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Non-Directive Mentoring

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The past decades writing centers have become a significant part of university life. (See list of writing centers and links to their sites in appendix A) Most of these writing centers aim for a non-directive or minimalistic approach. (Ryan & Zimmerelli, Stephen North) Non-directive mentoring, also known as minimalistic mentoring, is a way of mentoring in which the tutors distance themselves from the role of editor. The goal of non-directive mentoring is learning and improving the writing skills of the writer, not delivering the perfect paper. (Brooks) As simple as this may sound, it is a very counterintuitive approach to mentoring – within writing centers, it happens more than once that mentors do not succeed in being non-directive with …show more content…
(See appendix B for a copy of survey one) As I was analysing the results, I divided the respondents into four groups – A, B, C and D – based on whether they thought mentor training to be sufficient and whether they had experienced troubles with mentoring because of a lack of training. However, the responses quickly showed that only 43% of the participating mentors found the training to be insufficient, and in total only 19% of all respondents indicated having had troubles caused by a lack of training. Despite of these results, when taking a closer look at the answers to the open-ended questions, it became clear to me that a lot of mentors did have trouble with applying the non-directive mentoring approach – no less than 67,5% mentioned this in their …show more content…
After reading through it for the first time, it caught my eye that there were a few things that always came back, so I categorized the results accordingly: mentors found non-directivity hard because they had a lack of experience with minimalistic mentoring, because they had a lack of communicative skills and didn’t know how to deal with certain situations, because they had a lack of confidence regarding mentoring and suffered from the imposter syndrome (meaning they do not feel competent to mentor, even though they are) and because they did not fully grasp the concept of the non-directive mentoring approach

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