Premium Essay

Nikki Pearson's Analysis

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Words 172
Pages 1
“Preacher, teacher, psalmist, and author are both nouns and verbs that describe the anointed gifts and talents of native Washingtonian, W. Nikki Pearson. She is at home in a pulpit before a waiting congregation, on a platform delivering a keynote address, in a class room teaching and facilitating workshops and seminars, or singing the Star Bangled Banner before the President of the U.S. Her humility governs her confidence, her compassion fuels her passion, and her faith in the immutable, infallible Word of God is the foundation of it all. Nikki loves a great story. She is also a great story teller who has an uncanny ability to uncover the good buried in scars, pain, and heartbreak. Often it is the tragedies and triumphs of her own life that

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