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Bronze Age Research Paper

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There was a time in the world of men when structures and tools were built from simple materials; rocks, wood and clay. There was no advance science of synthesizing. Animals bones and teeth were used for their everyday essential life activities. All these happened in the stone age.

Soon, civilization was surfacing. Men began to advance from the use of crude tools into an age known as the bronze age. The bronze age is recorded as starting from 3300 BC. People had access to lumps of copper ore on the ground around this age, and transformed them into tools. Somehow, they discovered the science of smelting copper out of its ore, this lead to the advancement in technology- men began to make alloys of copper, bronze. Bronze was then widely used in …show more content…
Iron was far superior to the alloy bronze. Iron has more tensile strength and more solid, this was an advantage applicable to war.
Today, there is now a wide range of materials used in the structures built by men. We have cements, plastics, rubber, cotton and a wide range of metals have been discovered. Not only have we discovered these metal but are able to combine these different metal properties to create a hybrid metal called alloys. Alloys combine the different properties of these metals into one solid metal.

Metals today have varieties of shapes, color, luster and uses. Metals such as silver and gold were used as medium of exchange, copper and aluminum are used in electrical cables, ships and aircraft are built from duralumin, kitchen utensils are made of steel and the list goes endless. Uses of metal is an integral part of human history and civilization. In fact, the use of metal is said to be one of the differentiating factor between man and animals.

The study of metal is known as metallurgy.

Chemistry of …show more content…
Ferromagnetic metals are strongly attracted to magnetic field, this is owing to the configuration of the free pool of electron in the metal crystal. Each electron has a magnetic charge that sometimes cancel each other out, but in case of ferromagnetic metals, they have more un-paired electrons. see more!.
Examples of ferromagnetic metals include iron and alloys of iron, nickel and colbalt.

Paramagnetic metals interact loosely with magnetic fields. While diamagnetic metals are repellent to magnetic fields.

Other major characteristics of metal include having a shiny surface (luster), ductility (ability to stretch under tensile stress), heat conduction and electricity conduction.

Sources of Metal

A miner in copper mining site
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