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Odysseus: A Great Hero

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In life there are leaders and there are followers Odysseus is an example of a leader. Odysseus is a great hero, he has been away for 20 years going through obstacles he faces in life just to stay alive for his family. He fights with all his might just to make it back home to the great island of Ithaca. He has to fight off many monsters in his journey to help save him and his men, just in the end for him to be the only one left who survived in the war. Odysseus has many traits other than the ones I’m going to talk about but these ones are my favorite about him. These traits show a lot about what kind of person he is the ones I picked were brave, determined and intelligent.
One of Odysseus many characteristics is that he is brave. He showed his bravery in many ways such as fighting courageously in the war with troy, he faced great dangers on his decade long voyage home. He never backs down from a challenge, and he always keeps his head high in dangerous situations to fight off anyone that comes near to harming him or his men. Odysseus faces the Cyclops Polyphemus, travels to the Underworld, overcomes the Sirens, out works the monsters of Scylla and Charybdis, and leaves behind the beautiful Calypso while many things also pop up …show more content…
During his journey he does something smart so he won’t show that he has caused any problems he tells Polyphemus that he is “My name is nobhdy”(1118). One of the most intelligent/clever things he did in this story was by blinding the Cyclopes instead of killing him. He could not kill him because he needed him to move the rock in order for him and his men to escape the cave even though the Cyclopes did not know what that he was helping them all along. Odysseus also ended the Trojan War by putting a wooden horse outside the gate of the Trojans so that they thought it was a gift but once they took it inside it was full of Greek

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