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Headache Research Paper

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4.3 Headache

The mild attacks of Migraine from which I still suffer usually announce themselves hours in advance … – Sigmund Freud (1856 – 1939), the Austrian neurologist who founded the psychoanalytic school of psychology

Headache is another headache! Headache affects everybody. There is perhaps none alive who has never had headache. It is among the most common disorders of the nervous system. But the difference is there are people who are affected by recurrent headaches. Headache is a pain in the head or upper neck. The intensity varies according to the seriousness of the underlying causes. When the structure inside the brain (which is sensitive to pain) is over-exercised headache results – it’s then headache all you have in your head. …show more content…
Even though it is estimated that half the adult population have had headache at least once within last one year, it has always been underestimated, under-recognized and under-treated throughout the world. Headaches are divided broadly in two groups. (A) The first group is the primary type of headache, very common, which includes (1) tension, (2) migraine, and (3) cluster. They affect quality of life. While some people get occasional headache that resolve quickly, others are drained out. Primary type of headaches is not life-threatening. (B) The second group is the secondary type of headache, not common, which are caused by external factors like illness, injury or accident that could be life-threatening. We explain only 3 types of primary headaches …show more content…
The unique feature of cluster headache is that the attack occurs in cyclical patterns, or in clusters – which give the condition its name. The period generally lasts from 1 to 12 weeks. It typically occurs prompt with clocklike consistency during a 24-hour period (linking to body's cardinal clock), and the cycle of cluster periods often follows the season of the year. Each bout, lasting from 15 minutes to 3 hours, may cause excruciating pain located around or behind one eye, affected eye may become red, inflamed, and watery. Unlike migraine headaches (described next), cluster headache tends to cause restlessness. The pain is often as sharp, penetrating or burning. Patients often pace the floor, bang their heads against the wall, or driven to any desperate measure. That is why cluster headache is called ‘suicide headache.’ The pain, however, usually ends as rapidly as it starts -- leaving completely relieved of pain, but exhausted. Development of cluster headache is due to abnormal level of certain hormones such as melatonin and cortisol and changes in the levels of serotonin. Common medications over-the-counter do not come to an aid as they work too slowly. Pure oxygen and prescription drugs that can be absorbed quickly are the first line of defense. Pure oxygen when breathed for up to 15 minutes provides considerable relief. Higher blood oxygen level relaxes constricted blood vessels, providing quick relief.

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