3) System.out.println( 2 >> 1); will output the number 1
4) System.out.println( 1 <<< 2); will output the number 4

Question 19)
What will happen when you attempt to compile and run the following code? public class Tux extends Thread{

static String sName = "vandeleur"; public static void main(String argv[]){ Tux t = new Tux(); t.piggy(sName); System.out.println(sName); } public void piggy(String sName){ sName = sName + " wiggy"; start(); } public void run(){ for(int i=0;i < 4; i++){ sName = sName + " " + i; } }

1) Compile time error
2) Compilation and output of "vandeleur wiggy"
3) Compilation and output of "vandeleur wiggy 0 1 2 3"
4) Compilation and output of either "vandeleur", "vandeleur 0", "vandeleur 0 1" "vandaleur 0 1 2" or "vandaleur 0 1 2 3"

Question 20)

What will be displayed when you attempt to compile and run the following code //Code start import java.awt.*; public class Butt extends Frame{ public static void main(String argv[]){ Butt MyBut=new Butt(); } Butt(){ Button HelloBut=new Button("Hello"); Button ByeBut=new Button("Bye"); add(HelloBut); add(ByeBut); setSize(300,300); setVisible(true); }
//Code end
1) Two buttons side by side occupying all of the frame, Hello on the left and Bye on the right
2) One button occupying the entire frame saying Hello
3) One button occupying the entire frame saying Bye
4) Two buttons at the top of the frame one saying Hello the other saying Bye

Question 21)

What will be output by the following code? public class MyFor{ public static void main(String argv[]){ int i; int j; outer: for (i=1;i <3;i++) inner: for(j=1; j<3; j++) { if (j==2) continue outer; System.out.println("Value for i=" + i + " Value for j=" +j); } }

1) Value for i=1 Value for j=1
2) Value for i=2 Value for j=1
3) Value for i=2 Value for j=2
4) Value for i=3 Value for j=1

Question 22)
Which statement is true of the following code? public class Agg{ public static void main(String argv[]){ Agg a = new Agg(); a.go(); } public void go(){ DSRoss ds1 = new DSRoss("one"); ds1.start(); }

class DSRoss extends Thread{ private String sTname="";
DSRoss(String s){ sTname = s;
public void run(){ notwait(); System.out.println("finished");
public void notwait(){ while(true){ try{ System.out.println("waiting"); wait(); }catch(InterruptedException ie){} System.out.println(sTname); notifyAll(); } } }
1) It will cause a compile time error
2) Compilation and output of "waiting"
3) Compilation and output of "waiting" followed by "finished"
4) Runtime error, an exception will be thrown

Question 23)

Which of the following methods can be legally inserted in place of the comment //Method Here ? class Base{ public void amethod(int i) { }

public class Scope extends Base{ public static void main(String argv[]){ } //Method Here
1) void amethod(int i) throws Exception {}
2) void amethod(long i)throws Exception {}
3) void amethod(long i){}
4) public void amethod(int i) throws Exception {}

Question 24)

Which of the following will output -4.0
1) System.out.println(Math.floor(-4.7));
2) System.out.println(Math.round(-4.7));
3) System.out.println(Math.ceil(-4.7));
4) System.out.println(Math.min(-4.7));

Question 25)

What will happen if you attempt to compile and run the following code? Integer ten=new Integer(10);
Long nine=new Long (9);
System.out.println(ten + nine); int i=1;
System.out.println(i + ten);
1) 19 followed by 20
2) 19 followed by 11
3) Compile time error
4) 10 followed by 1

Question 26)

If you run the code below, what gets printed out? String s=new String("Bicycle"); int iBegin=1; char iEnd=3;
1) Bic
2) ic
3) icy
4) error: no method matching substring(int,char)

Question 27)
If you wanted to find out where the position of the letter v (ie return 2) in the string s containing "Java", which of the following could you use?
1) mid(2,s);
2) charAt(2);
3) s.indexOf('v');
4) indexOf(s,'v');

Question 28)
Given the following declarations String s1=new String("Hello")
String s2=new String("there");
String s3=new String();
Which of the following are legal operations?
1) s3=s1 + s2;
2) s3=s1-s2;
3) s3=s1 & s2;
4) s3=s1 && s2

Question 29)
What is the result of the following operation?
System.out.println(4 | 3);
1) 6
2) 0
3) 1
4) 7

Question 30) public class MyClass1 { public static void main(String argv[]){ }
/*Modifier at XX */ class MyInner {}
What modifiers would be legal at XX in the above code?
1) public
2) private
3) static
4) friend

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Granite City

...guests. If there was no one they would walk around and help where needed. We did see one that was washing windows and cleaning tables. The Wait staff was approximately 12 strong. They were very polite and friendly. They help each other out. One waitress came to our table and informed us she was helping our waitress out and would take our drink orders. Then our waitress came and introduced herself. During the time our waitress was not busy she also assisted other wait staff and help in the prepping area in the kitchen. The wait staff was always active - we had many of them come by to ask if we needed anything. The wait staff seemed to support one another and balance out when certain staff was too busy. We saw many tables get assistance from different wait staff. Their actions indicated they had a great team atmosphere. In the Kitchen there were 6 cooks. The cooks worked feverously to get things made and prepared for the wait staff. They had one head cook that seemed to give the directions and pull tickets from the printer. He would work back and forth gathering the necessary items needed for each plate. He would inspect the plates before the wait staff would take them. He was assisted by certain wait staff and the managers when things got too busy. The majority of the time he spent visiting with the wait staff and...

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