...Heather Smith Teachers name World Lit 05 September 2008 Without The Odyssey’s good and bad female characters, Athena, Calypso and Penelope, Homer’s epic tale would not have been as successful of a story because of their profound effect on the plot. The women not only play such vitals roles in the tale they also keep the readers interested enough to find out what will happen next. The women wielded their influence via womanly skills and goddess-like attributes: seduction, supernatural powers, intelligence, and beauty. The roll of the goddess is one of a supernatural being, but more importantly one in a position to pity and help mortals. Athena, the goddess of wisdom and battle, is the most prominent example of a goddess. In the very beginning of the story, Athena is pleading for Odysseus’ return home. She is pleading with her father, Zeus, for his release. This action shows Athena’s initiative and nerve. She is the driving force behind arranging Odysseus’ release from Calypso and making sure the princess, Nausicaa, found him on the shore of Skythera. Athena shows cleverness and ingenuity. Throughout the first half of the book Athena assists him in his journey:”When you cane here to my strong home, Odysseus, under my tall roof, headwinds were left behind you. Clear sailing shall you have now, homeward now...” (192) The next role is the role of the seductress. The seductress role is always perceived as dangerous and harmful to mankind. Calypso holds Odysseus captive as her...
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...“ How to Control Emotions ” This would give you guide on how to control your emotions towards your better half, friend, officemate and all of the people around you. The rules of practicing “ UGALING LANGIT, UGALING KAAYA-AYA ”. 1. Ang maunang magalit ang may karapatang magalit, pag naunahan ka ng galit nya tumahimik ka nalang muna. 2. Walang taong nag-aaway mag-isa, Pag hindi kayo sumagot o pumatol titigil din daw ang taong nakikipagaway sa inyo. 3. Ang taong galit “ BINGI ”, If someone is angry wala raw pinakikinggan so don’t try to explain and fight. Hindi ka nya iintindihin dahil wala siyang naririnig kundi ang sarili nya. 4. Ang taong galit “ ABNOY “, ayon sa pastor biblical daw ito, because the lord said when he crucified.. “Father patawarin mo sila dahil hindi nila alam ang kanilang ginagawa”. Modern term for this kind of people are abnoy. So you better not get angry para wag ka matawag na abnoy. You should know and realized that the person who make your day bad are jewel, because you need them for you to mature. Hanggat andyan daw sila at kinaiinisan mo ibig sabihin immature ka pa. God will not take away those people. It’s for you to take away your bad feelings towards them. You’ll know na mature ka na pag dumating na yung time na hindi ka na naiinis sa mga taong ito. Because you have learned to accept them and to have patience with them. 5. Finally the best part of this is to tell yourself na because of this person, I will grow mature, and that dahil sa contribution nya...
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...Summary The man-apes of the world, who lived by gathering berries and nuts, were facing a lack of food. A giant monolith appeared on Earth one day and began to experiment with many of them, probing and developing their minds. Among those in whom the monolith took an interest was Moon-Watcher, the only man-ape who walked fully upright. At night, a few select man-apes were taught and during the day, they innovated. Moon-Watcher discovered that he could fashion tools with which to kill animals for sustenance—the man-apes' hunger problem was solved. Time passed and the man-ape evolved. His brain grew, he invented language and organized into civilizations, and he invented weapons—first knives, but then guns and finally nuclear missiles. Such innovations had been central in man's dominion over earth, but "as long as they existed, he was living on borrowed time." Eager to embark on another space mission, Dr. Heywood Floyd arrived at the Florida launch location after meeting with the president. He offered no comment to the press, nor would he reveal the details of mission to the crew that served him so faithfully on board or to his Russian friend whom he encounters at the joint U.S.-U.S.S.R. space station, a stop on his journey to the Moon. Upon his arrival, Floyd is greeted by a top official of the Moon colony and whisked off to a meeting. A lead scientist explains that they had found a magnetic disturbance in Tycho, one of the Moon's craters. An examination of the area had revealed...
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...Mentoring Program and its impact on employee job performance Table of Contents 1. Introduction…………………………………………………………………………. ...3 1.1 Preamble……………………………………………………………………………3 1.1.1 Historical development …………………………………………………….. . 4 1.1.2 Benefits of mentoring program ……………………………………………….4 1.2 Research problem…………………………………………………………… ….. ..5 1.3Research questions……………………………………………………………….....5 1.4 Objectives of the study………………………………………………………….....6 1.5 Scope……………………………………………………………………………....6 1.6 Limitations………………………………………………………………….. …....6 1.7 Assumptions ………………………………………………………………...........7 1.8 Keywords…………………………………………………………………………7 2. Methodology………………………………………………………………………….8 2.1 Research design…………………………………………………………………...8 2.2 Steps to conduct research ………………………………………………………...9 2.3 population …………………………………………………………………… …..8 2.3.1 Frame of reference………………………………. ……………………………8 2.4 Sample and sampling methods……………………………………………………9 2.5 Instrument selection ………………………………………………………. …….9 2.6 Variables ………………………………………………………………….......... 9 2.7 Hypotheses ……………………………………………………………………….9 2.8 Statistical tools ………………………………………………………………………...10 2.9 Required resources……………………………………………………………….10 References …………………………………………………………………………...11 - 1. Introduction 1.1 Preamble A mentor is an individual, who is more experienced and helps another individual in career advancement, development and general guidance about personal life. The Merriam-Webster Online...
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...1. Општа организација на експертни системи - ВОВЕД Вештачката интелигенција почнала да се развива во педесетите години од минатиот век, кога дигиталните сметачи во доволна мера биле јаки за да пресметат сложени задачи. Интелигенцијата на сметачите сеуште е далеку под интелигенцијата на живите суштества и треба уште многу ситуацијата радикално да се промени. Препознавањето на примерокот и говорниот јазик се мал дел од нешто што трба да се нарече вештачка интелигенција. Сепак може да се направат многу корисни интелигентни системи кои содржат обемно знаење од некое потесно подрачје засновано на знаењето на човекот кое на адекватен начин е инплементирано во сметачот и неговата програмска поддршка. Денеска многу експертни системи даваат така добри резултати, што за човек би требало да работи со години за да стекне толкаво искуство за да работи како еден експертен систем. Основа на системот е базата на знење која ги содржи сите сознанија за областа за која експертниот систем е наменет. Механизмот за заклучување се базира на тоа што врз основа на добиената збирка на податоци, носи заклучок како да постапи. При тоа патот до донесување на заклучок не е еднозначен, туку се анализираат различни можности за да се оствари целта со анализа на сите предности и недостатоци. Уобличувањето на знаењето на експертите за да може да се внесе во сметачот го вршат инжињери и како резултат се добива програмска подршка во сметачот која “знае”да ги користи тие податоци. Споредбата...
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...CLIVE CUSSLER PAUL KEMPRECOS OGNISTY LÓD (Przełożył: Maciej Pintara) AMBER 2002 Prolog Odessa, Rosja 1918 rok Późnym popołudniem wiatr nagle zmienił kierunek i przygnał do portu gęstą mgłę. Szare wilgotne opary spowiły kamienne nabrzeża i kłębiły się nad monumentalnymi schodami. W ruchliwym porcie czarnomorskim nagle zrobiło się ciemno. Odwołano rejsy promów i statków pasażerskich. Mnóstwo marynarzy zostało bez zajęcia. Kapitan Anatolij Towrow szedł nabrzeżem w przenikliwie zimnej mgle. Słyszał wybuchy pijackiego śmiechu w zatłoczonych knajpach i burdelach. Minął główne skupisko barów, skręcił w zaułek i otworzył nieoznakowane drzwi. W nozdrza uderzyło go ciepłe powietrze przesycone dymem papierosowym i zapachem wódki. Tęgi gość przy stoliku w rogu przywołał go gestem. Aleksiej Fiodorow był szefem odeskich celników. Kiedy kapitan zawijał do portu, spotykał się z nim w tej spelunie, gdzie przesiadywali głównie emerytowani marynarze, a wódka nie była droga. Towrow czuł się samotny po śmierci żony i córki, które zginęły w czasie rewolucji. Fiodorow wydawał się dziwnie zgaszony. Zwykle tryskał humorem i żartował, że kelner zawyża rachunek. Teraz bez słowa zamówił kolejkę, unosząc dwa palce. Co dziwniejsze, zapłacił bez żadnych targów. Zniżył głos, poskubał nerwowo czarną szpiczastą bródkę i rozejrzał się niepewnie po innych stolikach, gdzie ogorzali marynarze pochylali się nad wódką. Uspokojony, że nikt nie podsłuchuje, uniósł...
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