...Marriage, Sex and Adultery in the !Kung Janvi Patel HSP 3U7-02 Friday May 7, 2013 Marjorie Shostak’s ethnography, “Nisa -The Life and Words of a !Kung Woman”, delivers remarkable information on the !Kung tribe of hunters and gatherers from Southern Africa’s Kalahari Desert. This ethnography combines an etic perspective from Shostak as she observes this tribe, and an emic perspective from Nisa, who describes her life as a !Kung woman. Shostak provides thorough information on the !Kung’s hunting and gathering lifestyle where both sexes are seen as economic providers because of their involvement and commitment in hunting and gathering. As a result, rights and privileges are almost shared equally amongst !Kung men and women, similar to that of the Canadian society. In this paper, I will investigate these striking similarities between the !Kung society and the Canadian society in terms of marriage, sexuality, and romance considering the aspects of multiple marriages and divorces, sex and adultery that exist in both cultures. In the !Kung society, first marriages are arranged by the parents. At this time, females are usually sixteen to seventeen years of age, whereas males are twenty to thirty. This is because males are only eligible for marriage if they have acquired the ability to hunt. These marriages are called “trial marriages.” In these marriages, divorces are quite common and are initiated by the young females due to pressure from their husbands to commence sexual activities...
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...S. Bradshaw MECS-101 WOMEN IN THE QUARAN One of the most misrepresented aspects of Islam is the rights and treatment afforded to women. The progression of women’s rights have never and will (in the foreseeable future), be limited as a Middle Eastern, or Islamic issue. The Islamic viewpoint of woman’s rights would be far from a feminist movement, but the Quran does have specific outlines regarding the rights and limitations of how females should be treated in an Islamic cultures. The timeline that surrounded revelation of the Surah An Nisa was not explicitly defined, but it is believed that after the Battle of Uhd there was a need for some guidance on the care of the widows and orphans that followed the conflict. Knowing that the prophet Mohammed was an orphan himself, and had four daughters, it is natural to believe that the role and statute of women were raised as a result of his influence. The Quran discusses several facets of the rights of women. The fact that women can be in line for any inheritance is a revelation to most. Passage 4:7 describes that a daughter can be in line to receive inheritance from her parents. A husband can pass an inheritance along to his wife, and in 4:176 is states that a woman can receive inheritance from her brother, if has no children. The ownership of property, wealth and the distribution of wealth is discussed at more length when it comes to the dowry that a man pays for the hand of a maiden in marriage. Verse 4:4 highlights...
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...THE PERSON I ADMIRE MOST Talk about the person that I admire so much, a lot of names run through my mind. My mother, sister and some good friends. I even wanted to write about Shim Changmin, the man that made my eyes pop out and he is my love at first sight among the Korean boy bands. But then , I decided to write about a person whom I admire so much and who has influenced me a lot . she is my best friend from my hometown, Kerteh , Terengganu. Her name is Khairunnisa and everyone calls her NIsa. She is as pretty as her name but she does not seem to realise this or she chooses to ignore it. She has a face that every girl would die for. She has silky soft , white creamy skin. Her sparkling hazel eyes are complemented by dark sooty lashes . Her hair is straight , waist length and lustrous like the models in the Rejoice shampoo advertisement. She is a simple girl but yet other girls are envious of her. Though she is petite, small and slender she is strong willed and matured. It is not her physical appearance that made me admire her. Her personality attracts people like magnets. She is friendly, talks politely to everyone, has a good sense of humour, caring and a good Muslimah. Another good thing about her , she has no time for puppy love. Although she has many good looking suitors flirting with her, my elder brother included, she paid no attention to all of them. Sometimes I wish she had introduced some of the guys to me. However , being a good Muslimah, she stays away...
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...[Should the U.S. Build more nucleаr power plаnts for аn energy source?] by [Author’s Nаme] [Fаculty Nаme] [Depаrtment or School Nаme] [Month Yeаr] Should the U.S. Build more nucleаr power plаnts for аn energy source Introduction The debаte on nucleаr power stаtions continues. Should Americа build more stаtions? Why? How much will this cost? Is it worth it? Is it the only option? These аre the questions thаt hаve to be аnswered. There аre mаny pro nucleаr аnd аnti-nucleаr groups mаking their voices heаrd thаt it is hаrd to consider the reаl fаcts. In this аssignment, I will аnswer the previous questions аnd discuss whether, in my opinion, nucleаr power is the wаy forwаrd. There аre currently 16 nucleаr power plаnts in Americа, hаlf operаted by British Nucleаr Fuels аnd the other hаlf by British Energy. All power stаtions run by British Nucleаr Fuels will close by 2010 аnd by British Energy by 2023. The power stаtions hаve long outlived their 20-25 yeаr life expectаncy. There hаs not been аny building of nucleаr power stаtions in Americа in over 10 yeаrs аnd most reаctors аre scheduled to close in the next 20 yeаrs. This will leаve one power plаnt in Suffolk running until 2035. The ideа is thаt other renewаble energy sources will replаce nucleаr power production аnd relieve Americа's reliаnce on fossil-fuels. However, the government is currently being аdvised thаt this will not be the cаse аnd Americа needs to build further...
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...Table of Contents Introduction....................................................................................................................................3 Allah is Only the God of Islam.........................................................................................................3 The Holy War of Jihad.....................................................................................................................3 Slavery is Acceptable......................................................................................................................4 72 Virgins in Paradise for a Martyr.................................................................................................4 ISIS Members are Muslims..........................................................................................................4-5 Jesus is Unrelated to Islam.............................................................................................................5 Sharia Law is Cruel.......................................................................................................................5-6 Islam Oppresses Muslim Women...................................................................................................6 Islam Promotes Polygamy...........................................................................................................6-7 Hijab is a Form of Oppression....................................................................
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...poetry first gained fame—or notoriety—in 1929, when he was suspended for one year by the UP administration for the publication of “Man Song.” His penmame Doveglion (derived from “Dove, Eagle, Lion”) is based on the characters he derived from himself. These animals were also explored by another poet in Doveglion, Adventures in Value, a poem dedicated to Villa. Villa never finished his medical studies. In 1930 he won the Philippines Free Press literary contest for “Mir-i-nisa” and used the prize money to go to the United States. He enrolled at the University of New Mexico and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts degree and pursued post-graduate work at Columbia University. He taught poetry for a while at the City College of New York, 1964- 1973. He also worked in the Philippine Mission to the U.N., 1954- 1963, and became the vice consul in 1965. After he retired in 1973, he continued to teach professionals in his Greenwich Village residence. Villa started out as a fictionist, with “Footnote to Youth” and “Mir-I-nisa.” In 1932, “Untitled Story” appeared in anthology by Edward J. O’Brien, who culled from different publications his annual Best American Short Stories and Best British Short Stories. The following year, Footnote to Youth, a collection of Villa’s stories, was published by Charles Scribner’s Sons. Some of the pieces here were later included in Selected...
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...seMPO Outcome 4 Nisa Local – Denny Current Structure The following is the current structure of the convenience shop Nisa Local in Denny, Falkirk. It shows the span of control that exists within the shop. Manager Assistant Manager 2 Till Supervisors - 2 Stock Supervisors - Head of Kitchen 6 Till operatives - 6 Sales Assistants - 3 Kitchen Assistants The current format of the organisation is a flat structure. They have only 3 layers and people directly report to the above line for orders and tasks are delegated directly down a direct line of communication. There is 22 staff in total all operating different shifts throughout the shops opening hours. There is 8 people within the till department, 8 within the stock department and 4 in the kitchen department, there is less staff in the kitchen department as it is only open till mid-afternoon. The Manager oversees the running of the whole shop as a whole and will deal with the higher line authority tasks such as recruitment, discipline procedures, order levels, company finance and he will also be involved with the daily tasks but will delegate it down the span of control. The assistant manager is next down the line and will directly report to the manager and will receive delegated tasks to dispatch to the different departments. ...
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...Resensi Cerpen Judul Cerpen : Kisah Si Telepon Koin Pengarang : Dien Nisa Andriyani Tanggal Terbit : Maret 2013 Kategori : Fiksi Sumber : Kisah Si Telepon Koin Cara dan Lama Baca Pada cerpen “Kisah Si Telepon Koin” ini, dengan gaya penulisan yang mudah dimengerti, pembaca akan menyelesaikan membaca cerpen ini dalam waktu yang relative singkat, sekitar lima menit. Sinopsis Cerpen sederhana berjudul Kisah Si Telepon Koin yang di tulis oleh Nisa di dalam blog pribadinya ini berawal dari kondisi telepon koin tua yang terabaikan oleh masyarakat, bahkan dijadikan tempat para tangan usil beraksi karena sudah termakan arus perkembangan zaman, sehingga tak berarti sama sekali. Lalu latar waktu berubah 40 tahun yang lalu, dimana ada seorang pengemis cilik yang selalu datang ke telepon koin itu dengan penuh antusias dan rasa ingin tahu lalu dihampiri oleh seorang pria tua berkemeja putih dengan lengan kemeja tergulung dengan sepenuh hati memenuhi rasa keingintahuannya. Hampir setiap hari mereka datang kesana saling berbagi cerita. Lalu di akhir pecan, mereka membersihkannya tanpa peduli dengan pandangan orang yang menggangap aneh perbuatan itu, namun adapula yang meberi mereka tatapan kehangatan. Hingga suatu malam, pria tua itu menghampiri telepon koin itu dengan keadaan lemah menempelkan pesan pada telepon koin itu sampai nyawa terlepas dari jasad pria itu. Keesokan paginya, banyak orang bergerombol di telepon koin itu menyaksikan jasad pria tua yang terbujur kaku...
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...Comparison of Book of John versus Quran – Chapter 4, Al Nisa, Women The purpose of this paper is to provide my layman’s comparison of The Book of John from the Bible and Chapter 4, Al Nisa, Women of the Quran. My primary impression of the two books are that they are vastly different in how they read. The Book of John reads like a story, a narrative per say while Chapter 4 of the Quran reads much like a legal document or contract. The two books are very different and deliver very different messages to the reader. The Quran, Chapter 4 focus’ on women, it outlines their rights and their obligations. This chapter covers subjects such as a woman’s rights, how orphans are to be treated, inheritance, their obligations, modesty, behavior, tremendous and unparalleled sins, ethical issues, weapons, polygamy and men’s superiority over them. Female orphans can marry their guardian, if they wish. She is entitled to her fair dower. However, if she has poor relatives then they should be present at the time her inheritance is disbursed so that they may claim a share of it, that way they are not disappointed. If a woman is not an orphan and inherits from a family members death there is a very distinct division of property. Women (daughters) are entitled to a one-sixth share. A man (sons) would receive the equivalent of two sisters, or one-third. If an adult child dies and has no heirs then the parents inherit their property, one-third to the mother, two-thirds to the father. There are...
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...focusing the organisation’s attention on the essence of winning; motivating people by communicating the value of the target; leaving room for individual and team contribution; sustaining enthusiasm by providing new operational definitions as circumstances change; and using intent consistently to guide resource allocation. Strategic intent captures the essence of winning, stabel over time and sets a target that deserves personal effort and commitment. (Hamel & Prahalad, 1989) Hierarchy of strategic intent includes five types of element ranging from (1) a broad vision of what the organisation should be, (2) the organisation mission , (3) specific goals (4) various strategic objectives (5) spesific plans. (Miller,1998) Stategic Intent An-nisa Tangerang Hospital VISION STATEMENT : To be characterized Islamic hospitals and community of choice MISSION STATEMENT * Providing quality and professional services * Realize the islamic value in the whole range in all action and appearance * Develop a spirit of charity on each employee VALUES * Honesty, Empathy, Caring, Professionalism STRATEGIC GOALS * Quality care and service. * Operating excellence...
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...Business Risk Management Fukushima Daiichi – Nuclear Disaster Pedro Eza ID number: z3366523 Executive Summary Fukushima crisis management showed system failures from the public and private actors that led to overall human error and opened a continuous debate within international community about holding nuclear plants under public hands rather than private ones whose incentives clearly differ from the public interest: * The Government and regulatory agencies failed to push Tepco to heed several anomalies and warnings causing the operator to be unprepared at an operational risk level evidencing an embarrassing incompetency to make decisions. * Tepco, as this report will prove below, lacked a culture of safety failing to respond effectively to subsequent events after the accident. For all these, the need to build an adequate resilience framework within the nuclear industry covering the main pillars: Crisis Management, Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity and Emergency Management, are paramount within risk management. Case’s Background On March 11, 2011, Japan suffered an earthquake of magnitude 9.0 with an epicenter near...
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...Business and Commerce in the Qur’an By Dr. Mohammad Shafi First written for Dar al Islam Teachers’ Institute Alumni News Letter, Spring 2000 “O ye who believe! Eat not up your property among yourselves in vanities; but let there be among you traffic and trade by mutual good-will”. Surah Al Nisa’ (4), Aayah 29. If you look for the exact equivalent of the words “business” or “commerce” in the classical Arabic language, you will not find them. Modern dictionaries do list words that represent these concepts, but the words they use are really something else. Some may be puzzled by the absence of words in Arabic for professions for which ancient Arabs are so famous. But we should not be surprised because the common usage of these words, and their respective connotations, has relatively recent origins. What is interesting is that most of us no longer think of the origins of these words. Business means anything that keeps you busy. Commerce originally meant social interaction or intercourse between two individuals. Even in our modern connotations of the words, we seldom think of limitations on such enterprise except that they should be in a “free” market and be expected to obey some undefined business ethics. We are led to believe that such ethics are flexible, to say the least; after all, we are told that business and politics are “dirty” businesses. The religious framework of business is very different. One talks about trade, buying, selling, and transactions that...
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...Dua pihak membuat akad penjual dan pembeli Objek akad (barang dan harga) Ijab qabul (perjanjian/persetujuan) a. Orang yang melaksanakan akad jual beli ( penjual dan pembeli ) Syarat-syarat yang harus dimiliki oleh penjual dan pembeli adalah : 1. Berakal, jual belinya orang gila atau rusak akalnya dianggap tidak sah. 2. Baligh, jual belinya anak kecil yang belum baligh dihukumi tidak sah. Akan tetapi, jika anak itu sudah mumayyiz (mampu membedakan baik atau buruk), dibolehkan melakukan jual beli terhadap barang-barang yang harganya murah seperti : permen, kue, kerupuk, dll. 3. Berhak menggunakan hartanya. Orang yang tidak berhak menggunakan harta milik orang yang sangat bodoh (idiot) tidak sah jual belinya. Firman Allah ( Q.S. An-Nisa’(4): 5): b. Sigat atau Ucapan Ijab dan Kabul. Ulama fiqh sepakat, bahwa unsur utama dalam jual beli adalah kerelaan antara penjual dan pembeli. Karena kerelaan itu berada dalam hati, maka harus diwujudkan melalui ucapan ijab (dari pihak penjual) dan kabul (dari pihak pembeli). Adapun syarat-syarat ijab kabul adalah : 1. Orang yang mengucap ijab kabul telah akil baliqh. 2. Kabul harus sesuai dengan ijab. 3. Ijab dan kabul dilakukan dalam suatu majlis. c. Barang Yang Diperjual Belikan Barang yang diperjual-belikan harus memenuhi syarat-syarat yang diharuskan, antara lain : 1. Barang yang diperjual-belikan itu halal. 2 . Ba ra ng itu a d a ma nfa a tnya . 3. Barang itu ada ditempat, atau tidak ada tapi ada ditempat lain. 4. Barang...
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...Tipu Sultan (Urdu :سلطان فتح علی ٹیپو )(Kannada: ಟಿಪ್ಪು ಸುಲ್ತಾನ), (20 November 1750 – 4 May 1799), also known as the Tiger of Mysore and Tippoo Sahib,[2] was a ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore and a scholar, soldier and poet. Tipu was the eldest son of Sultan Hyder Ali of Mysore and his wife Fatima Fakhr-un-Nisa.[3] Tipu introduced a number of administrative innovations during his rule, including the introduction of a new coinage, a new Mauludi lunisolar calendar,[4] and a new land revenue system, initiating the growth of Mysore silk industry.[5] Tipu expanded the iron-cased Mysorean rockets which he deployed in his resistance against military advances of the British.[6] In alliance with the French in their struggle with the British, and in Mysore's struggles with other surrounding powers, both Tipu and his father used their French trained army against the Marathas, Sira and rulers of Malabar, Coorg, Bednore, Carnatic and Travancore. During Tipu's childhood, his father rose to take power in Mysore, and upon his father's death in 1782, Tipu succeeded to a large kingdom bordered by the Krishna River in the north, the Eastern Ghats in the east and the Arabian Sea in the west.[7] He won important victories against the British in the Second Anglo-Mysore War, and negotiated the 1784 Treaty of Mangalore with them after his father Hyder Ali died from cancer in December 1782 during the second Mysore war. Tipu engaged in expansionist attacks against his neighbours. His treatment of...
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...against euthanasia such as in religious arguments, euthanasia is against the world and will of god (BBC: 2013). Religious people believe that every human being is the creation of God. Our lives is not only for us to do with as we see fit. Kill one self or allowing someone to do it, is deny God and to deny God`s right over our lives and his right to choose the length of our lives and the way our lives end. Beside that religious people argue that believers never wanna death unnatural because it will ruin their faith. In Islamic religion euthanasia is illegitimate. In Al-Qur`an says: "And whoever kills a believer intentionally, then return is Hell, there in he is eternal and God was angry with him and curse him and provides punishment for him (An-Nisa`:93). In medical side, a doctor who allowing the patient to die or makes act to cause people death, against code of ethic. Then, by ending someone`s life, doctor or nurses will get a dilemma causes they against the law of heart. A nurse says: “ there is no quality of life when the patient is death”. Perhaps, there must be something lost in their heart when they...
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