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Greek Contributions To American Culture

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Americans owe many aspects our culture to the Greeks. The biggest contribution that they have made to our country, in my opinion, is our government. Athens was the birthplace of Democracy, and without them we would not have the model that we based our country’s government on. The values of freedom, and the right to have our say in how things are done in our society come directly from them. We also owe a huge part of our knowledge of the ancient world to them, as they were the first to have an actual written history (different from the hieroglyphs that the Egyptians used). A lot of history would have been lost in the past if not for them. Much of our modern day literature can also be attributed to the stories told by them; it’s where a lot of our archetypes come from, such as the epic. Also, let’s not forget about theater, which also comes from them. In fact, many of our theaters here in the U.S. are modeled after their amphitheaters. Lastly, we owe quite a …show more content…
For one, our religion is very different from theirs. While we also get the freedom to practice any religion/worship any god from them, our main religions are monotheistic, unlike their own polytheistic religion. Second, the way that we treat women in our culture is vastly different from how they treated their women. Here, women have (arguably) the same rights that men do. Girls are valued much more than they were with Greeks. Women in our country are their own person, and not the property of their husbands. They have many more opportunities now than they did then, are just as much a part of our society as men are. While it has not always been this way for women in America, we have evolved over time to how things are now. Education in the U.S. is also different from what the Greeks had. Both girls and boys go to school, and music/art is not nearly as much as focus to us as it was to

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