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Nursing Home Research Paper

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With two parents who are in the medical field, I have learned about what it takes to care for people with the help of my family. I still have a long way to go, specifically with nursing homes, which is my main focus.
I am creating a nursing care home plan. To start off, a nursing care home is a type of residential facility that is open to those who aren’t able to care for themselves on their own. With the help of nurses, patients living in the care home are able to accomplish their daily activities easier. Healthcare professionals design a nursing care home plan for patients. These professionals help guide and come up with strategic plans that help their patients get better and ensure quality care throughout their stay. This project helps to teach me about the viability of keeping care homes. It also teaches me about patience, careful research and time management skills. These are important skills to learn when creating business plans, but I have personally focused on using these skills throughout the process when creating my future care home. This allows me to convert my energy into something I am very passionate about and will help me …show more content…
Although elder abuse first appeared on the national scene in 1970, the formal efforts to help vulnerable elders began at least two decades before that time. Many public welfare officials had been faced with many challenges due to the large amount of elders that couldn’t care for themselves. To help resolve this issue, they started to provide their own services and created the “Protective Services Unit” where social and legal assistance was available. In the 50’s when Congress passed the legislation, corresponding with the Social Security Act (SSA), it would help provide funds for those protected services. In 1974, studies had shown that the protective services units were very costly, so congress mandated the SSA to provide the services to people over 18 in all

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