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Nuclear Energy: the Best Help We Have with the Energy Crisis


Submitted By khangho
Words 2191
Pages 9
Nuclear Energy:
The best help we have with the energy crisis
An Ho
Brigham Young University

Abstract We are facing many problems in today’s world, like: starvations in Africa, the natural resources are running out, or terrorism and genocides in Africa… But in this paper, the topic will be about the energy crisis that we are facing, which I think is affecting other problems as well. In fact, according to the newest prediction of the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the electricity demand in the United States will increase about 28 percent by 2035; and the world demand for electricity will increase 2.3 percent each year until 2035( EIA, 2011). If we keep producing energy like we are doing now, burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, we would face tremendous problems. Not just the resources might run out, but we would also face pollution, and green-house effects. Failure to develop a new technology that would produce enough clean power, would be devastating result. So when we are trying to find a new technology, why don’t we use a way we already have? I propose nuclear energy, because it will produce clean energy, and it also is more effective than wind or solar power.
This is an interesting introduction TO your paper, but it needs to be a summary OF your paper.

Nuclear Energy:
The best help we have with the energy crisis
You need an introduction with a thesis.
Power plants are releasing carbon dioxide into the air.
According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the largest source of carbon dioxide emissions globally is the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) in power plants, automobiles, industrial facilities and other sources. Generating electricity is the single largest source of carbon dioxide emissions, representing 41 percent of all emissions. (EPA 2003) So how are we producing carbon dioxide

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