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Nuclear Security


Submitted By cruth93
Words 1099
Pages 5
LEJA 309 | Global Nuclear Security Programs and Recommendations | Connor A Rutherford |

Global nuclear security programs, some would consider this a Cold War issue. After looking at many of the recent events that have continued to plague our world; the Russian armies at Ukraine’s borders, North Korea’s testing of nuclear weapons; these and many other different types of events describing nuclear powers trying to extend the nuclear weapons programs available to them at the moment. With this being considered the thoughts that this issue of a global security program affecting nuclear weapons should never be considered a Cold War issue. In fact it never really was a just a Cold War issue even after that conflict ended. Even with some of the agreements countries made with different security councils, there has always been the thought of clandestine programs that keep their nuclear programs running. This leads many agencies to give advice on the different ways that global security could be achieved. The Center for Strategic and International Studies does offer such advice in a report in which it incorporates different authors. This reports includes different major issues in global security specifically dealing with nuclear issues and in the report there are many different recommendations as to how to bring about a sense of security that world might be able to feel.
GUIDING THE ALLIANCE: U.S. NUCLEAR ASSURANCE AND EXTENDED DETTERENCE IN NATO In this part of the report the reader is directed to the commitment of our current president Obama’s commitment to a “global zero” policy which would involve arms reductions and would hopefully lead to the eventual elimination of all nuclear weapons. Indeed this would be good as a trial run effort, but with all things considered there certainly seems to be an air of disbelief that such policies could ever come

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