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Nt1310 Unit 2 Lab Report

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Julee Pettis
Ch. 2 Reaction
What did you learn? – Be sure to mention each section---What was confusing? – Only need 1 thing for the whole assignment
What was most interesting? – Only need 1 thing for the whole assignment
I learned that:
1. Quandaries: If the temperature of the earth increases by 5°F, the ocean will rise by one foot. (pg. 38)
2. Atoms and Molecules and the Meaning of Heat: I learned that you can see moving pieces of dust under a microscope. (pg. 40)
3. The Speed of Sound and the Speed of Light: I did not know that the speed of molecules is related to the speed of sound. (pg. 41)
4. The Enormous Energy in Heat: I learned that when an asteroid hit the Earth, the molecules were moving at 30km/s. (pg. 42)
5. Hiss and Snow: Electronic …show more content…
Tight Lids: I learned that a person should put a lid under hot water because it makes the lid easier to open. (pg. 50)
18. Global Warming and the Rise of Sea Level: I learned that in 30 years, the temperature of the Earth will rise by 5°C. (pg. 51)
19. Thermometers: I learned that modern thermometers contain alcohol that is dyed red to resemble the appearance of mercury. (pg. 51)
20. Temperature in the Shade Versus the Sun: I did not know that meteorologist measure temperature in the shade and not in the sun. (pg. 52)
21. Does Everything Contract When Cooled: I did not know that water expands when it cools. (pg. 53)
22. SR-71 Spy Planes: I learned that SR-71 planes heated the air by 1,000°C. (pg. 53)
23. Conduction: I learned that plastic and glass conduct at different speeds. (pg. 54)
24. Solid, Liquid, Gas, and Plasma: I learned that a candle flame is plasma and that plasma is not only found in blood. (pg. 55)
25. Exploding TNT: I learned that at room temperature, gases have 1,000 greater volume than a solid. (pg. 56)
26. The Ideal Gas Law: I learned that when the absolute temperature doubles, the pressure of gas doubles. (pg. 57)
27. Automobile Airbags: I learned that airbags contain an explosive called sodium azide; I never realized that there would be explosives in an airbag. (pg.

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