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Ocs and Bcs


Submitted By shelbytozer23
Words 2106
Pages 9
What are the major problems with regard to the collection of crime statistics? Discuss, within your answer, the weaknesses and strengths of the official crime statistics and British Crime Survey.
Official crime statistics are secondary documentary sources which are most commonly based on figures from the police and the courts. These are then announced by the Home Office at a later date.
Interactionists question the validity and reliability of official crime statistics as they state that official crime statistics greatly underestimate crime itself, and as a result they only represent ‘the tip of the ice berg’ suggesting that they are not representative of all crimes. Furthermore, Interactionists dispute that statistics are seen to be socially constructed. One example is through the underreporting of known crimes.
The case for the British Crime Survey rested largely in the value to policy-makers of having at least a rough idea to the extent and shape of the problem which the criminal justice system was intended to tackle. Police statistics of recorded crime seemed adequate as a measure of police workload, but because of unreported and unrecorded crime – deficient as an index of crime. The British Crime Survey illustrates that the public do not necessarily report crimes that they have been victims of, for example in 2008 only 42% of crimes were reported by victims. Victims may not report crimes to the police as they may be too insignificant and believe that the police force either would or could not do anything to help them. As a result, the underreporting of crime lowers the overview amount of measured crime.
Statistics are also seen as socially constructed through the invisibility of white collar crime and the use of cybercrime. Official crime statistics often underestimate white collar crime and cybercrime as these crimes commonly go unreported or are proved

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