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Non Specific Neck Pain Lab Report

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Neck pain is one of the most common musculoskeletal problem. Neck pain without any identifiable underlying disease or abnormal anatomical structure is termed as non specific neck pain and it can results from postural and mechanical factors such as sprains and strains of the muscles or ligaments in the neck.1 symptoms of non specific neck pain includes pain develops in the neck and may spread to the shoulder or base of the skull, movement of the neck feels restricted and moving the neck may make the pain worse.

Physical therapists attempt to manage patients with non specific neck pain by utilizing a wide variety of interventions including exercise and manual therapy. Muscle Energy Technique (MET) is one of the technique that …show more content…
Unfortunately, few studies have examined the effectiveness of MET. A research was conducted to explore the aftereffect of MET on cervical ROM.This study consist of seven treatment sessions with three repetitions of MET for four weeks using approximately 5-second contractions. The result of the study showed that the case group ROM was increased whereas the control group present little or no change. 1 Another study proved that Five-second contractions shown greatest results with application at the atlanto-axial joint 2
In a study of twenty six volunteer with limited ROM of lumbar extension were randomly assigned into two groups thirteen subject in case group treated with MET two times per week for 4 weeks MET also found to significantly increased lumbar extension ROM and supporting MET as proper therapy for improving lumber extension ROM3
Another research also marked the short-term effects of MET in decreasing pain and muscle tension and increasing

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