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Nt1310 Unit 1 Assignment

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In the opening session, we were given a brief introduction on the intricacies of the course requirements and the roles the students must play to pass it. The importance of these assignments help students become aware of how much science affects our daily life. Firstly, we learned about Scientific Literacy which is defined as the knowledge and understanding of scientific concepts and processes required for personal decision making (Ingram 2009). This term was not taboo to me as I did a course last semester which was quite like this. We discussed an in-class survey called The Nature of Science which led to our conclusion that 1. Scientific inquiry is a multifaceted activity and 2. Science involves creativity. To me, this meant that 1. It is multifaceted because it comprises of making observations; presenting questions; probing books and other sources of information to understand what previously researched and planning investigations was. And 2. It involves creativity because science involves a lot of speculation and postulation to achieve material results. It also involves creative imagination which is necessary to establish a connection between a known fact for example, and an …show more content…
According to the University of Berkley published in 2011, your digital alarm clock, the weather report, the asphalt you drive on, the bus you ride in, your cell phone, the antibiotics that treat your sore throat, the clean water that comes from your faucet, and the light that you turn off at the end of the day have all been brought to you courtesy of science. I now know that there are different types of sciences such as Physical sciences which include: physics, chemistry etc, biological sciences which include: Botany, Zoology etc and Social sciences which include: psychology, sociology, anthropology,

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