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Nt1310 Unit 1 Lab 1

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In order to get the future value on an investment one has to use the formula A=P(1+i)^n . Where A is the future value, P is the present value, R is the annual rate, M is the number of compounding periods per year, I is the rate per compounding period, and N is the total number of compounding periods. For Example: If an investment of $100 were made in 1776, and if it earned 3% compounded quarterly how much would it be worth in 2026? After one determines that 100 is the present value, one has to divide the interest rate by four. In addition, one has to multiply the years that the money was invested times four. That is to say that since the interest is compounded quarterly, 3% is going to be multiplied by your balance four times every year. The quotient of 0.03/4=.0075. …show more content…
In the same way, the product of 250*4=1000. That is to say that N equals 1000. After one identifies all the values of the equation that are required to solve the example, It will be A=100(1+.0075)^1000. Once the equations is set up one has to solve it by using PEMDAS. PEMDAS requires the first solve the addition because it is in parenthesis. The total of 1+.0075=1.0075. After one gets this result the equation will be set up in this manner A=100(1.0075)^1000. By following the order of operations one is required to multiply the exponents by the amount that is in parenthesis. The product of 〖1.0075〗^1000=1758.145499. Finally, one will have to multiply 1758.145499(100)=175814.5499. Afterwards one is required to round up the total to 175814.55. Hence, future value will be $175814.55 in 2026 if one invests $100 earning 3% compounded quarterly in

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