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Offenders In Jdcs

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Types of Offenders in JDCs/JCCs As mentioned in the introduction crime does not discriminate amongst the people who decide to offend and like adult offenders, juveniles commit the same types of crimes. These crimes could be murder and rape, or a less serious offense like shoplifting. What type of juvenile offenders are being incarcerated into JDCs and JCCs? First off, females make up 15 percent of the youth in facilities (Sedlak & Bruce, 2017). 70 percent of the youth offend between ages fifteen and seventeen and youth sixteen years old offend the most (2017). Minorities also make up a large percentage of juvenile offenders. Juvenile incarceration varies from state to state, but there are six categories from the Office of Juvenile Justice …show more content…
These offenses include personal, property, drug, public order, technical violations and status offenses (2017). Personal offenses consist of rape, murder, assault and ect. Property offenses consist of burglary, arson, theft and other property crimes. Drug offenses consist of common drug violations such as possession or distribution. Public order offenses consist of prostitution, public intoxication and other offenses. Technical violations consist of offenses that break the parole or probation rules. Lastly, status offenses consist of truancy, curfew violations and other violations that would not be considered criminal if they were an adult. Many of the juvenile were arrested for more than one offense and often offenses in different categories. A majority of the juveniles in JDCs and JCCs are incarcerated for property crimes. The second highest offense category is for personal offenses, but only a small percent represents juveniles who have committed rape or murder (Sedlak & Bruce, 2017). Juvenile who were incarcerated for status offenses represent the lowest percentage of the categories (2017). There are a wide variety of juvenile offenders incarcerated in juvenile detention and correction centers. How does the wide variety …show more content…
A right to an education for all youth from kindergarten to twelfth grade is guaranteed by the No Child Left Behind legislation (Leone & Wruble, 2015). This right is also given to juveniles in juvenile facilities because their education is important in keeping them from recidivating. According to Leone and Wruble (2015), the education given to juveniles in detention facilities is lacking qualified instructors, good curriculums and proper amounts of time in class. Leone and Wruble (2015) say, “It is not uncommon for school to be cancelled or students to be released early because of teacher shortages or inadequate numbers of custody staff to supervise the school” (pg.591). The youth in the facilities also have learning disabilities, which creates a bigger issue for incarcerated juvenile education. Juveniles in JDCs and JCCs are also years behind their peers who are in facilities (2015). Juveniles strive on peer competition and if they see that the nonincarcerated peers are striving in education then they may begin to develop disorders like depression. Leone and Wruble (2015) makes it seem like there is not any standardization for incarcerated juvenile education. Standardized education for incarcerated juveniles would mean a consist provider of adequate education throughout every detention and correction facilities.

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