...Nuclear Energy: The best help we have with the energy crisis An Ho Brigham Young University Abstract We are facing many problems in today’s world, like: starvations in Africa, the natural resources are running out, or terrorism and genocides in Africa… But in this paper, the topic will be about the energy crisis that we are facing, which I think is affecting other problems as well. In fact, according to the newest prediction of the U.S. Energy Information Administration, the electricity demand in the United States will increase about 28 percent by 2035; and the world demand for electricity will increase 2.3 percent each year until 2035( EIA, 2011). If we keep producing energy like we are doing now, burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, we would face tremendous problems. Not just the resources might run out, but we would also face pollution, and green-house effects. Failure to develop a new technology that would produce enough clean power, would be devastating result. So when we are trying to find a new technology, why don’t we use a way we already have? I propose nuclear energy, because it will produce clean energy, and it also is more effective than wind or solar power. This is an interesting introduction TO your paper, but it needs to be a summary OF your paper. Nuclear Energy: The best help we have with the energy crisis You need an introduction with a thesis. Power plants are releasing carbon dioxide into the air. According to the Environmental...
Words: 2191 - Pages: 9
...Alternative Energy Alternative Energy Energy is an extremely important resource for people and people can’t live without energy. When energy vanishes from people’s life can cause of paralyzed international institutions. The common energy which people use every day is a fossil fuel such as coal, oil and natural gas. Unfortunately, people face some serious problems with above energy sources such as exhaust resources, greenhouse effect and diverse environment pollution. All of the world barrels of oil reserves have already declined and glaciers are melting. If people don’t invest to find new energy sources, a lot of big problems will come in the future. Tues, creating a new energy could be solutions for the problems which people have so far and in a future. In this respect, the alternative energy sources that have become a hot issue in the world are solar energy, nuclear energy and wind power. Energy Problems People all of world realized energy problems that people face so far. There are not only energy problems but also environmental problems too. The energy sources that people every day use are fossil fuels and oil. Stein and Powers (2011) explained disposal of fossil fuels are cause of environmental problems such as global warming. People need to find out the ways to avoid greenhouse effect. Other kinds of fossil fuels such as coal or oil are also not a perfect energy. They have some toxic. There are some problems about coal. Coal can’t use for mobile applications...
Words: 2579 - Pages: 11
...Nuclear energy is energy than is generated from nuclear fission nuclear fission is when atoms are split. The elements used in nuclear power are Uranium and Plutonium. Fossil fuels are fuels that are formed from dead plants and animals. Nuclear power really got started in 1945 but scientists were studying radioactivity and their properties since 1895. The fossil fuel coal has been in use since 1,000 BC but during the industrial revolution is when Coal really got started. But fossil fuels are dirty they pollute the earth and it is dangerous to mine them. That is why nuclear energy is better. A couple of years later two German physicists Otto Frisch and Rudolf Peierls in 1940 they wrote a 3-page document and the document stated that 5kg of...
Words: 1499 - Pages: 6
...rather a force that can cause exploitation of the developing world, environmental devastation or suppression of human rights? The question now is that is globalization ‘good’ or ‘bad’? Since the commencement of globalization, the global economy has boomed at a very great rate. It has increased the living standards of the people in underdeveloped and developed countries. It has helped in fair worldwide spread of wealth, improved the variety of services and goods offered in different countries. Globalization has created jobs for people in underdeveloped and developing countries, companies sought to invest in underdeveloped countries where the cost of production will be minimal as compared to investing in developed regions. Yet globalization is criticized, mainly because of the effects it has on the society, environment and culture. Globalization has created competition between economies that compete vigorously with each other to achieve superiority. Such completion has caused more devastation and exploitation. Globalization has affected the financial market, economy, health, environment and culture. In this research project, the positive and negative aspects of development of nuclear program have been compared, analyzed, and evaluated. The nuclear program that includes, nuclear as power source, as a weapon and as a future research material, has been consistently growing. Every economy is investing in nuclear programs. Nuclear is a great source of energy, it is harnessed to...
Words: 2107 - Pages: 9
...Nuclear Energy Research Paper Global warming is a major issue in today’s world that affects many people, animals, economies, and society as a whole. What is global warming? Global warming is the rising average temperature of Earth’s atmosphere and oceans and its projected continuation. It’s been constantly rising over the past 100 years because of major contributions which include: greenhouse gases (especially CO2) being emitted, industrialization, burning of fossil fuels, and the increase in population. Global warming was first discovered in 1896 by a Swedish scientist named Svante Arrhenius who proposed an idea that there is a relation between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations and temperature. He later then described, by comparing carbon dioxide levels, infrared absorption, surface temperature of the earth, and human activity, that global warming would rise. Other scientists didn’t believe this idea stating that natural forces would cancel out human activity that releases carbon dioxide. It wasn’t until 1988 that it was finally acknowledged that global warming is present because of how much warmer it was than the 1800s. Since then, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change was founded which looks at scientific, technical, and socio-economic information that relates to human induced climate change and figures out plans and ideas to decrease and slow down the rate at which the climate is getting hotter. However, there are still disagreements to this day whether or...
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...Whitney Turntine Februrary 17, 2014 Environmental Science Nuclear Energy It seems that the world as a whole is in search of an energy source that is cleaner, cheaper, and more efficient. This seems to be particularly true in the United States where the government seeks to separate themselves from their reliance on petroleum from countries including those in the Middle East. They are unfortunately, less concerned with environmental issues than it is with issues of power, money, and dominance. Either way, nuclear energy is one of the better alternative energy sources. There are currently 65 commercially operating nuclear power plants with 104 nuclear reactors in 31 states around the country. Thirty-six of the plants have two or more reactors. These plants have generated about 20% of U.S. electricity each year since 1990. Nuclear fisson is performed by fusion of hydrogen into helium. This is done using uranium, plutonium, or thorium and placing them in the reactor, which start a chain reaction that can produce vast amounts of energy. Uranium is the element primarily used in reactors. The fission of a one atom can produce 10 million times the amount of energy that an atom can produce that is burned from coal. Uranium is an abundant element which is easily found and extracted. It often has to undergo a relatively cheap refining process, however, as the isotopes are found mixed in nature. Nuclear fission is also relatively clean, as there is no excess CO2 produced, as there is in...
Words: 1252 - Pages: 6
...Should we continue to use nuclear power? Nuclear power is the use of nuclear processes to generate useful heat and electricity. The use of nuclear power has become more and more common in the world. Many countries like the United States and France have utilized nuclear power for electricity production for a few decades. Many nuclear power plants in various countries have been under construction. However, many serious nuclear accidents, for example Chernobyl disaster and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster have occurred continually from the past to the present. Some people argue whether we should continue to use nuclear power for electricity production. It is well-known that using nuclear power for electricity production has many advantages. From the dimension of environmental aspect, nuclear energy has the lowest influence on the environment. Nuclear energy is emission-free so a nuclear plant will not emit any hazardous gases during the process of electricity production. Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide and other gases which threaten the atmosphere by causing photochemical smog will not be emitted. Also, carbon dioxide and any greenhouse gases which result in global warming will not be emitted. In the whole nuclear power production cycle, there will be only small quantities of waste produced. And all the wastes and by-products produced are safely kept in the container. Also, water discharged from a nuclear plant will not contain harmful pollutants as the water used for cooling...
Words: 952 - Pages: 4
...it is the study of the sources, reactions, transport, effect and fate of chemical species in the air, water and soil and the effect of human activity upon these. Pollutant: A substance present in nature, in greater than natural abundance due to human activity, which ultimately has a detrimental effect on the environment and therefrom on living organisms and mankind. Examples are- lead, mercury, sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc. Contaminant: A material which does not occur in nature, but is introduced by human activity into the environment, affecting its composition. A contaminant is classified as a pollutant when it exerts a detrimental effect. Example- chlorine gas Types of Pollution Air Causes of air pollution: * motor vehicle exhaust * power stations * car manufacturing * fertilizer factories * demolishing buildings * solvent evaporation * volcanic eruption * building roads * forest fires Effect of air pollution: Global warming, acid rain, smog, ozone depletion are some effects of air pollution Water Causes of water pollution: * man-made chemicals used in farming * heavy metals * waste from factories * sediment from the river bed * air pollution * thermal (heat) pollution * soil pollution from rubbish dumps Effects of water pollution: The water in the earth’s biosphere is used and reused again and again by all living things Soil Causes of soil pollution: * farming * mining and quarrying ...
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...Nuclear energy is one of the most controversial forms of energy known to man. Its disadvantages are widely known and criticized, such as the nuclear wastes released from the power plants, the virtually impossible disposal of the wastes, the potential for terrorist attacks on these power plants, and the unbelievably high price needed to even build a power plant. Although the risks outweigh the benefits, nuclear plants may be needed because of the fact that they are the cleanest way of producing energy without any environmental drawbacks. Overall, nuclear energy is and will always be a continuous topic for discussion and debate whether you are for it or against it. In the heart of any nuclear power plant lies the reactor. A reactor is a device used to control nuclear reactions so that the energy created and released by the reactions can be converted to a useful form at a constant rate. There are two types of reactors used in the modern world these reactors are called fission reactors and breeder reactors, fission reactors are work by separating a fissionable Uranium-235 from a non-fissionable Uranium-238 by using a very complex process, after this process a new more “enriched” form of uranium is produced that contains 3% of Uranium 235, this new substance is used to make uranium...
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...People are always discussing how to make better use of nuclear energy, so people should learn more about what nuclear fission and nuclear fusion are. Nuclear fusion is two or more atoms of small mass synthesize a relatively large atom. For example, deuterium and tritium occurs nuclear interaction with each other under certain conditions, such as high temperature and high pressure. They can generate neutrons and helium -4. Rather, nuclear fission is an atom of large mass that is divided into two or more relatively small atoms. The principle of atomic bombs and the current nuclear power plants is both according to the nuclear fission. In the process, both of them will release huge energy, but the nuclearfusion releases greater energy....
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...Are Alternative Energy Sources The Answer? Jose Ortiz SCI 207 Bradley Wells April 16, 2012 Since the existence of mankind we have depended on this earth for food, shelter, and water. These are the basic necessities that are required for survival. With one of the necessities taken out of the equation mankind existence would become extinct. Worldwide humans have left an ecological footprint on earth that has made it difficult to sustain itself. Mankind has entered in a race against time trying to find alternatives to alleviate some the demands we have this earth and one that comes to mind is alternative energy resources. With oil at an all time high researchers have been searching for alternatives energy sources. The question is: are alternative energy sources the answer to ending human dependence on oil? Although oil has a negative impact on our environment, oil is here to stay as many countries rely on it financially. Investing time and money in alternate energy source has potential rewards for the consumer and ultimately the sustainability of our planet. The possibility of being able to replace a fossil fuel such as oil would be a turn of the century. Fossil fuels are non-renewable in which it cannot be replace or replaced a very slow rate. Once it is used it is all gone (Turk & Bensel, 2011). At the rate of oil being used it is unable to replace itself in the natural process. Not only is there so much oil that can be used, but eliminating oil would have positive...
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...Topic: Nuclear energy Course Code: EG114400 Class: 1C Name: Lee Chak Kwan 150134649 Lee Tsz To 150035266 Chong Ching Ho 150415484 Yip Chung Hing 150589275 Leung Ka Shing 150171909 Lee Ki Kwan 150035752 Contents Introduction 3 Background 1.Identify a global issue 3 2.Background of the global issue 4 3.Formulate a title for the presentation proposal 5-6 Analysis of the global issue 7-8 Perspective 1. Technological 8-11 2. Economical 11-12 3. Social 12-13 Recommendation 13 Conclusion 14 Reference 14-16 Introduction: First of all, we are going to introduce the nuclear energy. About the nuclear energy, we will explain and analysis from three parts about the background, the analysis and the trade-specific recommendations for local development. Also, we will thorough many different directions to probe the nuclear energy. Explain why the nuclear energy is the global issue, what is the problem and interest bring from nuclear energy. Then, our report will make you can know more about nuclear energy you may do not know. When you think why the nuclear energy will bring different problem to the earth also use this energy. We will explain each factor to you knows. Background: Since the 1950s, nuclear energy has been an important part of the world's fuels. Nuclear power is a nuclear reaction in the release of nuclear energy to generate...
Words: 2541 - Pages: 11
... Whitaker ENGL 1101-08 November 17, 2012 The Nuclear Solution The need for electricity has risen to an all time high, as the number of electronic devices in use increases along side that of America’s growing population, consumption has began to exceed that of production. In order to meet these demands energy needs to be produced in a more efficient and effective manner. Although there is no shortage of renewable resources such as water, wind, and the sun, these resources have yet prove their ability to provide us with the extensive amount of energy we require. On the other hand nuclear power has shown great success and I believe may be the solution to the energy crisis. Nuclear power plants split uranium and plutonium atoms, a process known as fission, to produce high amounts of heat within a reactor, turning water into steam used to power generators (Introduction to Nuclear Energy). Twenty percent of America's energy already comes from nuclear power (Alexander); thus arising an essential question, why have we not expanded this technology? America should turn to nuclear power as its primary source of energy because it will help stimulate the economy, create new advancements in nuclear technology, limit the stress put on our environment, and is much more safe than once believed. Increasing the number of nuclear power plants would be positive to the economy in an array of ways. Some people argue that the cost of nuclear power plants are more expensive to build compared...
Words: 1664 - Pages: 7
...Nuclear power is the use of nuclear reactions of radioactive elements such as uranium and plutonium to generate nuclear energy. The energy generates heat to boil water which then causes the steam turbines to rotate and generate electricity inside a nuclear power plant. The United States is the world’s largest producer of nuclear energy, accounting for 30% of the world’s nuclear generation electricity. The US currently has 100 nuclear reactors in operation, producing 800 million kilowatt hour of electricity in 2015. Since the early 1990s, the United States is currently the only superpower country in the world due to their economy, military, and political influence. The United States relies on nuclear power for over the past three-quarters of...
Words: 1936 - Pages: 8
...Energy Planning Proposal ********* SCI/362 November 10, 20** *************** Energy Planning Proposal To service a large populated area, it takes more than just money when it comes to evaluating not only the energy needs, but the environmental needs and considerations as well. Renewable energy has many important and positive aspects that make it a great choice not just for the city and its inhabitants, but for the environment near and far. This energy renews itself, without the threat of running out, or depleting. Renewable energy is cost effective, does not cause pollution, nor emit greenhouse gases, which is good for the city environment and far from causing global warming. There are many energy sources available, and after evaluating the pros and cons of each one, as the city planner I have come up with the best choice that can suit our needs, which is wind power, hydroelectric, and nuclear power sources. With a budget of 10 billion dollars, we can build the three new power sources and have money left over. Wind is a clean source of renewable energy, it does not produce any air or water pollution, plus wind is free. The cost of its operations is nearly nothing once a turbine is erected. Mass production and technology are making turbines cheaper, and many governments offer tax incentives to encourage wind development. Hydroelectric is a renewable energy is generated by the force of falling water. It is considered as one of the cleanest sources of energy, reliable...
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