Free Essay

Nutrition 21c Btec Helath Science Level 3


Submitted By JackRoberts2016
Words 1210
Pages 5
|Day |Breakfast |Lunch |Dinner |Snacks |Calorific Intake |
|Monday |Fried bacon sandwich |Burger and chips |Lasagne |Bag of crisps |1645 |
| |Orange juice |Bottle of full fat coke | |Squares bar | |
| | |Bag of crisps | | | |
|Tuesday |Omelette |Burger and chips |Mushroom Pie |Apple |2274 |
| |With cheese |Bottle of full fat coke |Portion of chips |Flapjack | |
| | |Bag of crisps | | | |
|Wednesday |Bacon Sandwich |Cheese on toast (4 slices) |Tomato and bacon pasta |Squares bar |1894 |
| |Pint of Milk |Chocolate Bar |Garlic bread with cheese |Chocolate pancake | |
| | |Bottle of Dr Pepper | | | |
|Thursday |Skipped Breakfast |Burger king chicken burger |Garlic chicken kiev |Caramel Wafer |1986 |
| | |Fries |Vegetables |Bag of pistachio nuts | |
| | |Large Coke |Water | | |
|Friday |Skipped Breakfast |2 Sausage rolls |Fish and Chips |None |1855 |
| | |Iced bun |Curry Sauce | | |
| | |Flavoured water |Can of Coke | | |
| | | |Chocolate cheesecake | | |
|Saturday |Full Fry up |Mcdonalds |Kebab |None |2412 |
| |Orange Juice |Coke |Bottle of water | | |
|Sunday |Eggs Benedicts |Sunday Roast |Shepherd’s Pie |None |2144 |
| | |Vegetables |Vegetables | | |
| | |Gravy |Gravy | | |
| | |Water | | | |

|Day |Exercise |Duration (mins) |Calories Burnt |
|Monday |None |N/A |N/A |
|Tuesday |Cross trainer |30 |125 |
|Wednesday |None |N/A |N/A |
|Thursday |Cross Trainer |30 |215 |
| |Treadmill Running |30 | |
|Friday |None |N/A |N/A |
|Saturday |None |N/A |N/A |
|Sunday |Walk in the Park |60 |75 |

Modified Eating Plan
|Day |Breakfast |Lunch |Dinner |Snack |
|Monday |Toast with Fried Egg |Ham salad sandwich |Tomato Pasta |Unsalted Nuts |
| | |Bottle of water | | |
|Tuesday |Bowl of cereal |Ham salad sandwich |Salmon fish cake |Fruits |
| | |Bottle of water |Mashed | |
| | | |potato | |
| | | |Broccoli and asparagus | |
|Wednesday |Bowl of cereal |Jacket potato |Fish Finger Sandwich |Fruits |
| | |Baked beans |Tomato Sauce | |
| | |Bottle of water | | |
|Thursday |Toast with jam |Jacket Potato |Cottage pie |Cereal Bar |
| | |Baked beans |Gravy | |
| | |Bottle of water |Vegetables | |
|Friday |Porridge |Chicken Salad |Chicken Curry |Cereal Bar |
| | |2 Pieces of fruit |Peppers | |
| | | |Rice | |
|Saturday |Eggs Benedict |Chicken Breast |Chicken Fajitas |None |
| | |Vegetables |Peppers | |
| | |Mashed Potato |Onions | |
| | | |Wraps | |
|Sunday |Eggs on Wholegrain toast |Sunday Roast |Fish Finger Sandwich |None |
| | |Vegetables |Tomato Sauce | |
| | |Gravy | | |

The individual I studied in my p4 and p5 was my sister. She is 29 years old and has a full time job. Her health is good but she is slightly overweight, according to her BMI. The new dietary plan completely cuts out junk food and takeaways and introduces healthy breakfasts too, as this kick starts her metabolism in the morning which aids weight loss. There are many benefits that come with a healthy breakfast. As seen above, eggs are included in the meal plan. Including an egg or two for breakfast involves so many health benefits. Eggs are packed with protein and amino acids, they are also one of the few, significant sources of vitamin D, which is important for absorbing calcium for stronger bones. Wholegrains, whether taking them in the form of bread, cereal or oatmeal is a super-food and is a great source of fibre, which is essential for a healthy heart and digestive tract and can help reduce the risk of heart disease, cancer and diabetes. Many benefits include: An Energy boost to start the day; Sharper focus; Metabolism boost; Preventing starvation; Preventing from overeating; Reduces consumption of LDL cholesterol; Easy weight loss. Protein is an essential nutrient found in animal products, nuts and beans. We use protein in our bodies to build new cells, maintain tissues, and synthesise new proteins that make the performance of basic bodily functions possible. The human body is full of proteins. Proteins are present in the inner membranes of every living cell and is included in various parts of the body: Hair nails and the outer layers of our skin are made of the protein keratin; Muscle tissue contains myosin, actin, myoglobin and a number of other proteins; Bone has plenty of protein, the outer part of bone is hardened with minerals such as calcium, but the basic, rubbery inner structure is protein, and bone marrow, the soft material inside the bone, also contains protein; Red blood cells contain haemoglobin, a protein compound that carries oxygen around the body; Plasma, the clear fluid in blood, contains fat and proteins particles known as lipoproteins, which take cholesterol around and out of the body. About half the dietary protein that we consumer each day goes into making enzymes, which are specialised worker proteins that do specific jobs, such as, digest food and assemble or divide molecules to make new cells and chemical substances. Finally, proteins play an important part in the creation of every new cell and every new individual. Our chromosomes consist of nucleoproteins, which are substances made of amino and nucleic acids. All these points highlight the importance of protein in a healthy nutritional diet, which is why the introduction of protein rich meals is included at breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fish is a high-protein, low-fat food that provides a range of health benefits. White-fleshed fish, in particular, is lower in fat than any other source of animal protein, and oily-fish are high in omega-3 fatty acids. Since the human body can’t make significant amounts of these essential nutrients, fish are an important part of the diet. A growing body of evidence indicates that omega-3 fatty acids provide a number of health benefits. They: help maintain cardiovascular health by playing a role in the regulation of blood clotting and vessel constriction; are important for prenatal and postnatal neurological development; may reduce tissue inflammation and alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis; may play a beneficial role in cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat), reducing depression and halting mental decline in older people. (Seafood Selector, 2013) The increased intake of water will provide many health benefits and improvements to bodily functions. Drinking water helps maintain the balance of body fluids. Our body is composed of about 60% water. The function of these bodily fluids include digestion, absorption, circulation, creation of saliva, transportation of nutrients and maintenance of body temperature. Water can help control calories. Food with high water content tends to look larger, its higher volume requires more chewing, and it is absorbed more slowly by the body, which helps us feel full. Water-rich foods include fruits, vegetables, oatmeal and beans. In addition, water helps to: energise muscles; Keeps skin looking healthy and moisturised; Keeps kidneys in good shape and maintain normal bowel function. (WebMD, 2016) The introduction of healthy breakfasts, increased intake of water and water-rich foods, protein rich foods and fish meals encompasses a healthy diet and aids healthy cardiac function and weight loss without extreme dieting. The simple changes made in the healthy meal plan also cut out sugar which includes benefit such as weight loss and a reduction in blood pressure. These changes to her diet, will allow the subject to lose weight easily, but will not seem as such a drastic change, as there are plentiful amounts of food planned for every meal and even room for snacks, so it will seem easy and effectively adjustable.



Seafood Selector. (2013). The benefits of eating fish. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2016].

WebMD. (2016). 6 Reasons to Drink Water. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 May 2016].
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