...Women Changing Role’s in the 1920’s During the 1920’s women had began to change their roles in society to show that they can be more than what they appeared. Before the 1920’s women were second class citizens that came second in society, they did not have the same privileges as men did. Many women also did not have jobs which contributed to society because women were busy at home taking care of children and the house. Also the expectations of men were to be the supporters of the family which made women housewives. Women of the 1920’s were represented as well mannered and proper or a better term “Lady like.” Soon after they began to change how society portrayed them. Women’s changing roles in the 1920’s influenced other women to gain more responsibilities and show men that they are just as equal as they are, such as how they dressed, women’s patriotism, and women’s employment. Women’s roles changed because of how they dressed. Women’s fashion began to dress in a more risqué look with shorter clothing. This new fashion statement began to pick up a reputation and a name called Flappers. Flappers were women who dressed in shorter dresses showing more skin above their ankles that ended near their mid thighs. Their dresses came in various colors and styles, but what all their dresses had in common was silky material and loosely embroidered beading around each dress. Make-up was also one of the biggest and most commonly seen in flapper’s styles. “Five factors had become important...
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...Running Head: CHANGING ROLES The Changing Roles of the Japanese Women in Business Abstract Since the 1950’s the Japanese women have sought to change the traditional role of an office lady who becomes a housewife and a mother after marriage. This is apparent in their attitudes toward marriage and the family system. A new generation of educated women who are seeking a career as a working woman. After World War II women have developed a more individualistic approach to life. Women have waited until they are much older to marry, living at home longer, vacationing to Hawaii, and contributing to the economy with their disposable income. There has been a decline in arranged marriages, many women have taken jobs to find a husband on their own, and even after marriage and children they continue to work, which was inconceivable before the 1950’s. A popular view that is still eminent in the Japanese society is that working married women pose a threat to the family. With the new reforms and different attitudes towards traditional family life, gender inequality is still prevalent. This notion is expressed in a popular expression, “Good wife, wise mother” (Brannen & Wilen, 1993). The Changing Role of the Japanese Women in Business Like most cultures in our world, Japanese women were the patriarchal framework for many centuries. Compared to Western standards...
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...The Changing Role of Women Since 1865 “It can be said that the feminist movement has resulted in action and legislation; that in consciousness-raising it has found a new technique and self-realization; that at its very best it has counseled that men as well as women should be able to do and to be whatever they wish- and that if this involves men staying at home while women work, so be it” (Banner, 1974, p. 250). Women have come a long way since the late 1800s. They have fought many hard battles to change the way they were viewed in American society and have achieved much over the decades. The movement of women’s rights and being treated as an equal to men has been part of history for well over 100 years as women fought to be heard by obtaining a higher education, equality in the job market and in the voting booth. “Before the Civil War women could attend only three private colleges. After the war they had new ones all their own, among them Smith (1871), Wellesley (1875), and Bryn Mawr (1885)” (Davidson et al., 2008, p. 587). In the 1920s, a woman with a college education was part of a small advantaged group. The female students were discriminated against and in some cases, were asked to withdraw from courses so that a man could take her place in the classroom. Women were not taken seriously in the college setting. Men were the ones with the bachelor’s or master’s degrees at a rate of two to one. However, by 1970 this rate did change. For every five men that received...
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...The Family Sphere: The Changing Role of Women in the Home HIS 310 American Women's History Instructor: Dr. Cheryl Lemus April 18, 2016 Dr. Barbara Welter penned an influential article in 1966 titled “The Cult of True Womanhood: 1820–1860” which shed light on the often restrictive family sphere of existence within which, most American women throughout history had dwelt. According to Welter, true womanhood held that women were designed exclusively for the roles of wife and mother and were expected to cultivate Piety, Purity, Submissiveness, and Domesticity in all their relations (para.2). The Cult of True Womanhood, the idealized sainted mother, unconditional devotee of her husband and children, and the core power within the home still exists in the minds of many American men and women and seems to be an intrinsic part of our shared history. The ideal of the sphere of the American women and her relationship to the family evolved as the colonization of the United States evolved. When the first settlers arrived, women held a much more equitable role, laboring alongside the men to establish the country’s first settlements. As the initial settlements grew, the women who had proved vital in their creation were expected to lay down their hammers and saws and return to the family sphere. The supposition being that the return of the American woman to the family sphere was a returning to of them to their natural roles. She would leave the public sphere and revert to the more domestic...
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...term and only benefited a minority of women after the war. Indeed, the changes that were already happening before the war were of similar importance with WW1 arguably delaying the changes to the position of women in society. Firstly, world war one was important politically, economically and social in changing the position of women in the short term. Women’s roles were drastically changed throughout the war for the better and took over many jobs that were previously only done by men. Economically women prospered due to full employment and 250,000 converted themselves from peacetime to wartime jobs almost immediately. 1 million women entered the workforce and 80% of all workers in shell factories by 1918 were women. They also took on more educated roles and the amount of women in financial-based jobs grew by 600%. The growth in working women also impacted women socially, with an influx of short hair and short skirts. The traditional social restraints were relaxed and most women became the main breadwinner within their household. Women were appearing as an influential gender and they were shedding their ‘weaker sex’ label. This inspiring the suffragette campaign for votes for women, with many controversial politicians being won round, even asquith. In 1916 J.L Gavin claimed “the modern state must rely on men and women alike”, a huge step in the right direction, essentially leading to the Representation of the peoples Act 1918 which allowed women over the age of 30 to cast their vote...
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...Briefly describe some of the ways changing gender roles have affected relationships between men and women in one of the following settings: a) social settings, b) families, and c) the workplace. Gender roles are the sets of behavioral norms assumed to accompany one’s gender status. In social settings, changing gender roles can eradicate the inequality between men and women, in terms of social expectations. For instance, women are now expected to help pay the bills when they go out with other men because many question why men must always pay for their dates. In families, women and men no longer have to abide by their traditional, familial roles. That is, women can be the head of the household as long as she can maintain the integrity of the family; men no longer have to carry the burden of the responsibilities of the “head of the family.” In workplace, changing gender roles has greatly expanded women’s gender roles and increased equality between men and women. Nowadays, more women are able to enter the job positions that are previously limited to men only. Women, therefore, have greater social mobility, but at the same time, they encounter visible and invisible obstacles. Visible obstacles include sexual harassment and assault. Invisible obstacles consist of glass ceiling—limits and restrictions...
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...Examine the reasons for the changing patterns of marriage and divorce over the last 50 years Sude Dramali Families in Britain are continually changing over time, but over the last 50 years there have been major changes. There has been a huge increase in the numbers of divorce, and a decrease in the number of marriages. The divorce rate has especially increased, as now one-half of new marriages today are likely to end in divorce. New forms of the family are rising, such as lone parents, same sex marriages and cohabitation. These changes mean that families and households today bear little resemblance to those of fifty years ago, and the "typical family" no longer seems to exists. One of the reasons for the changing pattern of marriage and divorce is the changing role of women. Feminists might argue that women's expectations of life and the quality of their relationship have risen during the last century, and so are less likely to accept a traditional housewife role. Around three quarters of divorce petitions are initiated by women, which would imply that more women are unhappy with they're marriages than men are. On top of this; the employment of married women has dramatically increased, and now it is the norm for married women with children to also be in employment. This change is reflected in TV shows and films, as the mother role is no longer portrayed as only being a housewife, but also as a working mother with her own career. Being employed increases women's financial...
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...was the first global war in history, starting in 1914 and ending in 1918. During World War one, the evolution of women rights drastically changed. Women went from working in the domestic industry, to part taking in jobs, which were predominantly designed for men. To fully comprehend the impact of how the role of women changed during World War 1, it is important to discuss how women’s roles in society changed during war, women’s contributions in war and women’s contributions at the home front. By examining these themes, it becomes evident that the role of women forever changed due to World War 1. World War 1, played a significant part in influencing women’s roles to work, as well as their political standards and rights. Before...
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...conception of "feminine" and "masculine." Much about these conceptions is not biological at all but cultural. The way we tend to think about men and women and their gender roles in society constitute the prevailing paradigm that influences out thinking. Riane Eisler points out that the prevailing paradigm makes it difficult for us to analyze properly the roles of men and women in prehistory "we have a cultural bias that we bring to the effort and that colors our decision-making processes." Sexism is the result of that bias imposed by our process of acculturation.Gender roles in Western societies have been changing rapidly in recent years, with the changes created both by evolutionary changes in society, including economic shifts which have altered the way people work and indeed which people work as more and more women enter the workforce, and by perhaps pressure brought to make changes because of the perception that the traditional social structure was inequitable. Gender relations are a part of the socialization process, the initiation given the young by society, teaching them certain values and creating in them certain behavior patterns acceptable to their social roles. These roles have been in a state of flux in American society in recent years, and men and women today can be seen as having expanded their roles in society, with women entering formerly male dominions and men finding new ways to relate to and function in the family unit. When I was growing up a woman was never heard...
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...Women's Roles G.D Anderson a famous feminist poet once said "Feminism isn't about making women strong. Women are already strong. It's about changing the way the world perceives that strength". Women have always been overlooked no one has really taken the chance to stop and admire all the things that they do. In A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen Nora plays the role of a mother, a wife and most importantly a women these three views have all changed over the years. The audience varying responses to Nora’s actions in the play A Doll’s House, reflect the changing role of women in the past 100 years. The first main point is how Nora and her actions as a mother are looked at over the last 100 years on the views of women. In the earlier years women were to stay home and watch after the children they were not expected to go out and help support the family. Kathryn Hughes points out “Not only was it their job to counterbalance the moral taint of the public sphere in which their husbands laboured all day, they were also preparing the next generation to carry on this way of life”.The main job of a mother was to make a good role model for the kids and to educate them while they are at home. Over the years the idea of a stay at home mom has faded away due to the...
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...Bibliography Mackenzie, M. H. (2012). Let Women Fight. Foreign Affairs, 91(6), 32-42. An essay is presented on women serving in direct combat roles in the U.S. military. The author presents a case for changing U.S. law to permit women in all military roles. She notes that many women have served in the U.S. military, including in war zones, and says that the distinction between combat and non-combat roles has eroded in the context of contemporary warfare. She discusses the main arguments against women in combat, including their performance and effect on unit cohesion. Author Megan Mckenzie, in the article, “Let Women Fight,” from the journal Foreign Affairs, discusses the ability of women to serve in full combat units. She is avid about changing the laws to allow women full integration into combat infantry units, due to the history of women serving in combat roles in the U.S. Military (McKenzie 2012). McKenzie, argues that the lines that once existed, dividing combat roles from non-combat roles, in the U.S. Military has become blurred with today’s combat (McKenzie 2012). Due to this phenomenon, women have found themselves in the heat of combat, making them natural candidates for the allowance of women to fulfill these roles on a more permanent basis (McKenzie 2012). Simons, A. (2000). Women Can Never `Belong' in Combat. Orbis, 44(3), 451. Presents views on the debate over the exclusion laws in the United States which preclude women in the military from serving in front-line...
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...Examine the reasons for changing patterns of marriage and divorce in the UK Over the last fifty years the patterns of marriage and divorce have changed. There are many reasons why they have changed. One of the reasons may be the changes in the law, which now allow women to appeal for divorce and makes it easier for couples to get divorced in general, people have high expectations, women’s roles in society have changed, the family has become privatized, and the increased life expectancy. These are just a few of the factors that contribute to the changing patterns of marriage and divorce. In 2006 the divorce rate fell for a second consecutive year (by seven percent). The divorce rate has been falling for years as less people are getting married and changes in the laws regarding marriage and divorce as well as changing attitudes in society are all factors that are contributing to this. One of the reasons for this is society no longer frowned upon by society. Until recently divorce was looked down on and considered a dark topic, divorcees particularly female divorcees found themselves alienated from society and struggled to support themselves and any children they may have had. However now divorce is accepted in societies and divorcees are offered support and if they want to can even get married again if they wish to do so. Another reason why the divorce and marriage patterns are changing is womens roles in society have changed. Previously women were expected to be housewives...
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...when it was believed that women should not have the right to vote because of their soft and emotional nature and their incapability to make major decisions, women today have come a long way. ‘’Suffragettes was the name given to women who demanded the right to vote in elections.’’ The Suffragettes Movement was set up in 1897. This movement was set up because women wanted Parliament to address women’s issues and a Parliament full of men would never do this. Women teachers, doctors and those who worked in factories and mills had shown that they were capable of doing jobs that men could do and therefore felt that it was now time that they were recognised and treated as equals to men. Women had the right to vote! To achieve this equality, women started the Suffrage Movement which led to several events until the women were given the right to vote. The events that will highlight my essay will be: why did the Suffragette Movement start, how did the Suffragettes achieve their goals and what was the result of the Suffragette Movement. The above events will be supported by several sources. After years of struggle for change, women had achieved more rights socially and economically but there still remained many inequalities. Inequality in employment meant that men would get preference and higher pay for the same job done by women. Inequality in education meant that although women had a chance of being a teacher...
Words: 1889 - Pages: 8
...GENDER ROLES AND COMMUNICATION When two people join their lives together in the unity of marriage how are they to decide what roles each will take within the marriage? The role within a marriage changes not only from year to year but also between each couples own relationship. Cultural believes can also affect the role each partner will take within a marriage. What was acceptable behavior several years ago would not be considered the social norm today. The role the husband or wife plays in a marriage is one that is either subservient or dominant. Within these roles the communication within the marriage often is a key element to defining the role each partner plays. What works for one marriage may not work for another. There are also many stereotypes between genders on what should and should not be accepted. In the story “The Secret Life of Walter Mitty”, (Clugston, 2010) we see very different roles between Mitty and his wife then that in “I’m Going”. (Clugston, 2010) One story takes the stance that the husband is more silent and subservient to his wife, pleasing her and keeping his thoughts to himself for the most part. Whereas in “I’m going” (Clugston, 2010) the husband plays a more dominant role and controls his marriage. Regardless of the role and stance taken on the representation of gender roles in marriage it is more important that the marriage have a strong foundation and good communication skills. Communication is defined as “any process in which people...
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