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Printmaking Research Paper

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Printmaking is an interesting way to create art. The process of Printmaking is done by transferring ink to a matrix which then presses the ink down onto paper or a material of choice. The first origins of printmaking date back to the 5th century. A few centuries later, printmaking made an appearance in Europe in the 15th century. When paper was imported from the east, printmaking took off. Printmaking has evolved since then. Printmaking has many different types of categories. One type of printing is Woodcut. This process is done by carving the image into a block of wood. When the carving is finished, the ink is then transferred onto the wood to get into the carving. Last, it is printed on paper. This was first seen in China in the 5th century when people carved characters and images into …show more content…
It was used to make scrolls and writings. In the 1400s' the European started to use woodcut. It was used to display religious subject and text. Intaglio is a method where ink is put right under the matrix. It is then applied onto the material. Engraving and etching are types of the intaglio printing. The process of etching was invented by Daniel Hopfer in Germany. To make an etching, you are to take a metal plate(copper, zinc or steel) and cover it in waxy acrylic. Then the wax is drawn through with an etching needle. After, it is dropped into an acid bath to get rid of the wax and it leaves behind the lines etched into the metal. Lastly, it is inked and printed. This technique was especially used by Rembrandt. Etching can also be done on Plexiglass. A picture can be drawn and then etched into the Plexiglass. The etch is inked and after, the ink is wiped off. It is then applied to a damp piece of paper and put through a presser. The presser pushed the ink into the paper to make a print. The process of etching is mostly used today to make prints and certificates. Engraving was used to create decoration by

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