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Obstacles In Life Analysis

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Everyday there are obstacles in life that can be challenging to face. In this essay I will tell you when I've faced disadvantages in my daily life and turned them positive. Ultimately showing how you can turn a disadvantage or obstacle into something positive.

To begin with, my main disadvantage is balancing my priorities with my social life. My priorities are working and school, but I get too occupied with it to where I keep my social life very minimal. I work daily to pay for the neccesities I need to survive on but I also have to go to complete my education. There are times where I would like to have a couple of hours with my friends but then I have a later shift or gotta study longer, but I know that once I'm done I will be able to complete my school work and further my career and have the money to hang out with my friends.

Now let's continue with a harder disadvantage. Balancing a work life with my family can tend to be a little hectic. For example, when working so many hours a day before going to school after coming home sometimes I just want to rest and be alone. This can become an obstacle with keeping a close and healthy relationship with my mother. In addition to all the stress she has sometimes this leads to clashing of heads. I've learned that for example if we …show more content…
For example it's hard to find enough time in the day to cook a nutritious meal or go find something healthy. However I've learned to meal prep for the week that way I can eat healthy and save money. I'll wake up early at the start of the week and make 7 different meals and package it so it's ready to go for each day. This helps makes sure I have enough nutrition in my body to get me through the workday and school so my mind can stay focused. Meal prep has definitely kept me healthy and pushed me away from stopping to get a quick meal from a fast food

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