...Nonviolent communication is a term that I was not familiar with or understood until learning about it in Module 3: Relationships and Communication. Furthermore, practicing this type of communication is significant as it explores a compassionate and empathetic approach in connecting and resolving issues with one another on a deeper level that does not result in violence whether verbal or physical. Personally, I have not been in a physical altercation with anyone that lead to violence. However, I have had verbal disagreements which I try to resolve amicably and with a positive outcome. For this assignment, I will use a workplace conflict that took place this past May with my colleague of seven years, which was a rare incident, as we typically...
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...EMBODIED PEACEMAKING: Body Awareness, Self-Regulation and Conflict Resolution An E-Book by Paul Linden, Ph.D. www.being-in-movement.com EMBO D IE D P EA CE MA K ING Body Awareness, Self-Regulation and Conflict Resolution Paul Linden, Ph.D. First Edition 2007 CCMS Publications www.being-in-movement.com Columbus, Ohio EMBODIED PEACEMAKING: Body Awareness, Self-Regulation, and Conflict Resolution by Paul Linden, PhD Published by CCMS Publications 221 Piedmont Road Columbus, Ohio 43214 USA 614-262-3355 paullinden@aol.com www.being-in-movement.com All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from the author, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review. Copyright © 2007 by Paul Linden First edition 2007 Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication (Provided by Quality Books, Inc.) Linden, Paul. Embodied peacemaking [electronic resource] : body awareness, self-regulation and conflict resolution : an e-book / by Paul Linden. -- 1st ed. p. cm. System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Mode of access: World Wide Web. Includes index. ISBN-13: 978-0-9716261-7-1 (e-book) ISBN-10: 0-9716261-7-0 (e-book) 1. Conflict management. 2. Interpersonal conflict. 3. Mind and body. I. Title. HM1126.L54 2007 303.6'9 QBI07-600195 TABLE...
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...Question 1 1 out of 1 points | | | |[pic]|1. Peter Salovey is sometimes referred to as the “Father of Emotional Intelligence.” | | |Answer | | |Selected Answer: | | |[pic] True | | |Correct Answer: | | |[pic] True | Question 2 1 out of 1 points | | | |[pic]|2. The Limbic System (mainly the Amygdala) is where our social and emotional centers are located. | | |Answer | | |Selected Answer: ...
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...Club IT Part 2 Cindi Burgard XBIS 219 December 9, 2012 Jayson Sayers Club IT Part 2 Club IT is a new club that is run by the owners Ruben and Lisa, both of the owners have college degree’s. They have asked for help to make their club the one that everyone wants to visit. After spending time with Ruben and the employees of Club IT and watching how things are done, there are a couple suggestions that will be made to help them grow their business so that it will be the hippest Club in the area. There are a couple areas that the owners will need to improve on and the suggestions that will be made may be a little costly up front but in the end may be the life saver of this club. Some IT applications can be rented so to speak and some can be purchased and the owners will have to decide which they would prefer to do to benefit them the most. Lisa and Ruben have done fairly well so far, but to keep up with the clientele that they are catering to they need to be up to speed, so to speak. They currently cater mostly to a clientele of Net Genners and Millenials. These are the people that use technology for almost everything that they do. From communicating with friends to making major purchases these groups use their Phones, PDA’s, and tablets for everything. IT issues: 1. The current system place to connect to the internet is a “dial up” system. The owners will need to up grade this system to a DSL server. By doing this the clientele will have a better service...
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...A businesses life cycle is constantly revolving around change. Being able to adapt both internally and externally to change will help your business to succeed in the long run. There are several techniques that help reduce resistance to change, one of those being participation. Participation is considered to be one of the most effective techniques when there is resistance to change in the work place, but why is participation so effective? When you have employees actively participate in the planning and implementing of the change process, it helps them to better understand the reason for the change and why it is needed. This is also a good opportunity for employees to voice their concerns with the change and to address any questions they might have as well. One example of active participation would be a bank that is constructing a new teller system, in order to better serve their customers. When designing the new system they bring in tellers from different branches to try out the new system and see if they can pin point any changes or improvements that might need to be made. This will help the program to be more effective for the tellers to operate, when the new system is ready to go live. A second tactic that is also useful to reduce resistance to change is negotiation. By negotiating, employees can discuss and agree on who will do what after change occurs. A good example of negotiating would be the banks new teller system which we previously talked about in the last example...
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...influence the company’s ability to convert to a lean system? * One major problem of Oak Hills processes is their internal customers and suppliers. BlackDome, an internal supplier of Oak Hills, was often late on deliveries but attributed this to rush orders placed by Oak Hills internal customer E&E. The internal processes between units are lacking effective communication between E&E and Oak Hills. E&E does not provide Oak Hills with information concerning their current or impending projects, so Oak Hills know little about what projects require the testing instruments that they supplied them. * Another problem was the fact that E&E customers were used to the luxury of placing rush orders. There for the plant had to maintain a high level of raw materials inventory on-site, costing them space and money. * Another problem is their use of the batch flow system. * They need to locate production and warehousing facilities closer to their customers. * Require suppliers to deliver smaller quantities, more frequently. In order for Oak Hills to implement a successful lean system there must be improved communication between its’ internal units. Oak Hills needs to require E&E unit to forecast their demand more accurately, so they can reduce the amount of expedited orders, and be better prepared for rush orders. 2. What changes in the manufacturing environment need to be undertaken in order to convert the current system to a lean system? Think about this from both a short-term...
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...CheckPoint: Group Communication Stroker Ace XCOM/285 3/10/2012 CheckPoint: Group Communication For this check point assignment, I will be discussing how businesses can organize their employees/staff into teams, the benefits of doing so, and the communication within the group. Group communication differs from individual communication because you need to always be actively listening. Making sure that other group members get an opportunity to speak and share their opinions. Being an active listener can also help resolve conflict between one group member and another. Some examples of conflict resolution would be to make responsibilities and ground rules clear at the beginning, discuss problems as they arise, rather than letting them fester till people explode, and realize that group members are not responsible for each other’s’ happiness. One of the most important elements of a successful team is open and honest communication, with employees sharing opinions and information to ensure that all team members are certain of the business objectives and how to achieve them. Ways to foster group communication would be schedule regular meetings with the whole team, so that each member can provide feedback as to any concerns they may be having...
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...non verbal messages, and then offering a response (Cheesebro, O’Connor, & Rios, 2010). This implies that to offer accurate responses in various situations including during conflict resolution, one must be able to receive the information accurately through effective listening in order to draw meaning and respond to the parties in question appropriately (Shermerhon, Hunt, & Osborn, 2004). It is through effective listening to a party that one is able to grasp the intended meaning and offer a relevant response. Effective listening skills are one of the main determinants of the progress of teaching, informing, and conflict resolution. However, various factors need to be put in place to ensure that listening enhances the quality of communication among the parties involved. It requires effective coordination between the brain and the ear as well as proper concentration by the parties involved. This study presents listening strategies employed in effective conflict resolution. Listening Process The starting point is the absorption of information through the ear which is the transmitting device to the brain as indicated below. Source: Cheesebro, T., O’Connor, L., & Rios, F. (2010). For listening to occur, hearing must first take place. While individuals may not have much control on hearing, listening requires deliberate efforts. After hearing, individuals must endeavor to grasp the message. This will be achieved by focusing on such a message physically and mentally. Physically...
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...Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking PSY/400 February 20, 2012 Jodi Clarke Conflict Resolution and Peacemaking People do and say what they think according to their identity. As individuals, needs, goals, principles, and ethics drastically vary from one person to another. Inevitably when two or more people or groups interact, the individual needs, and goals may vary creating conflict. Although every person in an independent nation possesses freedom of expression, sensitive issues, and controversial topics surface creating the need for conflict resolution and peacemaking. Conflict within a group or among individuals normally results from an individual’s feeling of wrongdoing directed toward him or her, or over the pursuit of self-interests. Conflict results from incompatibility of activity or ambitions. Social parties become involved in conflicting situations when intelligently seeking self-interest and eventually apprehended in a commonly detrimental manner of conducting oneself. Society attempts to prevent conflict with implementing laws and guidelines that controls and regulates the egotistic behaviors and needs of individuals and groups (Myers, 2010). Public schools experiences conflict with a large variety of issues, which delivers a huge impact on societies across the nation. One conflict that exists includes bullying and peer pressure among children in school. The conflict has an impact on the students, parents, and society, and the results may leave severe consequences...
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...Dictionary (1976). In the business & education world, these joint actions should have some mission or objective that achieves results like a research paper. My Team C has come together with a common goal: Writing a successful paper for week 5 on “What safeguards exist currently to ensure academic honesty & are they working?” For this to be possible we must learn how to work as a team. Although a team needs to work together as a unit to accomplish the end goal, a team needs a leader to provide direction. The leader is responsible for making sure the team runs smoothly. They need to brief each team member on the objectives, delegate responsibilities, analyze any potential threats the team might have, establish the communication plan, ensure positive 2-way communication is established during critical situations, and have a back-up plan in case something falls through. Leaders also need to make sure that every team member feels validated and respected. This can be accomplished by listening to their questions, and acknowledging and understanding their challenges. These small tasks help build trust within the team. Something a leader should avoid when assigning tasks is putting each team member in an assigned box. This brings on a state of mind that the team member is only allowed to do whatever is in their job description and nothing more. The resulting effect is a lack of cooperation between team members and a team that does not run smoothly. “Why should I do that? It’s not my job”...
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...In the IVEY British Airways case study, Mark Dunkerley has several constraints to contend with in order to implement change within the Latin America division of the corporation. The two most significant constraints I identified include: 1) lack of proper talent/change agents in Latin America to carry out organizational restructuring and operations’ changes and 2) a communication breakdown that is currently reinforced on the organizational level by British Airways’ corporate structure. Dunkerley begins hinting at the issue of lack of proper talent/change agents in Latin America to carry out organizational restructuring and operations’ changes on page 106. In speaking about BA’s poor performance he states that it is “an absence of vision, focus, and investment…There was no clear sales and marketing strategy. There was no teamwork between different functional areas.” These comments, that clearly highlight a communication issue, are really the symptoms of the deeper problem—lack of change agents on the ground in Latin America to implement or champion change. Although one could argue that the London headquarters should be aware of problems in Latin America (economic and organizational), even if headquarters begins working on a vision of how the LA division could change, run more efficiently, and be more profitable; it would still need a team/coalition on-site to oversee the changes on both a gradual and daily basis. Since Dunkerley arrived in Latin America in 1997 and has...
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...Lois Bombara Managerial Communication MAN 373, June 2010 Conflict over Job Duties Because of the rapid growth of the company in the last six months there is an increase in sales volume and this has caused both the credit office and the accounting office to be busier than normal. A conflict with the job duties of Ruth Rankin, the administrative assistance in the credit department, has not been able to help the credit office as much as she use to in the past. Ruth works for Jose Martinez, the manager of the sales department. Because the accounting department is located next door to the sales department, and is only one employee deep, Ruth helps them process journal entries that Linda Sims, the accounting department manger assigns to her. However, now with the increase in the number of credit applications, Ruth is too busy to assist the accounting department and this has caused a conflict between Linda Sims and Jose Martinez. Sims has complained to Martinez that she needs Ruth to work in accounting more now than she does, but Martinez response was very confrontational and refused to let Ruth help out anymore.1 Conflict in the workplace is common. There are five strategies to conflict management: 1) Forcing – using authority or other power that you possess to satisfy your concerns without regards for the concerns of others. 2) Accommodating – allowing the other party to satisfy...
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...Business Communication Trends Crystal Schultz XCOM/285 December 7, 2014 Janet Waldron Companies are changing everyday due to business trends. There are currently ten business trends. These range from technology to balancing work and families. The main priority for any company is to grow and gain strength. This is done by providing both employees and customers what is needed to be successful. Most employees have families so they need job flexibility. There are now regulations that need to be met concerning diversity in the work place. Then there are the things that are required of employees. The ability to work in a team environment is one of those requirements. Most companies are following one of these trends. Technology plays a huge role in my daily business communication. I am required to contact clients by phone and email every day. There is often times that require that I call for a follow up and then have to e-mails that were lost or misunderstood. Before the technology advancements I would have to write purchase orders and invoices to mail the customer or client. It took longer to receive payment and when there was a problem it took double the time. I am now able to call to ensure the customer received the products and allow them to submit a payment. This also allows the time to do extra work daily. When I get to the office in the morning I will respond to any e-mails we received then move on to sending out new invoices that are due payment. Submitting these documents...
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...Coming to a new group of people is always a little scary, and most would fear a transfer to a place where they have few if any acquaintances, but I am confident of my ability to blend in with the campus community and make a valuable contribution. Speaking of my personal qualities, I believe that my greatest asset is my communication skills that help me to speak common language with people of most diverse backgrounds. I do hate inequality and prejudice and am ready to stand up for any person if I find that others are treating this individual with bias because of race, origin or other qualities related to background that a person has inherited at birth and cannot change. This determination to be fair to all usually wins me a lot of friends and, I hope, relying on my past experience, makes the group of people including me a safer place in terms of being free from prejudice and premature judgments. It is also true that I can organise people into groups of friends by suggesting different leisure-time activities like little outings that provide an incentive for people to get together and be nice to each other. In my view, the ability to hold a group together is a talent in itself as it strengthens social ties between people and can contribute to cohesion and friendliness on campus. My popularity also hinges on my kindness and compassion for other people and sensitivity to their feelings. I have been doing a lot of charity work lately, first volunteering at a day care center, then switching...
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...Client Paper Hortencia Gardea BSHS/305 (BSEL1GTGL3) May 17, 2015 Ellen Biros Client problems can lead to many different types of new problems if there not carful. Social workers and Human Resource workers should keep in mind of their skills and training they were educated on so they are able to be implemented to help service in the client’s needs. Most jobs in Human Services are separated into two different types. The first type would be one that works directly with clients and the others provide administrator support for organizations that provide services. Client Paper There are many ranges of problems facing human services dealing with clients and many specific skills that can be used with working with clients. But it takes hard work and dedication to help different types of issues that may arise with a client that involve specific needs. This also takes allot of understanding skills to help break the ice between client and the social workers to determine a better future. There are different professionals that can help point the client towards the right accomplishment and goal settings. The main goal is to help and give guidance. Problems that have Arise with Clients. Many problems in today’s society are at rise in most countries from Veteran’s to child and family issues. Some issues can range also from lack of food, housing, mental and physical illness, alcohol or drug abuse, domestic abuse, or even self-harm as in suicide or other ways a person might hurt...
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