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Object Permenance


Submitted By adavita
Words 365
Pages 2
1) Object permanence a) She is aware that she is talking to her dad on the phone even though she doesn’t see him b) Knowing where the remote was 2) Invisible imitation c) Her “papa” told her to say “bye bye” to her dad and she repeated what he said d) Repeating what her dad is saying on the phone 3) Deferred imitation e) Attempting to closing the phone when she said bye f) “Talking” on the phone
The actual circular reaction was the running water. She was sleep while the water was running and it felt good. So when they turned off the water, she woke up and turned the water back on. As she feels the water running, she goes back to sleep. She repeats this several times. The running water was a stimulus because it soothes her to sleep.

Maya understands object permanence because she was able to retrieve the toy that was completely hidden by the blanket. Simon understands object permanence because he is aware that the toy still exist even though he can't see it. However, he does have a visible displacement problem. Even though he saw the toy being placed under the white blanket, he looked under the blue blanket where he saw it last not where he watched them place it.
What Piaget meant by the “real problem” in education is ultimately what is the main goal of education. Should educated children to be one-minded “active learners” and only teach children what they already know are capable of learning? Or educate children to be “little scientists” and have new and creative minds that lead to new discoveries throughout life.
I totally agree with you Evelyn. Education should encourage children to be imaginative thinkers. If children are all taught the same basic information, there will be no new discoveries, ideas, and inventions.
 Gestures: pointing at what she’s talking about such as her hair
 Body language: nodding her hand
 Facial expressions: happy
 Telegraphic sentences: "They all gone!"
 Ability to use humor and slang: “No friends, no food”, “
 Ability to use over-extensions: She called the broccoli a “tree”
 Use of substitution of letter sounds: “Tareful mommy, it’s hot!”

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