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Obama Immigration Case Study

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Immigration How many people are deported each year? The Obama administration deported a record 438,421 unauthorized immigrants in fiscal year 2013, continuing a streak of stepped up enforcement that has resulted in more than 2 million deportations since Obama took office, newly released Department of Homeland Security data show (pew research center). Immigration is the action of coming to live permanently in a foreign country. On this essay im going to be talking about the immigration issues in the united states, was the presidents actions constitutional, how much does the government make a year from the immigration, immigration expensives, the places that the immigration is happening at.
Executive actions are often controversial, with members …show more content…
The decision of Congress not to enact legislation a president wants is no excuse for acting unilaterally. I realize DACA has a lot of support. I support the policy myself, and hope Congress enacts it in some form. Children brought to this country by their parents, and raised in this country, are very sympathetic candidates for admission. But the Constitution gives Congress, not the president, the power to make and to amend the laws. If President Trump called on Congress to change the environmental laws and Congress refused, this would not give Trump power to dispense with enforcement of the laws by executive …show more content…
But he cautions that "if one is willing to parade this modest gain in policy discussions, then one must also be willing to parade other, less-welcome implications of the same calculation: immigration is responsible for a huge redistribution of wealth, totaling around half-a-trillion dollars per year, from native workers who compete with immigrants to those natives who use or employ immigrant labor. It is telling that many discussions of the immigration surplus often choose to overlook the substantial distributional cost associated with generating even a $50 billion surplus. "This modest net gain coupled with the larger "redistribution" leads him to conclude that "it may be more useful to think of immigration not in terms of economic efficiency but as simply a redistributive social policy." His framing of these numbers is severely distorted. The economic efficiency from immigration does not increase by only $50 billion per year. Economic efficiency must count everyone--including immigrants.

A bi-partisan group of U.S. senators next week is expected to introduce to the immigration reform bill an amendment that proposes to retain a pool of 140,000 employer-sponsored green cards for foreign workers seeking permanent residence in the United

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