...Note-taking for higher education Introduction Note-taking at university can be a very important skill for the majority of students. The NOTE template can be used for taking notes in lectures, seminars, tutorials, etc., as well as notes taken from books, audio and/or video. Conventional A4 lined paper, or a digital/electronic device such as a laptop, netbook, tablet, etc. can be used, depending on the student’s preferred method of note-taking. Notes should be in summary form and long sentences avoided. Students should only write on one side of the page if using paper and pen –as this makes revising and reviewing easier. Use conventional abbreviations, notations and symbols wherever possible. http://www.gre.ac.uk/study/support/needs/disabled/aap/note-taking There are a number of different ways to take notes. So, you need to find a method you feel most at ease with. However, there are four general ideas that could help you to improve your note taking skill: ● Use white space to separate major ideas. ● Try to limit your notes to one concept or section per page. ● Use abbreviations and/or symbols where possible to avoid long sentences. ● Write down the information in your own words. Method: 1) The cornell method 2) The outlining method 3) Mind mapping 4) The sentence method http://owll.massey.ac.nz/study-skills/note-taking-methods.php Why important? 1) help to extend your attention span(Taking notes helps keep you focussed on your...
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...Taking Notes Eboni M. Whitfield Grantham University Student Success & Week 6 Taking Notes “Hang on to the world as it’s spinning around. Just don’t let the spin get you down”. This will always be one of my favorite songs by a great lyricist, Donny Hathaway; Someday we’ll be Free. In learning and retaining songs, I refrain from listening to it over and over again. I listen to a line of the song and write each line out. Writing the lyrics to songs is almost like note-taking. This strategy is in alignment with the Sentence Strategy in which I feel is most useful and effective in note-taking. The sentence note-taking method consists of writing a list of sentences as you read through the material (Johnson, 2011). The advantage to this strategy remains that it is more organized and it records most of the information. A disadvantage makes it difficult when it comes to determining the focal points and editing. Based on the courses I am taking, is this strategy most effective? Yes. Are there other strategies that may be effective? Yes. I have also found that with note-taking in my current courses, the strategy that best suits me is the mapping strategy. This strategy has been used in the past and in the light of the concepts of note-taking, it is also resourceful. This strategy allows readers to pinpoint the main theory of what they read and provide a visual representation of relationships between information and ideas (Johnson, 2011). Because research...
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... Academic Skills LNG 002-0 NOTE TAKING By AFROZA KAMAL NODI Student no. 1227636 A paper submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelor of International foundation course in Academic Skills in the Department of Language &Communication May 2013 Note taking Introduction Note taking is a very useful thing to memorise something also it is a learning process itself. However, it is useful when we can write notes in a right way. The aim of this report is to describe what is note taking, how we can take notes and why we take notes also when we should take notes and so on. What is note taking? Note taking is a process to write down all key words to help remember the main idea. It is an art to take someone else’s words from their lectures, speeches or from reading. “Note taking means organising your own thoughts ,often creatively, and note taking means summarising someone else’s thoughts, as expressed in a book, article or lecture” (Buzan, 2010). How we can take notes? There are several ways of taking notes such as: * Linear patterning * Symbols and Abbreviations * Analysis * Cornell method * Mind map * Structured Lists (numerical/alphabetical) * Linear patterning: liner notes are usually written in straight lines. Grammar, chorological sequence and hierarchical sequence is also used ( (Buzan, 2010). This is the typical outline format of note taking. * Symbols: These include letters, words...
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...Improving Your Note Taking ▪ Effective note taking is one of the keys to succeeding in school. Students should devote a considerable amount of time reviewing information discussed during classroom lectures. It is very difficult remembering specific details from classroom lectures without good notes. These note taking strategies will help you to take better notes: ▪ Make clear and accurate notes Make sure to take legible and accurate notes since it is not uncommon to forget key details discussed in class after it has ended. Frequently, students comprehend the teacher's lecture, so they'll neglect to jot down specific details only to forget them later. Students who keep accurate notes can review them later to fully grasp key concepts during personal study time. Additionally, since during classroom lectures teachers frequently cover many topics, effective notes enable students to concentrate on specific topics. ▪ Come to class prepared Students properly prepared for class usually take better notes. Proper preparation includes completing assigned reading prior to class and reviewing notes from previous lectures. Students who do this can ask questions about confusing concepts and be prepared for new topics. ▪ Compare your notes To ensure your notes are as accurate and detailed as possible, compare them with the notes of other students after class is over. This is useful because your colleagues will frequently write down lecture details that you...
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...TAKING LECTURE NOTES I. There are many reasons for taking lecture notes. A. Making yourself take notes forces you to listen carefully and test your understanding of the material. B. When you are reviewing, notes provide a gauge to what is important in the text. C. Personal notes are usually easier to remember than the text. D. The writing down of important points helps you to remember then even before you have studied the material formally. II. Instructors usually give clues to what is important to take down. Some of the more common clues are: A. Material written on the blackboard. B. Repetition C. Emphasis 1. Emphasis can be judged by tone of voice and gesture. 2. Emphasis can be judged by the amount of time the instructor spends on points and the number of examples he or she uses. D. Word signals (e.g. "There are two points of view on . . . " "The third reason is . . . " " In conclusion . . . ") E. Summaries given at the end of class. F. Reviews given at the beginning of class. III. Each student should develop his or her own method of taking notes, but most students find the following suggestions helpful: A. Make your notes brief. 1. Never use a sentence where you can use a phrase. Never use a phrase where you can use a word. 2. Use abbreviations and symbols, but be consistent. B. Put most notes in your own words. However, the following should be noted exactly: 1. Formulas 2. Definitions 3. Specific facts C. Use outline form and/or...
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...Dean Helton Note-Taking Assignment 1. Why did you choose Cornell, Outline, or Visual Map? I chose the visual map way of taking my notes this morning at church. I have actuallynever taken my notes that way before, but I really enjoyed it. I am a kinesthetic learner and seeing maps and graphs help me understand things a lot better than just simple notes. I was nervous at first to take my notes this way but I very quickly got the hang of it. After the sermon it was much easier for me to look over my notes and understand what the message and sub nots were pointing out. I will now take all of my sermon notes this way. 2. What did you like about the style of note taking you chose? I enjoyed using this style for many reasons. One of the main reasons was because it gave me the opportunity to listen more to the sermon wrather than focusing on writing down the notes that we were given. It also was a huge help to me after when I was looking over the notes. It gave me a clearer picture of what the sermon was about. 3. What did you dislike about the style of note taking you chose? I think the only thing I disliked about it is that it is almost like an outline,a nd if you are not careful you could miss an important long point that need sto be recorded just for the sake of making your picture graph look good. I added a few take away points at the bottom of my notes that I felt like I needed to add so that I could better understand the over all message. 4. How do you plan...
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...FIVE NOTETAKING METHODS Notetaking Great note-taking takes practice. You have to find a method that works for you, and that may change depending on the class that you’re in (for example, a science class versus a humanities class). Here are 5 methods that are proven to be successful. Read over each one and decide if there’s one that might work for you. These styles are described in the format you would use to take notes in class. You might find that a comfortable method is a combination of 2 or more of the ones listed here, and that’s fine. Figure out what works for you and stick with it! Page # Layout of the page and where to write THE CORNELL METHOD Today’s Date You physically draw a line vertically down your paper, leaving 2.5 inches on the left and 6 inches on the right. This allows you to take notes on the right-hand side of the page leaving space on the left to summarize the main point with a cue word or phase. When the instructor moves to a new topic, skip a line. It is also a great idea to use some organizational structure to your whole page. Use bullets! Use an indented system – kind of like outlining You can underline important words. If you aren’t able to completely write down an idea before the instructor moves on to a new topic, fill it in after class. After class, test your knowledge of course material by covering up the right side of the page, reading the cue words, and trying to remember as much information as possible. Then check to see if you remembered...
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...reading, I take notice and look for answers to questions I may have, and to pay closer attention to words that are in bold lettering and underlined words. Once finished reading, I reflect back on what I have learned and fill in any part that I may not understand or have extra questions about. 2. These strategies have helped me tremendously because, I am able to answer questions allot easier and I don’t have to keep flipping my pages back and forth to remember what I have read from the beginning. I will already have grasped the concept of what is in my textbook, by browsing through and taking notice to what is outlined for me through pictures, graphs or any other graphic materials to help further my knowledge of the book. B. Note Taking 1. I use note taking when studying, but after reading it I have come to found that I am not doing it the correct ways. 2. Note taking worked for me because I used flashcards and I found it easier for me to remember what was on them rather than to read a chapter,...
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...edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ofs&AN=55725308&site=ehost-live&scope=site New Skills for a New Work Reality Read "New Skills for a New Work Reality," by Galagan, from T + D (2011). (4pgs.) Link: http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ehh&AN=67091140&site=ehost-live&scope=site The Cornell Method Read "The Cornell Method" portion of the Note Taking Systems page of the California Polytechnic State University website. (6pgs.) Link: http://www.sas.calpoly.edu/asc/ssl/notetakingsystems.html Parallel Note-Taking: A Strategy for Effective Use of Webnotes Read "Parallel Note-Taking: A Strategy for Effective Use of Webnotes," by Pardini et al., from Journal of College Reading and Learning (2005). (18pgs.) Link: http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com.library.gcu.edu:2048/login.aspx?direct=true&db=eric&AN=EJ689655&site=ehost-live&scope=site The Digital Dog Ate My Notes Read, "The Digital Dog Ate My Notes: Tools and Strategies for 21st Century Research Projects," by Lamb & Johnson, from Teacher Librarian (2009). Link: http://library.gcu.edu:2048/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=47500220&site=ehost-live&scope=site TEDTalks Resources: Utilize the following resources to assist you in responding to the Journals and Discussion Questions throughout this course. Topic 3: Drew...
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...|strongly agree | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | 2. I know how to take notes in the online classroom. [pic] |strongly disagree |disagree |neutral |agree |strongly agree | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | 3. I rewrite my class notes and review them before completing an assignment. [pic] |strongly disagree |disagree |neutral |agree |strongly agree | |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 | 4. I prefer to use a computer to take notes in the online classroom rather than writing everything down on paper....
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...Phase 2 Individual Project The Cornell method of note taking is very thorough. I liked it because the summary portion makes it easy to quickly review your notes without going in to full detail, and still be able to grasp concepts. I did not like the fact that you had to do the questions/keywords after you took the notes. This, to me at least, felt backwards from what I am used to and it became more time consuming for me because of that. I liked the outline method because of the way it flows with the text that I was reading. I disliked the outline method because actually typing it out, all of the letters and numbers get a little bit confusing and it almost takes away from the different points. My preferred method for note taking out of the two would be outline. It is easier to type and you can quickly look at key concepts. It is visually more appealing to me. Outlining your notes also seems to allow you to pack in more details than I was able to put into the Cornell notes. After reading chapter eight, I feel that I am a visual learner. I think that since I am a visual learner it makes sense that I would prefer the notes that are more visually appealing. I read that a visual learner should summarize information in visual formats such as short sentences or bullet points, which to me would be more like an outline. This also makes sense because I learned that visual learners are better at remembering what they read if it is written in descriptive text and with outlines you can...
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...Note- Taking Assignment CLST 101 Preaching to Pagans 08 March 2014 | Paul’s Sermon to the people of Athens from scripture of Acts | | Paul and Barnibus preached from Acts in the city of Listra | What were Pauls purposes? | They were presumed gods because of the miracle they administered | | They were wrongly identified so they explained through scripture | | Communicated in Greek language; wanted to dissuade the people from | | Mistakenly worshipping them; gave full sermon from Acts 14:14-18 | | Four points; one living God, maintain witness of Himself(God), | | Creator of all living things and exercise patients. Paul went to synagogue | | To reason with the people on the Sabbath day( Saturday) proclaim | | God and his works, the people misunderstood Paul as proclaiming | | More than one god; explained his position; Paul preaches new ideas to the | | People, used a language and terms that the people would relate to, | | Build a bridge of communication, played close attention to how he | | Conveyed message; speaking to mainly pagan audience | | Careful in using scripture but relative to their teaching so not | | To insult them; used scripture known to the people from one of | | Their own poets, we are offspring’s of God; used to reinforce | | Paul’s teaching, careful not quote scripture but still get the...
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...Note Taking Note taking is an important skill for students to learn. It provides you with the ability to be able to take a personal record of what you are reading or listening to. If we do our own note taking it means that we can provide ourselves with an accurate account, without the possibility of plagiarism. There are many forms of note taking. Linear note taking and pattern note taking are the two main ways to take notes. When I personally take notes, if I am listening to someone and I have to take notes I will write in a linear form, sequential note taking and then later change my notes to a patterned form, spider diagram, so I can make reference to them later. If I am reading, however, I usually go straight to spider diagrams as I find them easier to read at a later date. Although, on the sheet attached, by completing the note taking analysis I have learnt that I need to improve the way I take notes considerably. My time frame to complete this task is one year. My notes are badly organised, not numbered, occasionally hard to understand, I rarely abbreviate and points are not clearly laid out. However, I do write it in my own words and it is generally brief. I plan to work on these points over the next year as well as over the next four weeks. After reflecting on my note taking skills I have learnt that I need to review how I take notes. I plan on using varying ways to take notes from now on. I will vary my note taking with other forms such as mind maps and work on...
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...Notes for November 7, 2014 Bus Law Review on Sunday 1 pm Practice test and study guides √ out When performance is impossible * Objective impossibility -key person is incapacitated -subject matter is destroyed -change in law makes it illegal * Commercial impracticability Ex. Farmer, crop is destroyed, cant make delivery, so the court rules is that your perfom is discharge. * Frustration of purpose Ex. Hire you to teach marial arts.. I have an accident.. my first lesson is at the hospital.. not valid Hypo… Molly offers hand-made shirts for sale for… Damages To extinguish liability under a contract, a party must provide d. COMPLETE PERFORMACE “material breach” “Substantial performance”-> half of the work done Complete performance -> the work is complete Types of Damages Compensatory compensate injured party for what they have lost -what you were promised minus what you got -incidental damages ( postage) -sale of goods * What you paid and what you should have paid -sale of land * Difference between the contract price and market price Hypo Google contrats with Dell….. What is the proper amount of compensatory damages (400-375)=$25 ($25*100 computers )+($10 shipping cost*100 computers) “Compensatory” “Incidental” Construction Contracts * Breach before contract has begun -contractor can recover only profits he would have made * During -costs to date and profit * After -can recover...
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...A Reflection: Stroke of Insight Michael Gaskins University of the District of Columbia Community College PSYC201 Professor A June 2, 2014 Abstract In the video: Stroke of Insight by Dr. Jill Taylor, the doctor shares her new found insight on the brain and its functions. Inspired initially, by her schizophrenic brother to study the brain cells, she questioned how a person could have dreams and make them a reality and why her brother could not have the same experience. In her research she learned the brain is split between two hemispheres. The right hemisphere functions like a parallel processor, and he left operates like a serial processor. The right brain associates instant is concerned about what is currently happening while the left brain is more concerned about details. While completing her research on the brain, Dr. Taylor suffered a stroke. As a result of the stroke, she learned a vital lesson about her current studies. She got a first-hand account of what actually happens to the brain when it is unable to process information and how the two very different hemispheres communicate. During the stroke, the left brain identified there was a problem. While the right hemisphere, focused on the beauties and peace--visualizing a space filled with compassion and love. Although, toward the end of this ordeal, Dr. Taylor thought for sure she had died. However, once she realized she was alive, she received her insight. Anyone can experience the type of...
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