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"Nonlistening is a form of listening that does not involve real listening" (Wood & Schweitzer, 2010, p. 234). There are six types of nonlistening: Pseudolistening, monopolizing, selective listening, defensive listening, ambushing and literal listening (Wood & Schweitzer, 2010, pp. 234, 235, 236, & 237). There are times when most of us engage in one or the other form of nonlistening due to variety of reasons. These reasons can either be personal or related to one's profession. Personal reasons can be any of the family disputes and professional reasons can be when you have a deadline for the submission of important project and you have a lot of pending work. Students also adopt one of the forms of nonlistening when they found their lectures …show more content…
It is a general subject and is not directly related to nursing. So, I never focused on that subject. I was inattentive in class most of the times. One particular incident which I would like to share over here is when our teacher explained our first class presentation assignment and it was due within a week. At that time, I just heard the due date of my assignment and just saw that the instructions are on the home page of health education course. Thus, I did not pay much attention to what the teacher was explaining because I was having my midterm of pathophysiology on the same day and I was worried how I will manage the two of them simultaneously. I am a single mother. My daughter was one year old at that time and she did not let me study much. All these factors stressed me out. Our teacher gave us time to ask questions related to assignment but, I pretended to appear attentive and concentrated. Thus, I did not ask any question. Eventually, I faced a lot of problems when I had to write my assignment. I contacted one of my classmates and asked her how she is doing her assignment. Therefore, I could not get a satisfactory grade in my first assignment of health education. Not only this, I found hard to study for my midterm of health education. This was due to the reason that I missed important information from my teacher and I assumed health education to be an easy subject. That is why, I engaged myself in

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