...Officer Selection Juan Torres Course: CJA/214 February 4, 2012 Instructor: Jess Gutierrez Officer Selection Law enforcement recruitment; it is the law enforcement agencies responsibilities to select the best candidates for their personnel. Although, there are different levels of law enforcement; including local, state and federal, there requirements and process are similar. Every candidate has to go through a process including; personal interview, criminal record check, background investigation, driving record check, medical exam, psychological evaluation, drug test, written aptitude test, physical agility test, polygraph exam and voice stress analyzer ("Requirements to Become a Police Officer", 2003-2012). Law enforcement agencies not only hire officers, their goal is also to retire them as well. By doing so, they depend on career development programs. As for a local police; there are four steps in to becoming a police officer. It sounds like four simple steps and one becomes a police officer, in the contrary four steps go along way. The first step is meeting basic prerequisites; according to "Requirements To Become A Police Officer" (2003-2012), “all police departments require their police officers to have at least a high school diploma or equivalent education” (Step 1: Meet Basic Prerequisites). Age limit is another requirement; almost all local police agencies require a candidate to be at least 21 years old, also be a U.S. citizen and have a valid driver’s license...
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...Officer Selection Process 2 Abstract This paper will discuss the major components of the state police. It will focus on the selection process which determines if a candidate is suitable to work in law enforcement. In addition, the following will be discussed, the training process and career development programs that are available for officers. Many different kinds of government agencies have a great deal of responsibility for enforcing the law and striving for protection. To become employed with a state police law enforcement agency, one must go through an extensive process which includes the passing of a written exam, an in-depth background check, oral interview, and pass a psychology test. Once the application has been submitted, the written exam begins the first phase of the selection process. Typically these exams are given by the civil service department. The exam evaluates the applicants’ basic knowledge such as: reading, writing, and comprehension skills. The scores are ranked, and whoever amongst the candidates pass the percentage amount will advance to the next phase. The purpose of a background check is to determine if the applicant is in good moral standing. In doing so, the applicant cannot be convicted of any felonies or have any serious misdemeanors. Not only should the candidate be deterred from all criminal convictions, but also should not elicit the use of drugs, violent activity, the excessive use of alcohol, or portray any...
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...Officer Selection Process The requirements for the police officer for the local agency have changed over the years. Forty to fifty years ago, all police officer were strong male, majority white, and only a high school diploma. Not until the 70’s, African American and Hispanic were allowed to be a police officer and even then females were allowed. Today the requirement has changed to become a police officer in the city of Southfield, Michigan there are assortments of requirements that they must pass before they will accept you. The basic requirement before you can be chosen for a police officer; you must meet the all of the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES), which are reading and writing test, physical fitness performance examination, and the psychological examination. The Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards is broken down in these sub-categories of age, education, physical fitness and integrity, and citizenship requirement. In the State of Michigan, the minimum age is 18 years old, must have a high school diploma and a background check. For example they will fingerprint you to make sure that you have not committed crimes in different states. You will be require to be a US citizen, no felony records or even an expunged record this include a good moral character or good choice of judgment. Required to have a good driving record and it must be valid in the state you reside in. Second basic requirement is the physical fitness and integrity...
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...Dissimilar to most occupations, entering into a law enforcement officer position (i.e. police, corrections or probation officers) includes much more than finishing an application and interview. Criminal justice agencies run their candidates through a thorough arrangement of tests and exams, each intended to limit the field of applicants to progress only the individuals who are qualified. Likewise with the essential necessities, every state has a Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) or comparable element that builds up minimum selection benchmarks for law enforcement officers. Perceiving that every state and every agency may contrast beneath is a summary rundown you are liable to find in the hiring and training process. The hiring process for police officers and correctional officers is pretty straightforward and very similar in nature. The beginning application and prescreening questionaries’ convey a candidate's advantage and qualifications. Given this material, applicants are welcomed back to take the composed exam. The written exam encompasses a general aptitude exam consisting of reading comprehension, problem-solving skills, memory and writing ability. Many agencies offer their applicants a study guide that provides some assistance to applicants prior to taking the exam. Once the review is...
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...Abstract This paper will discuss the major components of the state police. It will focus on the selection process which determines if a candidate is suitable to work in law enforcement. In addition, the following will be discussed, the training process and career development programs that are available for officers. Many different kinds of government agencies have a great deal of responsibility for enforcing the law and striving for protection. To become employed with a state police law enforcement agency, one must go through an extensive process which includes the passing of a written exam, an in-depth background check, oral interview, and pass a psychology test. Once the application has been submitted, the written exam begins the first phase of the selection process. Typically these exams are given by the civil service department. The exam evaluates the applicants’ basic knowledge such as: reading, writing, and comprehension skills. The scores are ranked, and whoever amongst the candidates pass the percentage amount will advance to the next phase. The purpose of a background check is to determine if the applicant is in good moral standing. In doing so, the applicant cannot be convicted of any felonies or have any serious misdemeanors. Not only should the candidate be deterred from all criminal convictions, but also should not elicit the use of drugs, violent activity, the excessive use of alcohol, or portray any racial or prejudicial attitudes of any kind. The...
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...Officer Selection Process The initial step is to make the decision to become a police officer. The next step in the process is to satisfy the minimum requirement. Once this has been done, he or she must decide on the level of agency he or she wants to be a part of. The three levels of agencies to choose from are the local, state, and federal agencies. Although parts of the selection process are standardize across the board, there are some differences in reference to the hiring and eligibility process for the agencies at each level. He or she need to decide on which type of agency would be the best fit for him or her. Standard Requirements in the Selection Process To become a local, state, or federal agency officer the initial selection process can take many months to complete. First an application has to be filled out. Once the application has been filled out, an entrance examination is administered. This exam is normally a written aptitude test. The written exam can be held in the agencies training room, college, or university campus. It is very important to for the potential officer to take the exam on the assigned. Because of the cost of the exams, they are only given at certain times. It may be a year or two before the next opportunity to take an exam arise. Next a battery of tests is given to the potential officer that he or she has to endure and complete. He or she will be given a medical exam, criminal record check, background check, psychological testing, drug test...
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...Firstly we need to introduce our self to the topic as we will be discussing the selection process of various levels of police such as local, state or federal officer and also we will include the various training programs through which the officers of each level goes before they are employed as officer. So as we are aware of the fact that police officers play most important role in maintaining disciplines and also they are the one who are most reliable for fighting with various types of crimes and criminals. So as it is very clear that the job of a police officer is a very hard one because they do face very tough problems while doing their job, so this is the reason why police officers do need to go through a very tough training and also various selection processes so that they do not face any difficulty while handling various criminals and therefore can perform their job very well. As there are certain levels of police officers like local, state and federal police officers and also of them go through various training programs before they are appointed as police officers. So let us discuss the selection process of a local, state, federal police officer, there are some requirements which are checked in the selection process. These are:- 1) Health- It is very important to know the physical and mental condition of a officer before selecting because it is very important to make sure that police officer is of sound mind and is also physically very strong to handle any bad situations...
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...Police Officer Selection Process CJA/214 Police Officer Selection Process Local law enforcement officers hold the most important responsibility of working the “front lines” of crimes in communities all over the country. Some departments have the advantage because they deal with a smaller population, but there are cities with millions of people. Considering the vast sizes of population in different cities, it’s important to acknowledge that the task of a police officer should be designated to the best candidates. Furthermore, the training and education provided should be optimal so that officers are well equipped to secure public safety. Law enforcement agencies are structured based on their geographic locations; and can potentially be divided into districts if the terrain is large enough. Uniformed law enforcement officials usually patrol inside a designated area. Having officers constantly patrol the same areas allows them to familiarize themselves with the location. The familiarity allows police officers to quickly notice any irregularities among the community. Larger jurisdictions call for police officers to patrol the area in pairs. The reality is that officer constantly face criminals as they pursue or arrest them, enforce traffic laws, and resolving other problems throughout the community. The New York Police Department and the Los Angeles Police Department are the most popular departments in the country but they have significant...
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...In the state of Massachusetts, becoming a police officer is a competitive hiring process. In 2009 there were 2,247 state police officers alone, which is significantly higher than other states. Mass Labor and Workforce development predicts that there will be 810 fewer police jobs in 2020 than there was in 2010. This will make becoming a police officer in Massachusetts a lot harder as the years pass ("How to Become a Police Officer in Massachusetts", 2013). The Massachusetts Municipal Police Training Committee (MPTC), an agency of the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security, is responsible for setting the state’s minimum police training standards. These standards require at least a high school diploma or GED; however local agencies can set higher standards that do require a college degree from an accredited University or military experience. Even though there are different hiring processes across the state, most police agencies around the state have established similar hiring and qualification standards. Becoming a police officer in Boston is almost the same as becoming a police officer in Springfield ("How to Become a Police Officer in Massachusetts", 2013). Recruitment for the Boston Police requires that the department actively participate in recruitment for any qualified persons to fill sworn positions. There has to be an official job announcement that includes a description of the duties and responsibilities of the position; required skills; minimum education requirements;...
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...| |Staff Recruitment and Selection Procedure | | | | [pic] | | | |Version |3.0 | |TRIM file number | | |Short description |A procedure on recruiting and selecting staff at CSU | |Relevant to |All employees involved in recruiting and selecting applicants for continuing | | |or fixed-term appointments at CSU | |Authority |This Procedure has been approved by the Executive Director, Human Resources in| | |accordance with the Policy on Delegations and Authorisations - Delegation | | |Schedule 1, GOV10 | |Responsible officer ...
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...HOW SATISFIED AND HOW MUCH CONFIDANCE ON THE SYSTEM Even though the system, contents or the format is exceptional, confidence of any system depends upon the process in which how it is put into practice. And how effectively and earnestly the recommendations are considered and deliberated for ones future in the organization. In the SL Navy these confidential reports are used for promotions, course selections and for some medals such as USP medal as promulgated. In addition these may be considered for other selections such as selections for Defence Advisors, Special appointment etc. in which selection criteria are not promulgated and made available only to the board members. The absence of standard, promulgated criteria in which confidential report...
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...circumstances to discuss this solicitation. The technical evaluations must assess the qualities of responses based solely on the factors and sub factors as specified in the solicitation, reproduced in Attachment (1) for your convenience, and the TEP report must discuss and substantiate in detail the TEP’s findings regarding each evaluation criteria. All TEP members’ evaluations must adhere strictly to the subject RFP’s evaluation criteria. There must be no comparison of offerors’ responses in the initial review. The following individuals have been designated as members of the Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) for No changes to the TEP membership are permitted unless requested and approved, in writing, by the Source Selection Authority (SSA). Attachments: (1) Technical Evaluation Criteria (2) Guidelines for Interrogatories (3) Do’s and Don’ts during the evaluation process (4) Certification on Use and Disclosure of Responses (5) Past Performance Questionnaire (6) Scoring Plan (7) Sample Evaluation Memo cc: Solicitation File: I. GENERAL INFORMATION The purpose of the...
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...OFFICER PROGRAM APPLICATION PREPARATION HANDBOOK (OCS, CSPI, DCE, & AVCAD) USCG Training Center Cape May, NJ September 2012 v. 13 50 OCS, CSPI, DCE, AVCAD APPLICATION PREPARATION HANDBOOK (Officers – except for certain captains – and those who had enlisted were let go, or “put on the beach” when wars ended.) Officers were given commissions by the monarch. Like a commission given to an artist or architect to produce a new work, these commissions laid out the scope of their duties and their responsibilities in the specific office or position they were appointed to. And they served at the pleasure of the king (or queen), meaning they could be dismissed by the monarch at any time. These traditions applied throughout the Royal Navy, including in ships stationed in Britain’s North American colonies. During the War for Independence, the Continental Navy maintained these traditions. And after the U.S. achieved its independence from Britain, both the Revenue Marine (starting in 1790) and Navy (beginning in 1798) carried them forward. Foreword CONTENTS i Overview 1 Application Format & Contents 9 Narrative Memo 13 CO’s Endorsement 21 Interview 31 Conclusion 41 Appendix A (Officer & Enlisted Careers) 43 49 OCS, CSPI, DCE, AVCAD APPLICATION PREPARATION HANDBOOK OCS, CSPI, DCE, AVCAD APPLICATION PREPARATION HANDBOOK FOREWORD president”. That means they can be dismissed at any time without any reason. These terms...
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...QR Governance & Management Framework Human Resource Management System Standard HRS/SPC/3005/REC RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION OVERVIEW Version: G&MF 1.1 Date: Controlled Copy No. Author: 1 December 2008 Xx Chief Human Resources Officer Recruitment and Selection . 1 of 7 HRS/SPC/3005/REC Version 1.1 CONTENTS: 1. Purpose ......................................................................................... 3 2. Scope ............................................................................................. 3 3. Key Roles and Responsibilities................................................... 3 3.1 Chief Human Resources Officer................................................. 3 3.2 Direct Reports to the Chief Executive Officer ............................. 3 3.3 Hiring Manager and Recruitment Consultant ............................. 4 3.4 Recruitment Centre .................................................................... 4 3.5 Applicants................................................................................... 4 4. Requirements ................................................................................ 4 5. The Recruitment and Selection Process .................................... 4 5.1 5.2 Recruitment Timeframe .............................................................. 5 5.3 Advertising Vacancies ..................................................
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...The core objective of undertaking recruitment and selection is to ensure that an organization has a reliable workforce with requisite skills and talents that befit the open positions (Armstrong & Armstrong, 2011). Recruitment, therefore, is searching or attracting a sufficient number of candidates who will then be subjected to interviews and tests. Selection, on the other hand, is a process of rejection; it involves scrutinization of the numerous numbers of candidates who had applied for the open position (Dessler, 2004). Through the selection process, the interviewing team ensures that the best candidate of all is hired to fill the vacant position (Noe, 2006).In this paper, therefore, I have developed a comprehensive recruitment and hiring plan for New York police department. Essential Elements of the Job The open positions entail recruitment and hiring of most competent and qualified police officers. There is a need to restore the police image and reputation among the members of the public. The new recruits will serve to enhance security and at the same time not infringe on the public interest. The officers will also participate in public sensitization and awareness programs to create mutual understanding with the community. Mutual understanding and cooperation between the police and the community is critical for the promotion of security programs as this region is cosmopolitan. The newly recruited officers will also conduct thorough investigations on recent...
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