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Nursing Home Abuse Research Paper

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Why would any person want to cause harm and elderly person who has done their part to help improve our society. It’s shocking to know that some people will actually do something like this. Nursing home abuse includes physical, mental and even sexual abuse. Yes elders are actually being sexually abused in nursing homes. But I think that I have some ideas that could decrease if not erase nursing home abuse and neglect from history. I will educate the public and all current and future Healthcare providers in how to spot these issues, create an anonymous hotline for elderly and/or their family members, and even a firm that conducts an investigation of the accused. I believe that this will eventually end this horrible thing from ever occurring again. …show more content…
And the definition of neglect is to fail to care for properly. This is happening very often in places that residents are supposed to feel safe. I interviewed John Kelly the owner/manager of Highland House assisted living in Highlands TX. Although he has a degree in computer sciences he received a certification in assisted living management. He fell in love with it and has been doing it since 1998. He stated that he is aware of abuse and neglect, and that in his training he went over it very briefly. In his continued trainings of nursing home management he went more in depth of how to recognize and prevent abuse and neglect. He believes that the best way to prevent abuse from occurring is education and feedback. All of his staff are well trained in identifying abuse and neglect and very often have lectures about this subject. He says that everyone from the janitors to the managers is responsible for elder abuse. We cannot just blame those who act out and neglect elders, but also those who were supposed inform their students of this topic. But he also acknowledges that some people are messed up and there is nothing we can do about them except try to refer them to proper authorities. Sadly many managers of nursing homes are not aware of this and that is how neglect and abuse …show more content…
The hotline would be anonymous and would serve as both someone to talk to as well as a person to alert the proper authorities to conduct an investigation of the accused. This will help the victims and their family emotionally, and it will be anonymous so residents won’t have to fear retaliation from the abuser because of them telling the authorities. In the end it is all about the safety and well being of the residents.

Once the Hotline is contacted a private investigation will be conducted. I want a law firm made specifically for elder abuse. They would go to the nursing home unannounced and watch and talk with residents and the accused and determine whether or not criminal charges should be should be administered. From there on the police would handle the

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