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Nutrition and Exercise Plan


Submitted By tdantonio
Words 1612
Pages 7
Nutrition and Exercise Plan
Tina D'Antonio
September 4, 2012
Joyce Rode

In week one, I learned through the SuperTracker that I needed to increase my calorie intake to 2,200 calorie per day to achieve a healthier weight, as I was 99 pounds, and wanted to reach a goal of 105 pound. Even though I eat healthy food, I don’t eat a well-balanced meal. The SuperTracker showed me to implement more fruits, proteins and dairy into my meal plan. Vegetables and whole grains have really never been an issue for me. My other goals were to increase my vitamin D, vitamin A and iron, so I can stop taking supplements and to increase my dietary fiber.
Throughout the nine-week program, I found that my eating habits did not improve. My calorie intake never went over 2,000 let alone get up to 2,200. I was although really shocked to learn how much sodium I consume, I always thought I was good with watching my sodium intake. This is why people have to be more concise of what they purchase as it can be high in sodium.
The coach center message archive gave me some of the following advice for vitamin D, dietary fiber and iron. Vitamin D their comment was, try to meet your recommendation by trying new recipe ideas for salmon, tuna, and sardines. Dietary fiber the comment was plant foods are where you find fiber-fruits, vegetables, nuts and whole grains, when your meal has more fiber, it often has fewer calories, and you’ll feel fuller and stay within your calorie allowance. Their comments to incorporate more iron into my diet were, chickpeas are a source of iron, have hummus on a sandwich or with carrots and cucumbers for a healthy and easy snack, and vegetarian options include beans, peas, dark leafy greens, tomato purees (sauce) and soy products.

The SuperTracker helped me to see which nutrients and food groups I need to add to my daily diet. Looking at the food groups and

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