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Nootropics Research Paper

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What are Nootropics?
“Man is not going to wait passively for millions of years before evolution offers him a better brain.”
These words were said by a Romanian psychologist and chemist, Corneliu E. Giurgea (1) who is considered as the father of brain pharmacology and mental performance research. Working on his theory, he succeeded to synthesize a drug (Piracetam) in 1964 and introduced a new class of brain supplement which were never even thought before (2). In 1972, he termed this new class as “Nootropics” derived from two Greek origin root words, “noos” meaning mind or thought, and word “tropos” meaning to turn towards (3). So the word nootropic means “to turn towards the mind.” That’s a bit confusing, so let me clear you, with an elaborated definition:
Nootropics are drugs, nutraceuticals, supplements or functional foods that has power to stimulate and improve one or more facets of mental function. Specific effects includes improvements to attention, motivation, or working memory. They are also called as memory enhancers, smart drugs, cognitive enhancers, intelligence enhancers or neuro-enhancers. …show more content…
Let me clear you, even though caffeine boost up mind and thoughts but still it is not a nootropic, because it provides no health benefits and is somewhat toxic. Likewise, Adderall and Modafinil (cognitive enhancers) are not nootropics for the same reason and are quite toxic compounds with numerous serious side effects. These compounds are just cognitive enhancers because they increase cognitive abilities temporarily with no long-term health benefits. In a simple way to compare you take cognitive enhancers as steroids, whilst nootropics as vitamins or nutraceuticals. Both of these will improve performance, but former comes with a very real potential health cost and temporary in

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