...CIVIL WAR JOURNALS “My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, And is not either to save or destroy slavery” -Abraham Lincoln (1862) THE BACKGROUND CAUSES OF THE CIVIL WAR (C.W. JOURNAL #1). The Civil War wasn’t only about the fight of freedom for the black people, but also the economics, and the states against the federal rights, lead them to the call of battle. To me, they were important factors that people had their own desire of having the life they wanted. The Economic and social differences between the North and the South became more notable each day. The North needed the South, and the South needed the North. The southern economy was depending on cotton in which they needed the salves to work on. The North had the industries that purchased the raw cotton and turned them into finished goods. This created a major difference in economic attitude, and the North meant the change of society, evolved with different cultures and classes. Other fact that lead them to war was the disagreement the states had against the government. The government felt that the states should still have the right to decide if they were willing to accept certain federal acts. This resulted in the idea of nullification. When nullification would not work, the states felt that they were no longer respected and moved towards secession. ELECTION OF 1860 (C.W. JOURNAL #2). The Democratic Party split into Northern and Southern due the slavery issues. In the Northern democratic...
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...Second PHI1GPI Essay – Question Two Humanity knows of nothing. And according to Jean-Paul Sartre this is what makes humanity unique. In his Being and Nothingness Sartre explores this uniqueness through a series of exercises that, he hopes, will bring forward new ideas of our existence and the meaning of nothingness. His chapter on ‘The origin of negation’ explores the existence of the non-being, a concept that he explains is unique to the human condition. In comparing the natural world with the human; we see that Sartre’s argument can make a clear distinction between the two, presenting a convincing argument that places humanity above anything else in this world. Sartre uses allegories to make a case Humanity is unique in that we ask questions and have expectations of answers. Even the most seemingly simple of questions such as ‘what is that?’ is the sign of a higher level of thinking than had ever occurred before humanity. It is our questioning and expectation, according to Sartre, is our link between our being and non-being. Sartre starts off by stating the everyday experience “does not seem to reveal non-being to us” (Sartre, p.5), that if we take the world on face value non-being shall never be shown. Yet, he goes on to explore how our questioning of the world acknowledges that the world is made up of is and is nots. That objects have perceived essence and qualities, that is; a tree is a tree and is not a car because it shares simular qualities with other trees. When we...
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...St. Vincent School of Theology Allaine Joseph P. Manuzon Prof. Marlon De Luna Phenomenology and Existentialism “Transcendence” From the perspective of a “common” watcher or cinema goer, the title is somewhat hard to digest knowing its metaphysical meaning and origin. But to look closely in it superficial level, one audience or viewer would conclude that the movie, Transcendence, is about technology and how devastating it would be to human race if not regulate its usage and functions. On the other hand, looking in its deeper level, we can say that the movie is about finding treatment to all the sickness, diseases and problems in the world. The flow of my paper would be First, using the lens of Heidegger in discussing the film and some scenes in it. Second, using the ideas of Sartre, particularly facticity, transcendence and bad faith, in analyzing the movie and lastly, combining the thoughts of Heidegger and Sartre. I. Heidegger A. “The being of Dasein means ahead-of-itself-already-in (the-world) as being-alongside (entities encountered within-the-world)” This notion of Heidegger is clearly seen in the first part of movie. As we can see, the pattern of the movie is that Max, from the present state, somewhat rekindle everything (and the story starts) from the start until the couple died, back to the present again and somewhat gives a glimpse of the future. Although the pattern use by Heidegger is ordered as future, past and present, the pattern in the movie...
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...KurCexd bcvwrewqfhwqefgbvqelgvqghq;ghqe;ghq;ghq;ghq;eghq;gq2fgqebvfeqeq fjeqghqegqigeeqiggqiogqiegei qwoghqghqei qigqhgqpghq ; qwpufpeqhg o oqpyfhdq qiufgqo qfqo fqeofq ff q qwufgqeo fqfu f f ge ffwehfef g gI wouldn't wanna be anybody else, yeah You made me insecure, told me I wasn't good enough But who are you to judge. When you're a diamond in the rough I'm sure you got some things You'd like to change about yourself But when it comes to me I wouldn't want to be anybody else Na na na na na na na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na na na na na na I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me Na na na na na na na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na na na na na na You've got every right to a beautiful life, come on Who says, who says you're not perfect Who says you're not worth it Who says you're the only one that's hurting Trust me that's the price of beauty Who says you're not pretty Who says you're not beautiful, who says? It's such a funny thing How nothing's funny when it's you You tell 'em what you mean But they can't whiten out the truth It's like the work of art That never gets to see the light Keep you beneath the stars Won't let you touch the sky Na na na na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na na na I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me Na na na na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na na na You've got every right to a beautiful life, come on Who says, who says you're not perfect Who says you're not worth...
Words: 473 - Pages: 2
...Memberi salam sebenarnya merupakan doa dan harapan bagi keselamatan dan kesejahteraan antara satu sama lain. Dengan doa ni terjalinlah kemesraan dan kasih sayang di antara satu sama lain. Dari segi bahasa arab Assalamualaikum ia bermaksud " Selamat sejahtera ke atas kamu" dan dijawab dengan Waalaikumsalam pula bererti " di atas kamu juga selamat sejahtera" Mengikut hukum, setiap orang Islam dianjurkan memberi salam bila bertemu dengan saudara Islam walaupun pertemuan itu beberapa kali. Ia dihukum sunat dan diberi pahala. Walaubagaimanapun yang menjawab tu dihukumkan sebagai wajib. dan enggan menjawab salam dari saudara Islamnya adalah satu perbuatan dosa. Kenapa kita di tuntut sangat untuk memberi dan menjawab salam nih? Sebab terlalu banyak hadith-hadith yang menceritakan kelebihan memberi dan menjawab salam nih. Antaranya; Nabi Muhammad SAW telah bersabda: “Manusia yang terdekat dengan Allah SWT ialah mereka yang memulakan memberi salam.” (HR. Ahmad, Abu Daud) Nabi SAW ditanya apakah amalan yang terbaik dalam Islam. Baginda bersabda: “Memberi makan kepada yang lapar dan memberi salam kepada orang yang kamu kenali dan yang tidak kamu kenali.” (HR Bukhari dan Muslim) Pernah datang seorang lelaki kepada Rasulullah SAW lalu mengucapkan kepadanya ‘Assalaamu’alaikum’. Salamnya dijawab dan dia pun duduk, lalu Rasulullah SAW bersabda: ‘Sepuluh’. Sebentar kemudian, datang pula lelaki lain kepadanya lalu mengucapkan, ‘Assalaamu’alaikum warahmatullah’. Rasulullah SAW...
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...It’s really weird when you know that your life is trying so hard to change, but you still want to hang onto everything that you still have. When you feel yourself slowly slipping away from someone that you care so much about. Like you’re being pulled out of their arms and swallowed by a big, dark nothingness. What I desperately want to know is, is there something better or at least more suited for me in the now nothingness? Is that nothingness going to turn into something magical? I guess what I’m afraid of is if I let go and let it take me, will I hate myself for it? The only way to know is to let go. It’s almost like I’m stuck to everything I have now, but dreaming of what might be waiting for me in the nothingness....
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...Nia Nguyen A Blame on Nothing and Nothingness Abject: A Rereading of Vertigo “In a male libidinal economy… the only good woman is a dead woman.” Slavoj Zizek, A Pervert’s Guide to Cinema Robin Wood began his landmark studies, Hitchcock’s Films (1965), with the rhetorical question, “Why should we take Hitchcock seriously?” Yet it was also Wood himself who revised the question in 1983. He asks, “Can Hitchcock be saved for feminism?” While there is no denying the brilliance of Hitchcock’s subjective camera and his skillful manipulation of identification processes, one cannot help but loathe the pungent misogyny prevalent in his works. Vertigo (1958) is arguably no exception. Laura Mulvey, a vocal and influential feminist film critic, contends that Vertigo elucidates an active sadistic voyeurism of the male gaze that subjects the woman, as object-of-desire, to realize his impossible fantasy, time and again at the cost of brutish violence against her body and psychological wellness.[1] Also exploiting Freud’s theory, Tania Modleski deciphers female suffering in Vertigo as a punishment for her inherently close relationship with the mother with which the men envy.[2] In drawing on the phallocentric models of Freud and Lacan, these criticisms bear a blind spot in that they assume certain essentialist sexual development characteristics to formulate the backbone of their analysis, such as Mulvey’s reading of object-of-desire or Modleski’s draw on bisexuality...
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...Introduction The first lab involved measuring g or measuring acceleration due to gravity. To measure the values of g we used two steel balls of different sizes, and dropped both balls from different heights. First we started by measuring the masses of each ball with the small steel ball having a mass of 15.8 grams, while the larger one had a mass of 28.8 grams a 13 gram difference. Then we dropped each ball from the same height starting at 87 centimeters. This measurement was from the bottom side of the ball to the timer pad. After both balls had been dropped at least three times from the same height, we would then change the distance that the balls fell. The height ranged from 87 centimeters down to 33.4 centimeters. The team measured the time that it took for each ball to drop from the starting point to the ground. We took a time measurement three times to be sure we some consistency. The following equipment was used to perform the experiment: * One 15.8 g steel ball * One 28.8 g steel ball * Timer (ME 9215A-1) * Triple Balance Beam (PHY 28) * Free Fall Apparatus (ME-9207B), Measuring Tape (39395). References and Sources Ellis, Steven. University of Kentucky Department of Physics and Astronomy Physics 241 Spring 2012 Laboratory Manual. 30 January 2012 Google Earth google.com 31 January 2012 Record of Post Lab Meetings Meeting #1 Attendees: Mattie Conley, Matt Hudzinski, and Reece Glenn Task: Finish Calculating analysis and tables used...
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...and an antagonist, there’s just nothingness and how its characters relate to it. There are a mere three real characters in the entire story, the younger waiter, the older waiter, and an old man. The younger waiter and older waiter, and how they relate to that nothingness is the main theme of the story, with the old man being the subject of their conversations. While the younger waiter attacks the old man in his talk with the older waiter, the older waiter doesn’t attack the old man, instead he defends him, because he can sympathize with him. The older waiter knows loneliness and despair, which is what separates these two characters. The story opens with the two waiters speaking to one another about an old man who’s drinking brandy at the cafe which they work. It’s learned through the waiters’ conversation that the old man attempted to commit suicide by hanging himself but his niece cut him down. It’s said that she cut him down for “fear for his soul.” It was as though they don’t even care about his current life, but his life after death. The younger waiter cannot comprehend the reason for suicide when you have money, like the old man does. To the young waiter, money can and will solve all problems. The young waiter is incapable of comprehending the idea of committing suicide over the despair of confronting nothingness. The older waiter in stark contrast to the younger waiter; fully understands the old man’s point of view. Nothingness is what brings the old man to the...
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...topic of discussion today among Christians and people of other beliefs alike. There is evidence in the bible supporting both creatio ex nihilo and ex materia. Despite the simplicity of defining the concept of “nothingness” (a pronoun denoting the absence of anything), it is still difficult to understand nothingness as a concept. It is very hard to describe something, without saying it is something. Therefore, even saying that a certain thing is nothing is technically describing it as something, which gets confusing after a while. For example: Blue is a colour, as are yellow and red. All three of these colours make up every colour tone we see. Theoretically, there was an absence of colour, what would be in its place, white or black? It is very difficult to imagine this, as all our life we have been able to distinguish what we have seen because of their colour(s). Even when we try to imagine a world without colours, it becomes impossible not to end up labelling the absence of colour either “blackness” or “whiteness.” In other words, in order to describe the absence of something, we are using something that is present. This is the same with describing the absence of everything; in that we are using something that we associate with something that is exist to describe nothingness. Why do some believers feel that they have to defend the idea of God creating the universe...
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...Nothing. Utilizing the encounter with “The Traveler”, McCarthy illuminates the godlessness of existence manifesting itself into the societal void of nothingness. Lacking a direct connection to god within the scene of “The traveler”, the man turns internally for auspicious guidance and abundant compassion, leaving him downtrodden and continually seeking atonement. In this post-apocalyptic world, a god is seemingly absent and along with him, a sense of inherent purpose. With nothing to turn to, such as a semi-permeable religion, citizens begin to revert to instinctive primal actions and those that don’t, like the main characters, seem to lose all remaining sparse feelings of hope. Page 162 shows this innate desire for a godlike relic when the man is asked by the traveler about what he is and has no response. Nothing. Without a god he is nothing, there is nothing to look forward to only past...
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...Ibalio 1 Charles Ibalio Mystery of God/Human Person Prof. Cifone On Meister Eckhart: The Culling of Worldly Thought What we have documented and observed from Meister Eckhart, among many things, is that he was a man of multiple names, of several titles, and of many roles. He was born in in 1260 in Gotha, in the Holy Roman empire, as Johannes Eckhart. In his young adulthood, he would join the Dominican Order through the Friars Preacher at the young age of fifteen. Studying, traveling, and teaching, he would live those years in some of the best academic settings possible, travelling from Germany and across Paris (McGinn 10). He would write one of his first works, The Talks of Instruction, at an age where his mastery in theology had not yet come to full fruition, yet it would reveal his sheer potential as a thinker, as McGinn notes: “It is indeed striking how little change there is in the principal structures of his thought between this exciting early work and the later, more sophisticated, sermons of his maturity” (10). Moving on to administrative roles for the following decade, he would be known as Eckhart von Hochheim O.P., and would often be compared to St. Thomas Aquinas, who was recorded to achieve similar feats during his time as a Dominican (11). Following his years as an administrative chair, he would become a VicarGeneral in Strasburg, sent to tackle the spreading “heresy” among Beguines, a religious community of women at the time (11)...
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...Squidward seems to embody the nature of an absurdist and someone who accepts the finite-until he finally becomes alone. After escaping future and past, Squidward’s time machine malfunctions and goes into a void. He enters a space of nothingness: no furniture, no setting, just a white backdrop and the echo of his own voice. At first, Squidward celebrates finally getting what he wants, however, this joy breaks within minutes as he sits in a completely unknown surrounding, in a situation where he has no control and any way of escaping. In the Being and Nothingness, Sartre comments, “Nothingness haunts being” (Holt 45). No matter how much Squidward desires solitude, what he desires is never true isolation. What he hopes for is a peaceful Sunday in his house, with his neighbors minding their own, quiet business. Squidward panics in face of the nothingness, and begins to run but only ends up where he started. In this void, everything is circular and undefined. Squidward fails the accept the absurdity and the withdrawal from society, proving him a part of everyone else....
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...------------------------------------------------- Philosophy Western philosophy Some would consider the study of "nothing" to be foolish, a typical response of this type is voiced by Giacomo Casanova (1725–1798) in conversation with his landlord, one Dr. Gozzi, who also happens to be a priest, “ | As everything, for him, was an article of faith, nothing, to his mind, was difficult to understand: the Great Flood had covered the entire world; before, men had the misfortune of living a thousand years; God conversed with them; Noah had taken one hundred years to build the ark; while the earth, suspended in air, stood firmly at the center of the universe that God had created out of nothingness. When I said to him, and proved to him, that the existence of nothingness was absurd, he cut me short, calling me silly.[3] | ” | However, "nothingness" has been treated as a serious subject worthy of research for a very long time. In philosophy, to avoid linguistic traps over the meaning of "nothing", a phrase such as not-being is oftenemployed to unambiguously make clear what is being discussed. Parmenides One of the earliest western philosophers to consider nothing as a concept was Parmenides (5th century BC) who was a Greek philosopher of the monist school. He argued that "nothing" cannot exist by the following line of reasoning: To speak of a thing, one has to speak of a thing that exists. Since we can speak of a thing in the past, it must still exist (in some sense) now and from this concludes that there...
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...Nothing Western philosophy Some would consider the study of "nothing" to be foolish, a typical response of this type is voiced by Giacomo Casanova (1725–1798) in conversation with his landlord, one Dr. Gozzi, who also happens to be a priest, “ | As everything, for him, was an article of faith, nothing, to his mind, was difficult to understand: the Great Flood had covered the entire world; before, men had the misfortune of living a thousand years; God conversed with them; Noah had taken one hundred years to build the ark; while the earth, suspended in air, stood firmly at the center of the universe that God had created out of nothingness. When I said to him, and proved to him, that the existence of nothingness was absurd, he cut me short, calling me silly.[3] | ” | However, "nothingness" has been treated as a serious subject worthy of research for a very long time. In philosophy, to avoid linguistic traps over the meaning of "nothing", a phrase such as not-being is often employed to unambiguously make clear what is being discussed. [edit] Parmenides One of the earliest western philosophers to consider nothing as a concept was Parmenides (5th century BC) who was a Greek philosopher of the monist school. He argued that "nothing" cannot exist by the following line of reasoning. To speak of a thing, one has to speak of a thing that exists. Since we can speak of a thing in the past, it must still exist (in some sense) now and from this concludes that there is no such thing...
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