...Fennel seed oil Fennel and its benefits date back to the ancient time of Egyptians and Romans, they used this oil for its spiritual, emotional and medical support. Traditional uses of this oil differ from person to person and as per the requirement of the body. There are various oils that have different benefits and that add a lot to your body and to the normal working of your system. Fennel seed oil is one of these special oils which are extracted of a flowering plant species that is highly beneficial for the users. Earlier, people were used to use the oil for spiritual purposes now days it is used to balance your body and it’s functioning. Fennel oil has various benefits and uses which makes it the best choice: • Antiseptic properties- The major benefit of the oil is that it has certain compounds which make it a great antiseptic. • It treats spasms and various other respiratory issues which you must be facing from past many years. • Helps in Digestion and gas Troubles- Helping you with chronic gas troubles, the oil has major properties that helps you in escaping the excessive gases from the intestine. Apart from all that the major benefit that the intestine gets is that the oil kills the worms and their spores in the intestine. It is more like a tonic that tones and boosts your body functioning. • Positive effect...
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...As we all know, the BP spill of 2010 was both catastrophic and costly. In April 2010, BP’s Transocean drilling rig Deep water Horizon sank in the Gulf of Mexico killing over 10 people and spewing more than 200 million gallons of oil into our ocean water. This historic and devastating spill is now labeled as worst in U.S. history due to its crippling economic factors throughout Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida. It has taken us a year to restore our relationships and our strong presence in the energy sector so we must have a plan in place to get us back on track. In the presentation I will be discussing BP’s planning function of management as it relates to the organization’s goals and strategies. I will then discuss the influence that legal issues, ethics, and corporate social responsibility have had on management planning at BP. Last, I will analyze the influence that legal issues, ethics, and corporate social responsibility have had on management planning at BP. Global demand for energy is expected to increase by 50% between now and 2030. Eighty-five percent of the energy to meet this demand is expected to come from fossil fuels (BP.com, 2012). In order for BP to recover and tap into this 50% increase, we must first plan and analyze our current situation. In this unique industry, anticipating the future has become even more important than before. We must first create a plan that will not only guide the recovery process...
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...Lorenzo’s Oil Essay Lorenzo’s oil about a boy who is suffering from ALD and his parents are trying to find a cure for ALD until they found a cure after two years of his diagnosis which is called Lorenzo’s oil .After watching Lorenzo’s oil, the Odone family’s courage and inspire me to do more research about other rare diseases and found actual cures. I would like to research more about some rare diseases to make sure we do not make a big mistake like the ALD foundation from the movie because, the saturated and unsaturated fats are raising a lot due to the diet the family have to use. The Odone family were able to do the research to keep Lorenzo’s fatty acid chain to be normal. Michaela should not feel guilty that it was her genes that contained the defect that caused Lorenzo to have ALD. Everyone needs a person to help them out at certain times. Just in case if the treatments do not work or if people are being jerks to you if the treatment is not working properly, just do some research even though it takes a long time and it always be worth it. ALD is a...
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...About Cheap Essential Oils By Jason Cote Mar 26, 2012 When trying to cut costs, the first thing we usually do is defer to cheaper products. This is alright in some cases, but with the majority of situations, you really do get what you pay for. In the case of cheap essential oils, you need to consider a number of factors before spending money on low grade "scent" oils. So many people fall head over heels for discounted products. They search circulars and end caps ruthlessly to find things that are cheap. The real story behind "cheap" is not good news, though. If you are in the market for cheap essential oils, prepare to receive an imposter in a bottle. Essential oils with a super cheap price tag probably have been overly processed and stripped of all the good things that draw us to them in the first place. Don't fall for cheap imitations that fool your nose, dig deeper....
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...The aroma of sea buckthorn oil is reminiscent of wet wood and just a little herbal. This oil is rarely used for its aroma, but it has many therapeutic benefits. Sea buckthorn seed oil is a very unusual essential oil in that it is almost always taken internally. This oil offers phenomenal benefits as a dietary supplement for enhancing the immune system; supporting cardiovascular, brain, and liver health; and for fighting many diseases. Sea buckthorn seed oil is rich in vitamin E and omega-3, which are only found in minute traces in the sea buckthorn berry oil. On the other hand, sea buckthorn berry oil has many topical uses and is rarely used internally. The best way to use both types of sea buckthorn oil is to find sea buckthorn whole berry and seed oil, or to mix the two in a 1-to-1 blend for your own use. This way, the oil can be used both topically and internally....
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...Barry University • Ethical issue: Please describe the ethical issue that you have identified. Describe the who, what, where, why, and when. The ethical dilemma facing BP is how to balance profit maximization and at the same time be responsible for the environment and society. Several events have affected BP in recent years but none has challenged the balance between profit and environment responsibility like the Gulf oil spill. This event, recognized as the worst oil spill in the History of the United States, occurred on April 20th of 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico and was characterized by an explosion following an integrity failure of a well and a consequent 87 day spill of oil into the sea (BP, 2010). Eleven people were killed in the explosion and it is estimated that almost 5 million barrels of crude oil dispersed into the Gulf Sea (The Ocean Portal Team, 2010). Tony Hayward, the CEO of BP at the time of the oil spill incident, downplayed the effects of the oil leak in the environment and society, stating, “The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean“ (Webb, 2010). Previous events had caused concerns among authorities on the possibility of BP not doing the appropriate maintenance of its old system of wells. In fact, in 2004 the company was fined for $1.2 million by state regulators (Barringer, 2006) and in 2006 for $2.4 million by the labor department also because of unsafe practices (Pulham, Hilaire, & Fenn, 2010). In addition, reports...
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...[pic] Term Paper On “Price behavior on Edible Oil” Submitted to:- Prof. Dr. Baqui Khalily (Course Teacher) Micro /Managerial Economics United International University Submitted by:- ID: - 112113042 SEC:- A Submission Date: -April 28, 2011 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Firstly, all praise to almightily Allah who gives me strength to complete this report, I would like to pay my gratitude and respect to some important person for their own co-operation. Then I am very grateful to our course teacher, who gave me this opportunity for preparing this report of “Price Behavior on Edible Oil” Beside, that, he guided us to prepare this report in an organized manner. I am also very pleased to him for giving clear concept about this topic. Secondly I want to say that I am doing great deal of hard work for preparing this report. I have collected information from different shop and from different types of journal for this report. Finally, I am indebted to them who have directly and indirectly assisted me in conducting the study. I again want to give my cordial love and respect the honorable course teacher because from him I have learned a great deal of things related it this report’s hope that this report has been prepared for the fulfillment of the course requirement. LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL April 28, 2011 Prof. Dr. Baqui Khalily (Course Teacher) Micro/ managerial Economics ...
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...Ancient Chinese Contributions Kenneth Smith Professor Maxine Brown HUM 111-World Cultures I November 29, 2012 The Ancient Chinese culture has contributed in many ways to the way of life today as we know it. Upon completion of this paper, I will have identified eight to ten useful inventions or contributions that are used in the world today. Some of these inventions include the compass, gunpowder, row planting, deep drilling, and toilet paper and so on. Within those eight to ten inventions, I will choose four that I believe are the most innovative. Row Planting (Feudal period – 6th Cent BC) The Chinese started planting crops in rows sometime in the 6th century BC. This allows the crops to grow stronger and faster. It facilitates more planting, weeding, harvesting and watering. There is also documentation that they realize that as wind travels over the rows of plants there is less damage. This obvious development was not instituted in the western world for another 2200 years. (Steven H 2009) Compass (Feudal period – 4th Cent BC) The Chinese developed a lodestone compass to indicate direction sometime in the 4th century BC. These compasses were south pointing and primarily used on land as divination tools and direct finders. Written in the 4th century BC, in the Book of the Devil Valley Master it is written: “lodestone makes iron come or attracts it”. The spoons were made of lodestone, while the plates were of bronze. Thermo-remanence needles were being produced for...
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...the Study Paper comes from trees. In today’s electronic age, people are starting to consider going paperless. But there’s still a long way to go before we lose our dependence on this very important human product. From our newspapers to our paper wrappings, paper is still everywhere and most of them are ending up in our landfills creating a staggering amount of paper waste. There was a time when paper was a rare and precious commodity. Now it fills out planet. It was initially invented as a tool for communication, but today, paper is used more for packaging. To produce paper takes twice the energy used to produce a plastic bag. (Wikipedia: Environmental Impact of Paper) Have the things listed below ever crossed your mind? If not, let us share with you these interesting paper waste facts. We are so used to seeing products in their completed form that we seldom think of how they are made and what happens after we dispose of them. • Recycling 1 ton of paper saves around 682.5 gallons of oil, 26,500 liters of water and 17 trees. (www.id2.ca/downloads/eco-design-paper-facts.pdf) • 324 liters of water is used to make 1 kilogram of paper. (www.id2.ca/downloads/eco-design-paper-facts.pdf) • Lessening of paper waste usage was predicted due to the electronic revolution. It didn’t happen. Demand for paper is expected to double before 2030. (http://www.theworldcounts.com/stories/Paper-Waste-Facts) • 93% of paper comes from trees. (http://www.theworldcounts.com/stories/Paper-Waste-Facts) ...
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...The price in oil has dropped so much in the past 3 month, which is way better than it rising I would say. One reason it’s dropped is because the price of the barrel has dropped about $20 dollars each. It’s about 50 something dollars a barrel right now, it used to be about 70 something before June. It’s a good thing, but Saudi Arabia could push other competitors away because they’re the ones selling the oil cheapest. There is a lot of oil being made that is why prices are dropping because they have too much of it. A drop in prices mean they won’t drill as many wells for the oil, but that has yet to be seen. There will come a day though when the ‘boom’ in oil will end, just no telling when. We would all love it to go down and stay down but we know that never happens. Gas hasn’t been this cheap since 2009- 2010. Which is a long time coming. I hope it continues to drop I’ve never seen gas lower than 1.59 a gallon. I want to live to say I remember when gas was .99 cents boy. There is no telling what the price will be when we get 20 years down the road because I know there is going to have to be less oil. I wish they would come out with something soon that’s better than oil. There is a reason the earth needs that oil and if it’s all gone one day who knows what might happen to the earth. It isn’t just made in the earth for nothing that’s for sure. Even though gas has dropped companies just won’t pick up and leave because they have invested millions of dollars in the well they dig. In...
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...Black Gold HST 370.05 Prof. Hoikkala October 19, 2015 In Oil! by Upton Sinclair, published by Penguin Books, Sinclair writes to expose the corrupt oil industry in California through the education of both readers and main character, Bunny Ross, on the proceedings for success in the oil business, including bribery and propaganda. Through the start of the book, the reader learns that the main characters father is a rising business man on the verge of becoming a magnate, although only through bribery of politicians and land proctors. Unfortunately Bunny sees both from a upper class and a lower class frame of reference and does not wish to abuse his power and take advantage of the lower class, yet still become a rich individual such as his father. This battle between the classes is seen with Bunny’s fight in favor of workers unions and against religion, using propaganda to aide him. I chose to write on this novel because I was familiar with Sinclair’s work in The Jungle, and after researching more about this book and his inclusion into the real-time history of California and how big of an impact Sinclair caused, I couldn’t choose another book to interest me as much as Sinclair engages his readers. The idea of capitalism and the processes in its execution always grab my attention due to their need for wealth and lack of inclusion from outside aide in order to better increase their wealth. Sinclair is also excellent in his ability to give a rich character development, leaving...
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...I carried information about all below items from Metro departmental store Tokar niaz bag Lahore. The information’s are as follows, * Alakozai tea Alokozay Tea produces the purest & finest tea products that make up a variety of black teas, green teas, flavored teas and herbal infusions. Each one is distinct in taste and unique in aroma, with flavors that cannot be replicated. Uncompromising in our approach to quality, we only use the top leaves of the tea plant. * Reem basmati Rice Produced by ; Reem Rice Mills Price; 82 per kg In the province of west Punjab in Pakistan, the delta of Rivers Ravi & Chenab consisting of Districts of Sheikhupura, Sialkot, Gujranwala & Lahore has been gifted by nature with special alluvial clayey soil which irrigated by perennial waters of these rivers nurtured by monsoons during Paddy season in July & August, gives birth to finest Basmati Rice with its aroma, elongation & fluffiness upon cooking. It is in this delta that Basmati Rice is grown from centuries, which is not only the folklore of Punjab but also is the heritage of Pakistan. * Tefal kettle Price; 1200RS tefal is a French cookware and small appliance manufacturer owned by Groupe SEB. Prepare hot drinks in style with one of the attractive kettles. * Luminarc plate set Price; 1199Rs Luminarc is the oldest brand currently sold by Arc, launched in 1948. Arc International is a French manufacturer and distributor of household goods. ...
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...Packages Limited is an integrated packaging company, established in 1957 as a joint venture between the Ali Group of Pakistan and Akerlund & Rausing of Sweden. Incorporated in Pakistan, the company produces paper and paper-board products, provides customised packaging material for consumer goods industry, and produces consumer products like tissues, towels and napkins. In 1968, Packages established its first pulp and paper mill having capacity of 24,000 tons per annum, with IFC's participation. In 1981, the company modified its paper machine to produce tissues, and launched the "Rose Petal" brand. Later, it started producing toilet paper, kitchen roll and table napkins too. In 1986, Packages established a flexible packaging unit to meet the increasing demand of sophisticated packaging. In 1995, Tri-Pack Films Limited was established as a joint venture with Mitsubishi Corporation of Japan for the manufacture of Polypropylene films in NWFP. Packages also established Packages Lanka (Private) Limited in Sri Lanka which started manufacturing flexible packaging material in 1998. Packages launched the Bulleh Shah Paper Mill project in 2005 to expand the paper & paper-board capacity to 300,000 tons per annum. The project completed in 2009. In 2008, the company installed a new tissue paper manufacturing machine with a capacity of 31,000 tons. During CY11, capacity...
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...Printmaking is an interesting way to create art. The process of Printmaking is done by transferring ink to a matrix which then presses the ink down onto paper or a material of choice. The first origins of printmaking date back to the 5th century. A few centuries later, printmaking made an appearance in Europe in the 15th century. When paper was imported from the east, printmaking took off. Printmaking has evolved since then. Printmaking has many different types of categories. One type of printing is Woodcut. This process is done by carving the image into a block of wood. When the carving is finished, the ink is then transferred onto the wood to get into the carving. Last, it is printed on paper. This was first seen in China in the 5th century when people carved characters and images into...
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...Crackers __________ _____ Chips _____________ _____ Other _____________ CANNED/sauces _____ Tomato ____Paste ____ Puree ____Diced _____Sauce ____Whole ___Stewed _____ Prego Spaghetti Sauce _____ Marinara Sauce Veggies _____ Beans_______________ _____ Green Beans__________ _____ Corn ________________ _____ Other _______________ __________________________ Meats____________________ Fruits ____________________ __________________________ Soups _____Cream of Mushroom _____ Cr. of Celery _____ Cr. of Chicken _____ Tomato _____ Progresso Other _____________________ Dry Goods _____ Minute Rice _____ Spaghetti _____ Beans _____________ _____ Pasta_______________ Spices/Baking _____ Shortening (Crisco) _____ Olive Oil _____ Flour [all purpose] _____ Sugar _____ Splenda _____ Baking Powder ___Soda _____ Salt/Pepper __________ _____ Gravy Mix ___________ _____ Pudding _____________ _____ Jell-O _______________ _____ Other _______________ Dressings/Syrups _____ Ketchup ____ Mustard _____ Miracle Whip Light _____ Jelly/Jam ____________ _____ Salad Dressing _______ _____ Peanut Butter_________ _____ Pickles ________ Relish _____ Syrup______________ _____ A1 Sauce___ Heinz 57 _____ Picante Sauce _____ Olives BL___ - GR___ _____ Vinegar...
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