...Many Greek-Americans that I know, as well many members of my own family, emigrated from Greece to the United States between 1950 and 1974. It appears that Greeks have always looked beyond Greece and travelled abroad in search of opportunity and perhaps adventure. Like salmon, they generally prefer to return to their birthplace at the end of their life, but often spend most of their lives abroad. The Council of Greeks Abroad estimates that there are at least as many people who consider themselves “Greek” living outside Greece as there are in Greece. The Greek tendency to wander, seek adventure and conquer new lands dates back to ancient times when Greeks founded settlements throughout the Mediterranean world. Traditionally the sea was the way to foreign lands and as a result Greeks presently control a majority of the world’s ocean-going merchant fleet. Greek emigration to America began prior to the creation of the modern Greek state in the early 1800s. Greeks began arriving in the New World in the 1600s, but most of the immigration from Greece to the United States took place during two time periods in the 1900s. The first wave of Greek immigration to the United States was from 1890 to 1924. A series of wars in the Balkans and Asia Minor caused large populations to be displaced, and more than a million refugees to settle in Greece. This caused additional strains on the meager economic and food resources in a nation already devastated by two decades of war...
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...monocultural ‘British’ society. Most migrants came from Britain. Since the late 1940s, more people from different countries immigrate to Australia. Most of them are European migrants after World War II. This phenomenon triggered defensive reactions by the previous dominant of Anglo-Australians (Nichols, 2011). The dominant wanted to assimilate the immigrants at the first stage, but some conflicts occurred during this process. Then, the immigration policy has been changed from assimilationsm to multiculturalism. After the start of federation of Australia in 1901, the government utilized White Australia Policy to all Australians, preventing anyone to enter Australia unless they were from Britain and trying to make this country into an English-speaking, Anglo-Australian cultural one. At that time, English is the first language being spoken by above 95 per cent people in Australia (Australian Bureau of Statistics 2002). Britain was considered as the mother country and the majority of people were willing to keep it that way. As a result, the immigration policy’s purpose was to restrict immigrants from non-white countries in the excuse from economic protection to outright racism (Gibb 1973). The White Australia Policy failed to last for a long time as long as more immigrants’ arrival. Because the war caused...
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...living in a new society (de Castro, Gilbert & Takeuchi 2008). Like other European countries, Australia is also a very attractive destination for migrant workers. Migrants have been part of Australian society and the Australian workforce since colonisation began in 1788. However the migrant population at the time was of a predominantly European background. It was from the mid-nineteen century when Chinese, Pacific Islander, Lebanese, Afghan, Indian and European migrants arrived and settled in Australia. Due to the gradual liberalisation of Australian immigration policies, the ethnic composition of Australian migrants has shifted significantly, bringing in migrants from Southern Europe, Middle East, Asia and South America. Today well over 20% of Australians were born in another country, out of whom more than half came to Australia from non-English speaking countries in Europe, the Middle East, Asia and South America (Dept of Immigration). This essay will focus on the reasons behind the different workplace experiences of NESB employees; what...
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...knew that he would succeed him so Phillip II prepared Alexander for a military and political future. He was very well educated by the Greek Philosopher, Aristotle. Aristotle taught Alexander not just the basics but opened his interest to science, medicine and philosophy. After Phillip II was assassinated, Alexander became king of Macedonia at the age of twenty. As stated Alexander was groomed from an early age and was given control of the cavalry at the important battle of Chaeronea. He secured Macedonia’s frontlines, put down the Greek rebellion, then set his eyes on the rest of the world. He began his campaign (entered Asia Minor) with 37,000 men of which 5,000 were cavalry and had his first confrontation and victory against the Persian Empire at a battle at the Granicus River which almost cost him his life. By the following spring, 334/335, the western half of Asia Minor was controlled by Alexander. At the Battle of Issus, the Persian troops outnumbered Alexander’s and his men. However, the numerical advantage the Persian’s had was cancelled because the battle was on a narrow field and resulted in another success for Macedonia. Alexander then turned south, and by the winter of 332 BCE, Alexander dominated Egypt, Palestine and Syria. He took the title of pharaoh of Egypt and founded the first cities named after him. (Alexandria) as the Greek administrative capital of Egypt which remains one of Egypt’s and Mediterranean’s most important cities. He then moved into ancient...
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...today. Art can reveal an extensive amount of information regarding the culture and background of the society, which it was created. To examine artwork in relation to the culture of the each society, the artwork must be analyzed in variety of ways. The artwork that will be examined will be the Parthenon from the Classical Greece period, The Scraper from the Hellenistic Period, and the tombs from the Etruscan Civilization. The Parthenon is a great example of the Doric style of architecture from the Classical Greek period, as shown in Figure 1. The Parthenon was built by Perikles, the great Athenian leader. It was built on the highest point and was the largest building on the mainland. (Benton & DiYanni, 2008, pp. 66-121) The Parthenon was made of marble and was built in 447-432 BCE. Parthenon is a temple dedicated to the Goddess Athena. ("The Parthenon") An image of Athena made out of gold and ivory stands in the Parthenon. (Benton & DiYanni, 2008, pp. 66-121) The Greeks believed she helped them defeat the Persian Empire during the Persian Wars. The Parthenon is known to symbolize wealth and power of the Athenians. Tax money of the people was used to pay for the building. Ironically, the building was used as a state treasury, which held tax money that the Dalian League collected. The society was proud of its culture and political achievements. ("The Parthenon") The society also formed the first Democracy. The society saw themselves rising to the same level as the Gods...
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...Based on the representations shown in Discovering the Global Past, chapter three, the Greek and Egyptian cultures both value strong men, and women who needed their men. However, one difference that the Egyptians and Greeks have in their values is simplicity. The Egyptians favored elaborateness and the Greeks preferred simplicity. Both the Greek and Egyptian cultures value strength in their men. The images of the Greek men show these men in the prime of their abilities. The well muscled bodies depicted in the images show vitality and power that men in their prime have. The image "Theseus and the Amazons" shows strong and militarily powerful men defeating the Amazons. Competition of any kind, athletic or militaristic, was a way for men to prove themselves in Greek society. If a man showed arete he had honor (Burger, 49). Because of the Greek's chase of arete, men had to be strong both physically and intellectually in order to win. When Greek artists depicted men, the only men worthy to make art of were strong men with arete, so looking at the Greek culture, strong men were valued. The Egyptian images two and three show powerful men as well. In image two, showing Nebamum hunting, Nebamum is larger than his wife and servant. He is also closer to the foreground of the image with the other two in the background. Another instance of the man being larger and more forward is with image three. King Ramesses II is much larger than his wife, with Nefertari only coming up to his...
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...respectfully disagree. I don't think fashions truly ever really fade. There is always something “coming back in style.” There is one particular style that never really seemed to go away and is still prominent in 21st century high fashion. Greek style dresses have endured the test of time and have become a bit of a staple of modern fashion. The early Greeks made the peplos style famous, but European influence called it the “Empire Waist”; dresses that were long and loose fitting but gathered under the bust. Today, modern wedding dresses are almost always made with some version of an empire waist, and New York Fashion Week's catwalks are littered with remnants of Greek style. No offense to Mr. Saint-Laurent. A peplos is a full-length Greek garment worn by women before 500 BCE. The cloth was manufactured as a tube of fabric that was folded inside out from the top down, then gathered at the waist and fastened at the shoulders in either a strap or with pins. The top of the tube draped down to the waist giving the appearance of a second piece of material. A similar style that would have been worn by both men and women was a chiton[1]. The chiton was a heavier garment made of wool or linen and was held on with a fibula, which was an ancient Greek brooch.[2] Men's styles of chitons were either knee length, or body length based on the status, age, and profession of the individual, and were often worn with a cloak called a himation. The chiton was the outfit of Aphrodite because of how...
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... Page 1 Mr.Brown Honors World History 14 April 2013 Roman and Greeks Correlations There are many differences between the Greeks and Romans. There are so many similarities between the two because Romans adopted the Greek religion and everything they did in life. One difference between them is the religion even though the Romans adopted it there are differences. Another difference is architecture like the Greeks the Romans also did gods for their architecture, but there are many differences. The last difference would have to be art while the Greeks did body the Romans did nature and power. Even though they were the same almost there are many different correlations. First one thing that was the same with the Greeks and Romans but had different attributes was architecture. One difference between their architecture was the materials. The early classical period of Greece used bronze. bowserguy62 When they started to advance they used white marble and painted it. The Romans also used white marble to make their architecture however they didn’t paint it. Another example is their styles and inspiration. Greeks often did depictions of their gods in heroic nudes and mainly the male figure was idealized. Even though the Romans did do gods they often did nobles or emperors that were naturalistic. Greeks did sculpture in architecture and also did free- standing sculpture just like the Romans did. When it they did free-standing...
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...roamed all over Asia and Europe as a supernatural figure. In presenting and describing the military and personal life of this legendary man, Cantor draws his information from the contemporary writings on the Alexander. He uses the cultural and psychological studies to portray that Alexander was not an ordinary person in the ancient world. The author portrays Alexander the Great as person liked to conquer new empires. In writing this biography, Alexander clearly explains the relationship that existed between Alexander the great and his father, Philip II of Macedon, his bisexuality, and his oedipal involvement with his own mother. In addition, traces the efforts of this great man in attempting to unite the Persian and Greek worlds, west, and east using the famous Greek hero Achilles of the Trojan War as his model. Furthermore, Cantor explores the superstitious nature of Alexander towards the gods of Egypt and Greece. Cantor biography artistically balances between the public life and private life as he...
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...Country Analysis - Greece Bordering the Aegean Sea, Ionian Sea and the Mediterranean Sea in southern Europe,Greece is a country of mostly mountains with ranges extending into the sea as peninsulas or chains of islands. From wet winters, to hot and dry summers, greece is a popular tourist destination. With nearly 4.5 million people in the Athens area, Greece is populated with nearly 10 million people in which a parliamentary democracy exists. 300 people are elected whom form the parliament which conducts the legislative duties of the government.The political party collects approximately 151 seats in the parliamental duties of the administration. The president automatically becomes prime minster and then gets appointed to become cabinet ministers. The actual ‘president’ is elected by the parliament for a five year term. The current ‘chief of state’ is President Karolos Papoulias and the head of government is Prime Minister Antonis Samaras. As you are aware, Greece’s economy isn’t doing too well lately. Greece has a capitalist economy which means it has an economic system based on private ownership of capital. 40 percent of the countries GDP is accounted from a public sector. Tourism provides fifteen percent, in which we will discuss later. Between 2003 and 2007 the economy grew nearly four percent per year. This is partially due to the 2004 Olympic games which also resulted in an increased availability of...
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...poet composed both works. The Greeks attributed both of the epics to the same man, and we have little hard evidence that would make us doubt the ancient authorities, but uncertainty is a constant feature of scholarly work dealing with Homer's era of Greek history. The Greeks hailed him as their greatest poet, as well as their first. Although the Greeks recognized other poets who composed in Greek before Homer, no texts from these earlier poets survived. Perhaps they were lost, or perhaps they were never written down‹Homer himself was probably on the cusp between the tradition of oral poetry and the new invention of written language. Texts of the Iliad and the Odyssey existed from at least the sixth century BC, and probably for a considerable span of time before that. These two great epic poems also had a life in performance: through the centuries, professional artists made their living by reciting Homer, performing the great epics for audiences that often know great parts of the poem by heart. It is impossible to pin down with any certainty when Homer lived. Eratosthenes gives the traditional date of 1184 BC for the end of the Trojan War, the semi-mythical event which forms the basis for the Iliad. The great Greek historian Herodotus put the date at 1250 BC. These dates were arrived at in a very approximate manner; Greek historians usually used genealogy and estimation when trying to find the dates for events in the distant past. But Greek historians were far less certain...
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...heroic values- the strength, skill, and valor of the dominating warrior. Such was the earliest meaning of arête, “excellence” or “virtue”, a term whose meaning changed as values changed during the course of Greek culture. To obtain arête- defined by one Homeric hero as “to fight ever in the forefront and outdo my companions”- and the undying fame that was its reward, men would endure hardship, struggle, and even death. Honor was the just reward for one who demonstrated arête, and the greatest of human injustices was the denial of honor due to a great hero. Homer makes such denial the theme of the Illiad,- the disastrous results of Achilles’s decision to withdraw from battle after he had been denied honor by King Agamemnon. P. 107 In fifth-century Athens, scholars estimate that one out of every four persons was a slave. Some were war captives and others were children of slaves, but most came from outside Greece through slave dealers. No large collections of slaves were used on agricultural estates. Small landowners might own one or more slaves, who worked in the fields alongside their masters. Those who owned many slaves often hired them out to private individuals or to the state, where they worked alongside Athenian citizens and received comparable wages. P. 113 The Greeks were the first to formulate many of the European culture’s fundamental concepts of politics, philosophy, science, and art. How was it that a relatively small number of people could leave such a great legacy...
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...was one of the very important part of the civilization. For all the cultures habitation and finding food is depend on the environments that they placed on and all the cultures are in relation with each other. A Senegalese social scientist Cheikh Anta Diop has a theory about the roots of the civilization. He supports that Ethiopians and the Egyptians played a key role in the processing of civilization by their developments in science, art and religion. These developments were required for the adaptation of the people. The Greeks interiorized the elements of civilization which they inspired from Egyptians, continued to develop them and spread them to the Eurasians. The Greek philosophers and scholars thoughts were shaped by the Egyptians. Their style of architecture was similar with the Egyptians’. They also effected from Egyptians’ literature like fables. One of the French writers, La Fontaine, inspired from a Greek writer, Aesop. Diop also claim that Greeks impressed their gods from Egypt. He proved that with the foreign sources which were mostly written by Egyptians. Apart the theory of Diop, there is a big relation between religion and civilization. People had found supernatural solutions or explanations for natural problems like climate change, volcanic eruptions or darkness and lightness and they also have a supernatural solution for fertility – mother goddess which was a symbol of fertility – which was very important for the people who have...
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...Caragh Tiernan Drama Lit Lab 11am 9-24-14 First Draft Ajax by Sophocles is a greek tragedy that follows the downward spiral of Ajax a disgraced greek warrior who after killing the Greeks livestock and descending into madness, decides to take his life and the aftermath of this concerning Ajax’s burial. Theater of War is a project helmed by Bryan Doerries which brings Ajax to war veterans and their families in the hopes it will become a cathartic, safe place for soldier to feel comfortable working through their post war problems. Since the idea of “shell shock” arouse after the first world war there has been a great deal of awareness brought to the topic. Now present day thanks to the many different methods and programs (theatre of war) soldiers have became increasingly more mature in handling the effects and change caused by war. Ajax serves as a good cautionary tale, a clear outline of what not to do and how not to react. A big motivation in Ajax’s suicide is his loss of honor, it is so devastating to him that he feels his only way to escape is to take his own life. “A great man must must live in honor or die an honorable death.”(Ajax, 28) Many soldiers struggle after war because they feel they’ve lost a part of themselves or their identify entirely. Because of their actions or what they have seen they feel some shame or guilt. Though Ajax’s circumstances might have been different, he failed to learn that it is possible to move on from who you used to be or how you once...
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...together and forever changed the ancient world. Alexander the warrior is only one part of his legacy. He was a celebrated leader with a unique early life that drove his passion, admirable traits that set him apart from other rulers, and an unquestionable mark on history that continues to be praised today. Education and good mentoring are both vital for the pedigree of a good leader. Alexander had both. Being the son of a king, from an early age Alexander was given access to and was educated by the well-known Greek philosopher, Aristotle. It was his proximity to this great thinker during Alexander’s developmental years that inspired a deep love for rhetoric and literature, which led to interests in science, medicine, and philosophy. Education set Alexander apart from his peers; it also established him as one with the ability to transfer something of worth to another, namely Hellenism. Adding to education, Aristotle introduced Alexander to the legend of the Greek god, Achilles, through Homer’s, The Iliad. To Alexander, Achilles became a sort of distant mentor and idol to emulate. Alexander studied how Achilles fought, lived, loved, and died; desiring the same for his own life Alexander would vicariously model it as such. A good leader will have a solid base of knowledge and an example to emulate. Consequently, the fundamentals of a good education and mentoring became vital to Alexander later in life when he established his kingdom and was recognized as a leader. A...
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